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Cookbook steampunk Fuel for The Boiler

Cookbook steampunk Fuel for The Boiler

Blackcurrants The most intensely coloured and flavoured of all currants, blackcurrants are highly aromatic and have a delicious tart flavour. Recent research findings suggest that eating blackcurrants can help prevent the onset of Alzheimers disease. Availability Blackcurrants are at their peak in June and July. Choose the best Look for plump, firm currants with shiny, unbroken skins. Prepare it Strip the currants from their stalks. Store it Can be kept in the fridge for several days. Cook it As blackcurrant juice, jam, tisane, jelly and in crème de cassis liquer. Alternatives Try redcurrant or pinkcurrant.

TENDER CRUMB: French Chocolate Brownies (TWD) This weeks Tuesdays With Dorie selection French Brownies comes to us courtesy of Di at Di's Kitchen Notebook . Now, I don't know of anyone who doesn't appreciate the rich decadence and deep chocolatey flavor of a brownie. From these brownie aficianados, there are definite opinions on texture (cakey vs. fudgy), type of chocolate (semi-sweet vs bittersweet), and additions (choc chips, nuts, or no additions). For me, the most important ingredient in any brownie recipe is the chocolate. The technique for this recipe is definitely different from a traditional brownie, as it requires beating the sugar and eggs in a mixer before folding in the other ingredients. I used a 9" tart pan in lieu of an 8" square pan, and ended up with a thinner layer. The verdict? Dorie suggests that this brownie goes well with some accompaniments like whipped creme fraiche or whipped cream, ice cream or chocolate sauce --- or all three! Getting ready:Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 300°F.

My FAVORITE Chocolate Chip Cookie I have experimented with countless recipes searching for that perfect chocolate chip cookie. The characteristics of the perfect cookie are a very personal matter, and here are my preferences: texture: chewy w. medium thickness --- everyone has their preference, and this is mine! chocolate to cookie ratio: 50/50 --- I really enjoy having a lot of chocolate in every bite chips vs. chunks: chunks --- I like sizeable pieces of chocolate in my cookie. type of chocolate: bittersweet --- I like using Valrhona 61% extra bitter nuts or other add-ins: NONE!! With the above criteria in mind, this recipe is the closest I've come to experiencing CCC perfection. - Don't substitute the pastry and bread flours w. - Hand chopped chocolate chunks, NOT premade chips - I will purchase a hunk of the best bittersweet chocolate that I can afford and hand cut them into chunks. - Chill the cookie dough at least 24 hours (I let my dough sit anywhere from 2-3 days) before baking.

2-Minute Chocolate Chip Cookie For One & Recipe & Zoom Yummy This is one of those ‘I-need-a-cookie-right-now-or-I-die’ recipes that can be prepared in almost no time.We all know that kind of situation, don’t we? I definitely do, I confess.And you know what? This impressive cookie not only takes less than 5 minutes to prepare, it tastes really delicious. Just like a good chocolate chip cookie.The preparation is beyond easy… just have a look… First you need this stuff. 1. 2. 3. 4. Save a few for the top, if you wish to.5. Ta-dah! 6. Simple Chocolate Truffles – 2 Ingredient Chocolate Truffles Simple Chocolate Truffles Since we've been on our little journey to cut processed foods out of our diet and sticking to eating from scratch over the last few years, I've found that as time goes by I crave less and less chocolate. Two years ago you would NEVER catch me saying something like that! I was very addicted to chocolate until I realized that with most versions I was getting headaches (from the processed sugar in them). All that being said, I still love a good chocolate treat now and again! These Simple Chocolate Truffles were the perfect solution. Super Simple Chocolate Truffles What You Need: 8 ounces Cream Cheese (softened very slightly)1/3 cup Chocolate Chips+ more Chocolate Chips for dipping Oh yes, that really is all. :) 291 Pin this recipe for later. Place the cream cheese in a bowl. Melt the 1/3 cup chocolate chips in another bowl. Pour the melted chocolate into the cream cheese. Whip the melted chocolate into the cream cheese. What is your favorite no bake summer treat?

Baked Turkey, Quinoa & Zucchini Meatballs Recipe in Lettuce Wraps Baked Turkey Meatballs, stuffed with quinoa and zucchini and served on lettuce wraps, is a recipe that will please even the pickiest eater. It’s amazing what kids will eat when you pack it in a meatball. My 8-year old son, lover of all vegetables and fruits, will not be convinced that quinoa is something that should actually be consumed by humans. Now, it helps that one their favorite dinners is Baked Teriyaki Turkey Meatballs, served over rice, alongside stir-fried veggies. Right? “Mum, these aren’t good…they’re great!” Mission accomplished. If you’re craving a light meal, wrap the meatballs in lettuce leaves with a touch of sauce. Don’t forget to enter the OXO giveaway on my post, How to: Organize Your Pantry. The recipe: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large bowl, combine ground turkey, cooked quinoa, grated onion, garlic, zucchini, parsley, dried chile flakes, soy sauce, oregano, ground pepper and egg. Mix well to combine. Other meatball recipes: Ingredients Instructions Notes

Coconut Cream Poke Cake I'm really thrilled to be sharing this next recipe. First of all, because we made it recently to celebrate my Momma's birthday. Secondly, because it's another one of those easy cakes to make but tastes outta-this-world good. Last year my Mom really wanted some Pea Pickin' Cake to celebrate her special day. And because she loves those tropical flavors so much, I decided to make her a Coconut Cream Poke Cake this year. Ingredients: 1 (18 oz.) box white cake mix ingredients needed to make cake (egg whites, oil & water) 1 (15 oz.) can Cream of Coconut 1 (8 oz) container frozen whipped topping, thawed 1 (8 oz) package sweetened flaked coconut The original recipe also called for a small can of sweetened condensed milk. You want to use Cream of Coconut -not coconut milk. Directions: Prepare and bake white cake mix according to package directions for a 9x13 pan. Remove cake from oven, and while still hot, poke holes all over the top of cake using a large fork. Then top with flaked coconut. Enjoy!

Carrot cake recipe 1. Preheat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Grease two deep 20cm round sandwich tins and line the bases of the cake tins with baking parchment. 2. Put the oil, eggs, and sugar into? 3. 4. 5.
