23 Amazing Bedrooms with a Panoramic View of the Ocean Freshome Home Bedroom Design Ideas, Pictures and Decor 23 Amazing Bedrooms with a Panoramic View of the Ocean 23 Amazing Bedrooms with a Panoramic View of the Ocean Share on FacebookShare on Twitter Beachfront properties are very desirable for a lot of people because they’re regarded as a rare commodity. However the current foreclosure crisis has made now the perfect time to invest in a beautiful piece of beach front property. Amazing Residence with a Panoramic View of Beverly Hills ♥If you enjoyed this article, please share it on: Get Updates (it's free) Enter your email to get FREE blog updates Ready for more amazing design ideas? Comments: Add a Comment with Facebook Add a Comment Submit your design Most viewed: ★ Featured Day Week Latest articles let's connect! Keep up with the news here About Freshome let's connect Twitter Facebook Launched in 2007, Freshome is a weblog devoted to uncovering (and sharing) the latest and greatest products in Architecture and Design. For more check our about page.
More Stupid Cat So there's this cat food commercial. Maybe you've seen it. A cat wanders into an empty kitchen and ambles toward a can of Friskies cat food. Then a mysterious portal opens up. The cat leaps through the portal, and finds herself in a brightly colored fantasy land. And even though it's only a 60-second commercial, this stoned cat manages to have a complete adventure, by land and by sea. Her journey eventually comes full circle, and a new portal leads the cat home, where she scarfs down some brown mush in a bowl. Seeing pet food commercials always makes me miss my cat Lola, this commercial in particular. Last time I was home, I brought her a little mouse toy full of catnip. After that she picked up the mouse in her teeth, carried over to the couch, and rolled around for several minutes in a hazy delirium. "No more drugs for you, cat," I said, and put the mouse on top of the fridge. Later that afternoon I let Lola outside for a bit. "Oh my god, Lola," I said.
Moms and their babies. Amanda Bynes and her Publicist SCORE 196 Trololololo... SCORE 217 Day 46. Typewriter art by Keira Rathbone. Santa knows me. "You like stuff" SCORE 255 And now you know... Older Sibling Win! SAN FRANCISCO – StumbleUpon, the big content referral engine, in which new content discoveries aka "stumbles" are referred to others, is moving directly into video discovery with a new video player and strategy. Last month at the New Tee Vee LIve conference in San Francisco, our correspondent Jamison Tilsner interviewed Oliver Hsiang, Director of Strategic Partnerships about the new initiative. He explains how StumbleUpon is working with various video publishers in getting content onto it site. Publishers are up on the platform including Funny or Die, YouTube, Hulu and TED. He tells Beet.TV that the Stumble video platform will soon be distributed via Apps and on devices. In his report, New Tee Vee's Ryan Lawler likens the new discovery engine Pandora, his headline reads: StumbleUpon Wants to be the Pandora of Video. The San Francisco-based company was acquired then later sold by eBay last April. Andy Plesser Note: Correspondent Jamison Tilsner is the Video Evangelist for Kantar Video.
The System 472: Road Sage UPDATE: The Quirky Nomads Podcast has made this comic into a radio production! More info here » ALSO: Now avaiable as an 11×17 print! This is a followup to one of the more popular comics in the archive, famously featuring “figure out purple”. Hitting conflict in the face with more conflict never seems to help, as both sides immediately identify the other as the enemy and shut off any ability to listen to reason. I’d like to point out where this comic starts, “when someone yells at you from their car”. UPDATE: Thanks for all the love on the comic! You can also buy this t-shirt about biking:
10 Strangest Animal Incidents Sheep Abseiled Down Electricity Cable After Snagging Its Horn This hapless sheep has become a real life 'ram-bo' after inadvertently abseiling down a hill when its horn became snagged on an electricity wire.The unfortunate sheep was spotted bleating for help more than 15 feet above the ground next to a telegraph pole. Luckily it did not catch the current from the wire. The drama unraveled at the small town of Helgoysund on the Norwegian coast. Tiny Chihuahua Blown Away by Strong Wind The Utleys of Waterford Township, MI, had set up a booth at a flea market when Tinker Bell, a 6-pound Chihuahua who had been standing on top of it, just flew away like a flimsy piece of paper dragged by 70-mile-an-hour winds. Puppy Survives Miraculously After Swallowing a 10 Inch Toy Arrow Puppies are known for chewing and eating everything and anything. Bird With Cigarette Caused a £250,000 Fire A cigarette loving sparrow is being blamed for a fire that caused £250,000 of damage to a shop in Lincolnshire.
36 Pictures That Look Photoshopped – But Are Not The power of Photoshop is amazing, but still it doesn’t beat the power of imagination. Although many photos taken by professional photographers and enhanced in Photoshop can be absolutely stunning, the photos taken wisely and in a creative manner are even more impressive. Today’s showcase is dedicated to such photos, the ones that make people skeptical about not being manipulated and still they are genuine and impressive. They can be really inspiring and a pride to every photographer’s portofolio, no matter if they are funny, dramatic or just miracles of nature. Salar de Uyuni Water Fairy Burn the Sky Roof Dancers Infinite Possibilities Gelato di Nuvola God’s Canvas Please Don Not Fall, Cloud Lending a Helping Hand Cloud Dragon Falling Up Escape from Fairytale Land Morning Mood Got You Now Playing with Perspective Revenge Hot Dog More than a Mouthful Stool Camel Kisser There Is No Spork In Memoriam Jump from the Ship Rubber Duck Watusi Bull Volcanic Lightning Weather Phenomena Infamous Guatemala Sinkhole Last Drop
Promote Your Blog By Writing Articles When I first started my blog, I had zero traffic. Besides some friends and mostly family it was hard to get people to visit. I began to research other options that might allow me to start getting traffic. I come in contact with so many people who are really intelligent in many areas. Why not write articles about the things that you are good at? Do you like to garden? Writing articles generates traffic to your blog or website, and with some sites you can create backlinks which can boost your search engine ranking. Backlinks are links that direct readers back to your site. Here is a list of Social Sites that you can start with that pay you to promote your blog.
10 Best Places to Live for Escaping World Conflict Where would you be the safest if World War 3 broke out tomorrow? Perhaps it’s a grim subject, but safety and distance from world conflict can be a motivating factor in your choice to expatriate. At the very least, conflict around the world can weigh heavy on the soul, and it’s nice to know there are some places still left in the world where you might be left in peace. 10. Switzerland’s long history of neutrality and its tucked away location among the valleys of the Alps still make it a safe bet, even despite having a high number of bordering nations. 9. Costa Rica has a stable democracy, a disbanded military and a national policy of neutrality. 8. There are regions of Papua New Guinea that are still being discovered for the first time. 7. Canada is the second largest nation in the world, yet it only shares a land border with one other country– the U.S.A.– and it is a peaceful border. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Comments
Tidbits And Other Money Making Ideas Wolverine Alphabet Gallery @omgwtflolbbqbye: yeah I thought so too cause black widow at B made sense and I figured A was some Japanese thing I wasn't aware of, that being said man that stuff looks sweet. Hulk looks more like Grendle and is that Wolvie with a Cap outfit or is that bucky? @omgwtflolbbqbye: Right! X should of had Weapon X, not Dr. Strange. On a side note. ATTN: Sony and friends, Send the mutants and all-around awesome heroes home where they belong.
Coolest. Stage. Ever | Nov 29, 2010 Nov 29, 2010 Check out this incredible floating stage on Lake Constance in Bregenz, Austria. The Bregenzer Festspiele (Bregenz Festival) has become renowned for its unconventional staging of shows.