La nouvelle servitude volontaire. Enquête sur le projet politique de la Silicon Valley - FYP Editions - Editeur indépendant. Prospective et questions de société La nouvelle servitude volontaire. Enquête sur le projet politique de la Silicon Valley de Philippe Vion-Dury en librairie le 12 octobre 2016 Avec comme crédo la volonté de changer le monde, c’est au coeur de la Silicon Valley que se façonne la société numérique. Portées par une spectaculaire réussite économique, les entreprises de haute technologie veulent dessiner un monde meilleur en prenant en main la majorité des aspects de notre quotidien, en généralisant la prédiction algorithmique. L’homme devient intégralement transparent, immatériel. Avec rigueur et précision, Philippe Vion-Dury révèle que les technologies sont porteuses d’une idéologie et d’un projet de civilisation. Philippe Vion-Dury est essayiste, journaliste, chroniqueur, spécialiste des questions de société, des nouveaux modèles économiques et des technologies. Broché : 256 pages Éditeur : FYP Éditions Collection : Présence Prix public TTC : 20 Langue : Français. WordPress: J'aime chargement… Sur le même thème
Power and Systems - Organization Workshop This is a workshop that changes people. And organizations. See the impact new perspectives had on these graduates. If you are having problems viewing this video, you can download the full video by clicking here. Using unique, immersive exercises and strategic frameworks grounded in our proven methodology, the Organization Workshop shapes leaders with lasting impact. How it works The Organization Workshop gets to the heart of partnership in organization life – why partnership is critical to organizational success, what gets in the way of it developing, and the role of leaders in making it happen. In combination with these engaging, high-energy activities, there are practical strategic frameworks based on the work of Barry Oshry. This total immersion experience gets participants thinking in their heads and feeling it in the guts, producing a lasting impact that carries over to all the critical change and growth initiatives they are involved in. At the Organization Workshop participants:
untitled The Gallup Path by Gagandeep Anand on Prezi Quarante ans de belgitude. Nommer l’indéfinissable ? En novembre 1976, Pierre Mertens et Claude Javeau questionnaient l’identité belge [1], chacun à travers le prisme qui était le sien, les lettres pour l’un, la sociologie pour l’autre. Cette interrogation surgissait dans une décennie qui s’était ouverte sur une première réforme de l’État ayant donné naissance aux communautés culturelles. De leurs contributions au dossier intitulé Une autre Belgique, un terme naissait : la belgitude. Face à la tâche ardue de définir ce que signifie « être belge » et à la tentation d’une définition en creux, Pierre Mertens décrivait la Belgique comme une « terre d’exil, d’exil intérieur » où le Belge se vivrait « comme un nègre blanc ». Il nous a semblé important, quarante ans plus tard, de revenir sur l’invention du terme belgitude et de l’interroger au présent. Dans « Les avatars d’un néologisme », Jacques De Decker décrit la genèse et l’évolution de ce terme né dans le microcosme de l’intelligentsia bruxelloise francophone.
A Beginners Guide to Organization Development « Organisation Development Planned ActivityEffects Entire OrganizationRequires Support from All LevelsAims to improve Organizational Effectiveness and HealthGoals Flow from Deliberate Interventions Initiated in Response to Need/Problem like Turnover, Absenteeism,Low Job SatisfactionOften conducted by Outside Consultant-Gives IndependenceViews Organization as a System- InterdependenceInvolves Extensive Planning: deal with Resistance, Systematic Diagnosis, Develop Change PlanBased on Behavioral Science Knowledge: large Range AvailableProcess Often Experiential To construct a great Organization which will nurture and grow the Human Spirit so that the Organization will remain relevant and fit for its constituents. To ensure the organization’s strategic ambition can be delivered to ensure during turbulent change, the organization capability is maintained, aligned and improved and to ensure the organization’s health is maintained or further developed through a planned change effort. Behavioural Approach Technical Approach
Types of Organizational Designs Types of Organizational Designs Organizational designs fall into two categories, traditional and contemporary. Traditional designs include simple structure, functional structure, and divisional structure. Contemporary designs would include team structure, matrix structure, project structure, boundaryless organization, and the learning organization. I. 1. 2. 3. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Process Audit This purpose of this article is to describe a framework Hammer refers to as the Process and Enterprise Maturity Model (PEMM). The model emphasizes a whole systems' view where managers think in terms of end-to-end processes rather than activities or functions, and develop process oriented people rather than supervising and rewarding people for focusing on narrow functional goals. The model includes five process enablers and four enterprise capabilities. The process enablers include: Design - how the process is to be executed, Performers - the knowledge and skills of the people involved, Owner - the senior executive responsible for the process, Infrastructure - the systems that support the process, and Metrics - the measurements used to track the performance of the process. The four enterprise capabilities are: A table based on the process enablers is presented to facilitate an assessment of the maturity of a company's processes (See pp. 116-117). Related articles and summaries:
The Copernican Revolution In Management Earlier this week, the Financial Times published a pair of important articles that asked why leading business schools are still teaching one of the obsolete pillars of 20th Century management, namely, that the goal of a firm is to maximize short-term shareholder value: “While there is growing consensus that focusing on short-term shareholder value is not only bad for society but also leads to poor business results, much MBA teaching remains shaped by the shareholder primacy model.” The FT concludes that moving away from this model will be difficult “for reasons ranging from the tenure system to institutional inertia.” However it’s not just the individual impediments that hold back change. The transition will be more disruptive. The shift is as fundamental in scope and implications as the Copernican Revolution in astronomy. The Copernican Revolution in management The Revolution in astronomy: a social change Eventually, the Church grasped the seriousness of the threat. But it was too late.
ABOUT SAHAR - Sahar Hashemi A former lawyer, she started two ground-breaking businesses: the UK’s first coffee bar chain, Coffee Republic, which she grew to 110 stores and a £50 million market cap, and Skinny Candy, a market segment-defining brand of sugar-free sweets. Her first book, ANYONE CAN DO IT became a bestseller by demystifying the idea that entrepreneurship is an innate trait. Her latest, START UP FOREVER, stems from her experience working with large corporations over the last decade and addresses one of the most pressing questions now facing large organisations: how to be more entrepreneurial. Full biography (pdf) | Awards