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Wtree - Organize your web

Wtree - Organize your web

Mind42: Free online mind mapping software Loomio - An Occupy-Inspired App That Helps Groups Make Actual Group Decisions If you've ever tried to make a tough decision with a group of people online, then you've most likely done one of two things. You may have had a discussion over email, in which case the conversation has gotten very messy and it becomes difficult to suss out exactly where everyone stands. Or, you could have tried a poll, which doesn't give the opportunity for re-working proposals based on feedback. Neither of these options really unleashes the creative power of individuals working collaboratively to solve a problem. Loomio is an open-source app that allows people to propose their own solutions to questions raised by their community. If you participated in or paid any attention to the Occupy movement(s), you no doubt came across the hand signals used in the General Assemblies, those silly-looking but surprisingly effective gestures that quickly denoted how people are feeling about a topic of discussion. The problem with those hand gestures is that they only really work in person.

Mind Mapping Software - Create Mind Maps online Spicynodes Pourquoi le Mindmapping est-il si efficace pour étudier Pourquoi dit-on que le Mindmapping peut aider les étudiants ? Est-ce vraiment si efficace ? Et si oui, pourquoi ? A ces questions, on peut répondre sans hésitation : OUI, le Mindmapping est une méthode efficace pour étudier. La vue : le sens dominant d’une majorité de personnes Une étude de Linda Kreger Silverman, Docteur en psychologie de l’Université du Colorado, menée sur 750 élèves, a démontré qu’environ 30% d’entre eux utilisaient fortement le canal visuel-spatial, 25 % d’entre eux utilisaient principalement le canal auditif-séquentiel, et 45% utilisent les deux ensemble. Ce qui veut dire que l’enseignement actuel, basé principalement sur les mots, répond vraiment aux besoins de 25% de la population scolaire! Répartition des canaux sensoriels dominants Une méthode qui sollicite tous nos sens ! Par son utilisation de mots-clés, d’associations et de relations entre les concepts stimule également l’utilisation du canal auditif et de l’intelligence verbale. Vous avez aimé cet article ?

4 Principles of Information Architecture The way you organize content on your site does a number of things. It gives immediate clues to what your site is about, it helps people find the information they’re looking for, and it anticipates how people want to interact with that information. It can even help people process your information deeper and better. Beyond usability, information architecture has implications for search engines. Just as your content organization tells people what your site is about, it tells search engines what your site is about. It gives them clues as to what keyword themes the site is relevant for. Information architecture sits at the foundation of successful web design. Over the next few weeks I want to look at information architecture and how we can best organize our content so it’s more usable for visitors and so it helps instead of hinders your seo. 8 Principles of Information Architecture We’ll look at the first 4 of these principles today and continue with the last 4 next week. Summary

Mind Mapping Collaboratif avec Visual Root Vous pouvez explorer la carte complète ici Visual Root est un logiciel gratuit et en ligne qui permet de créer collaborativement des cartes heuristiques comportant vidéos, images et texte. Les cartes réalisées sous Visual Root sont en quelque sorte des conversations, chacun pouvant en lancer une sous forme de map et les autres internautes vont alors pouvoir commenter, ajouter des éléments et des réponses. C'est un outil très intéressant pour le brainstorming, on peut d'un seul coup d'oeil voir quels sont les éléments qui ont reçus le plus de votes favorables et comment ils sont connectés. Une des foncions les plus intéressantes de Visual Root est sa capacité d'exporter les maps au format FreeMind, un avantage car la plupart des logiciels de mind mapping importent ce format. Visual Root est aussi disponible en tant qu'application Google Chrome sur le Chrome Web Store.

Welkin What is this? Welkin is a graph-based RDF visualizer. What's New in Version 1.1 Works on Windows, Linux and MacOSX. Ok, how do I run it? The easiest way is to run Welkin thru Java WebStart. If the application doesn't start when you click the link above, you don't have Java WebStart installed in your machine. Cool, now what? Welkin visualizes RDF models. A word of warning: above 1000 nodes, real-time drawing performance degrades dramatically even on beefy machines. How can I learn more about it? The best way is to read the Welkin User Guide. Where do I download it? You can obtain Welkin in two different ways: In case you want to download the files from the repository (for example, if you want to have the latest and greatest development snapshot), you need to have a Subversion client installed. svn co welkin at the command line and the latest welkin distribution will appear in the "welkin" directory. Licensing and legal issues Credits

Curation in the Age of Abundance “A curator is an information chemist. He or she mix atoms together in a way to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” – Scoble One of some buzzwords from SXSWEDU 2012 is “educators as curators”. With lots of Web2.0 curation tools available, what does it mean to be a curator? In this age of information abundance, curation is to leaverage this abundance effectively, we think there are many purposes of curation, here are some situations: - collecting relevant resources or tools for later use, from infinite abundance (sometimes you can’t find a link anymore after leaving it) - organizing texts and resources for learning, educational courses offering is the typical case, while well-crafted curation led by teachers could be valuable, but without having students becoming part of the curating process, the most important part is missed If human beings need to re-invent the wheels for individual needs, then our history would be totally different.

LiveMinutes Partager vos cartes avec Mindomo Accueil > Découvrir > Exemples d’applications > Service Public > Former des enquêteurs pour le recensement de la population Le recensement de la population en France vient de commencer selon une nouvelle méthode. Comment l’expliquer aux agents chargés du recensement ? Comme vous le savez peut-être la méthode du recensement a changé en France. Au lieu d’être effectué tous les dix ans, ce qui est un écart de temps considérable si l’on veut en tirer des conséquences utiles, le recensement est maintenant réalisé de manière glissante avec un échantillon d’environ 8 % de la population interrogée chaque année. Cette nouvelle méthode devant être enseignée rapidement aux enquêteurs afin d’être mise en œuvre pour la première fois début 2004, c’est ainsi que les agents recenseurs de Saint Herblain (dans la banlieue nantaise) ont été formés tout simplement avec une simple carte heuristique coloriée à la main. Le support de formation utilisé

graphl Overview Graphl1 is a tool for collaborative editing and visualisation of graphs, representing relationships between resources or concepts of the real world. Graphl may be thought of as a visual wiki, a place where everybody can contribute to a shared repository of knowledge. Graphl builds upon RDF (the Resource Description Format), a standard for expressing the relationships of resources. While RDF specifies how to express these relationships in terms of concepts and grammar rules, Graphl focusses on visualizing these (possibly complex) networks of relationships, and allows the visual editing of such networks. Graphl requires a recent verison of the Java Plug-in to be installed on your computer. View and edit existing Graphl graphs View a graph existing on the net Simply copy the URL of an existing RDF file in the input field below to view it in Graphl: Or you can upload a local file from your computer to visualize it in Graphl: Create your own graph coming soon! Download Graphl Credits
