Create Videos in Minutes with Mysimpleshow This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Videos are becoming such important tools for teachers, but one thing that stops many of us from using videos is making them: With all the other things we have to do, there’s very little time to find the right video creation tool, learn how to use it, then actually create the videos. If you want to get started quickly, or if you’ve already been creating videos but are ready for something new, mysimpleshow may be the perfect tool for you. Before I show you how it works, here’s a sample of a finished mysimpleshow video: Mysimpleshow works a little differently from other video-creation tools. Step 1: Writing the Script First, you write out your whole script. I chose the storyline called “Introduce a Physical Law” and got this template (below), which walked me through the steps of creating a video that effectively teaches this kind of content. Step 2: Image Selection The images chosen by mysimpleshow can be replaced with others from the library.
Quizzes | Free Online Quiz Maker| ExamTime Our Quiz tool, part of, was specifically designed to help you study and prepare you for exams. It enables you to test your own knowledge and practice exam questions. We have different question types that help keep you engaged and test what you’ve studied. Having this free tool at your disposable will greatly improve your chances of achieving exam success. To help you along the way we also have extensive sharing features so you and your friends can challenge each other. Want to create your own Online Quiz with GoConqr? Get Started Now.
A Free Student Response System for Teachers ExitTicket Systems Level Student Response Solution Kabarettist bzw. Komiker in Hannover, Niedersachsen - Kabarettisten bzw. Komiker | eventpeppers Große Auswahl an Künstlern Auf eventpeppers, dem großen Portal für Musiker, Unterhaltungskünstler und Tänzer, finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Kabarettisten bzw. Komikern rund um Hannover, Niedersachsen. Kostenlos. Keine Buchungsgebühren, keine Registrierung nötig! Bei eventpeppers fallen für Sie keine Buchungsgebühren an. Professionell, mit Bewertungen Die Künstler werden auf der Plattform professionell präsentiert - Bewertungen und Erfahrungen anderer Nutzer inklusive. Showkünstler für jeden Anlaß Egal ob Hochzeit, Firmenfeier, Party, Weihnachtsfeier oder Betriebsfeier - feiern Sie mit Stil und buchen Sie Ihre individuelle Live-Show mit eventpeppers. Und es kann losgehen... Kabarettisten bzw.
Évaluation FLE - DELF DALF - TCF - TEF - TFI - CECR - Test de français - Test your level in French - Evaluation de français Accepter En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies qui permettent d'assurer le bon fonctionnement du site, de personnaliser les annonces et d'analyser le trafic. En savoir plus Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Apprendre le français Learn French Aprender francés Französisch lernen Apprendre le français Évaluation - Testez votre niveau de français Didactique de l'évaluation Évaluation › Testez votre niveau de français Grammaire et conjugaison Pourquoi apprendre le français ? Apprendre le français › Quel type d'apprenant êtes-vous ? Testez votre niveau de français Théories de l'apprentissage Outil d'évaluation › Le cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues CECRL Méthodologies > Approche actionnelle Évaluation › DELF DALF Alphabétisation > Evaluation : DILF Diplôme initial de langue française Évaluation › TCF Test de connaissance du français & TEF Test d'évaluation de français Évaluation › DFP - TFI - TFLF - Examens d'université - Bac - GCSE French
: Home Teacher Resources: Quizinator for Teachers, Instructors, and HomeSchoolers Know Students Better: 15 Tools for Formative Assessment When teachers know their students well, they can build strong connections that lead to better learning. Knowing students’ interests, strengths, and weaknesses help teachers tailor learning experiences for their students. Formative assessment involves the teacher collecting information about what students know, don’t know, and want to learn. This information takes many forms, including observations, exit tickets, discussions, games, and quizzes. There is a very wide variety of digital formative assessment tools that can be used for free (often charging for extra features). One of the biggest advantages to using these kinds of tools is that they give every student in a class a voice.
10 Great Web Tools for Creating Digital Quizzes June 20, 2016 Over the last couple of years, we have reviewed a wide variety of educational web tools to use to create digitally based quizzes. Below is a collection of some of the most popular quizzing tools we have covered so far. Be it a flipped, blended, virtual or even traditional classroom, the tools below will enable you to easily create interactive quizzes, questionnaires and polls to share with students in class. Have a look and share with us your feedback. FlipQuiz is a web tool that allows teachers to easily create gameshow-style boards for test reviews in the classroom. 2- PurposeGames PurposeGames is a website for engaging learners through creating and playing games.As a teacher you can use PurposeGames to create a variety of game-based quizzes. 3- Riddle Riddle is an excellent web tool for teachers. This is a cool web tool to use to create quizzes and assess your students. Add 3 questions or 30. 7- JeopardyLabs Quizlet is a great website for students and educators.
Créer un formulaire en ligne Vous souhaitez proposer facilement et rapidement des petits questionnaires à vos élèves, aux parents d’élèves ou encore à vos collègues ? Vous aimeriez pouvoir facilement analyser les réponses ?C’est par ici ! Comment faire Créer un compte Google Drive pour l’enseignant ou l’école : Google Drive Créer un nouveau document "formulaire" (FORMS) Donner un nom au questionnaire Remplir l’intitulé des questions et des aides éventuelles Choisir parmi les différents types de questions (texte, choix multiple....) Visualiser le formulaire Afficher les résultats dans une nouvelle feuille de calcul Activité en classe Cette démarche pourra tout à fait être utilisée dans le cadre d’un exercice à réaliser par des élèves de CM, dans le cadre d’un travail sur les sondages ou au cours d’un travail de journaliste.
6 tools for real formative assessment Delivering formative assessments is made easier with classroom technology tools As education policy moves away from the much-maligned No Child Left Behind and toward new legislation focusing on learning outcomes, technology-enabled formative assessments are moving to the foreground as a way to gauge student learning in real time. Assessments have long presented a challenge for educators in their various forms and frequency. Under the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the summative assessment pressure of NCLB eases and formative assessments become more important. Research indicates formative assessments still deliver needed data to educators, who, when equipped to properly interpret and use data, can adjust their instruction depending on students’ needs. “We need a combination of one-demand performance–summative assessments–and formative assessments, which are small building blocks of understanding along the way,” Creel said.