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Visualization Options

Data Format All the visualizations in Many Eyes accept the same data table format except 'Word Tree' and 'Phrase Net', where as, all the charts in the category 'Analyze a text' understand free text also. A data table consists of rows where the values in each row are separated by tabs. The first row of the table should be "headers" that describe the columns. The table has a header row (Fruit, Color, Calories) and two data rows. That's all there is to the basic format. A last note: before you upload data to Many Eyes, you must register and sign in. Half the fun of Many Eyes is letting others play with your data. Don't forget the units! It may be obvious to you that your numbers are in thousands of dollars. Adding more information If a time or place is important, include it in the title. Punctuation matters Currently the Many Eyes format accepts only two kinds of values: text and numbers. Don't forget the header row Null or missing data points Rows should all have the same number of items Summary rows

Visualization Challenge - Budget vs. Actual Performance | Charts Posted on March 18th, 2009 in Charts and Graphs , Featured , Learn Excel - 38 comments Update: Check out the results at Budget vs. Actual Charts Here is your chance to get a copy of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte. Reader Sumit writes in to ask, I am working on creating a visualization for data attached in the excel file (see below). Download the data in a CSV file Even though I have few ideas on visualizing budget vs. actual performance, I thought this is a great way for You, my dear reader, to share your ideas. So what are you waiting for? by Edward Tufte. Go! For inspiration and ideas visit: Stacked Bar chart techniques, 14 ways to visualize last year vs. this year performance Fine print: Upload your visualizations (preferably images) to a public image hosting service like flickr or photobucket and share the URL here. Visualizations should be made in Excel or Google docs spreadsheets Only.

Alpine Data Science Periodic Table One of the most clever giveaways at the recent Strata Conference in Santa Clara was a Periodic Table of Data Science from Alpine. At the recent Strata Conference (Feb 11-13, 2014 in Santa Clara) there were many creative give-aways companies used to attract prospects to their booth. One of the most clever was a Periodic Table of Data Science from Alpine. It divided data science operators into 7 categories: Load: Hc - copy to Hadoop, Ds - Dataset ... Explore: Bc - Bar Chart, Bp - Box Plot ... Transform: Ag - Aggregate,Co - Collapse ... Sample: Rs - Random Sampling, Ss - Stratified Sampling ... Model: Ar - Association Rules, Sr - SVM Regression ... Predict: Ad- Adaboost Predictor, Np - Neural Network Predictor ... Tools: Cm - Confusion Matrix, Gf - Goodness of Fit ... An interactive version is available at and it is intended to be used in conjunction with Alpine Chorus, which you can get for free here.

Tech unemployment higher than white-collar average February 18, 2011 06:00 AM ET IT jobs fared worse than many other professional occupations last year, according to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While the unemployment rate for all professional occupations was 4.5% in 2010, all but two categories of tech workers exceeded that number. [ See related: As cloud grows, IT hiring flatlines ] 2010 was an especially tough year to be a computer support specialist, with joblessness hitting 7.7%. In contrast, last year's unemployment rate was 4.8% for aerospace engineers, 1.5% for lawyers and 1.2% for pharmacists. One thing many tech workers don't seem to be doing in the current job market is striking out on their own, either as freelancers or contract workers. See more data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics below. Tables below the graphic are sortable by clicking column headers Tech unemployment rates Source: U.S. Tech self-employment rates Source: U.S.

gchart - Google Code Client-side GChart is a GWT chart library that supports line, pie, bar, area, and combination charts, popups, mouse events, and more. The live demo has advanced examples to illustrate what's possible. The Chart Gallery has simpler examples to help get you started. Installing gchart explains how to plug the GChart library into your application. GChart is layered on top of GWT's standard widget set. Though this approach has many advantages, high visual quality for non-rectangular curve types isn't one of them. Where's the forum? As of version 2.7, GChart releases are signed with the following PGP key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) I'm told there are people who can read these things like tea leaves. - John C. Word Cloud Description AKA Tag Clouds are a visualisation method that typically displays how frequently words appear in a given sample of text by making it proportional to the size of a word. Each word, sized on its frequency is then, typically arrange in a cluster or cloud. Word Clouds can also be used to display words that have metadata assigned to them. Colour used on Word Clouds is usually meaningless and is primarily aesthetic, but could be used to categorise words or display another data variable. Typically, Word Clouds are used on websites or blogs to depict keyword or tag usage. Although being simple and are easy to understand, Word Clouds have some major flaws: Long words are emphasised over short words Words whose letters contain many ascenders and descenders may receive more attention They're not great for analytical accuracy, so used more for aesthetic reasons instead Functions Analysing Text Comparisons Distribution / Frequency Proportions Anatomy Variations

The Dissent Of Man The science-religion debate has become increasingly polarised. Scientists like Richard Dawkins attack religion, claiming all faith is irrational because it fails the test of scientific method. Religious apologists insist that science’s inflexible reliance on logic fails to explain the complexity of the natural world. Neither extreme is particularly useful. Much of the disagreement has focussed on the idea of evolution as presented in the The Origin of Species, which contradicted the literal interpretation of the Biblical creation. This project is an attempt to explore the huge range of interpretations of Darwinism. With your help, I want to organise this material into a gradient, a sort of 'Distance from Darwin' chart. I want to celebrate Darwin's influence in a book that provides a practical account of his work while demonstrating how far his ideas have been transformed by others. Contributors

Timetric: making sense of statistics mirador mirador Mirador is a tool for visual exploration of complex datasets. It enables users to discover correlation patterns and derive new hypotheses from the data. Download 1.3 (8 December 2014) Windows Mac OS X Instructions Download the file appropriate for your operating system. About Mirador is an open source project released under the GNU Public License v2. Further reading Ebola prognosis prediction—Computational methods for patient prognosis based on available clinical data—June 9th, 2015 Ebola data release—De-identified clinical data from Ebola patients treated at the Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone between May and June of 2014—February 26th, 2015 Awards from the Department of Health and Human Services—Mirador received the third place, innovation and scientific excellence awards in the HHS VizRisk challenge—January 5th, 2015 Winning entries in the Mirador Data Competition—Read about the winning correlations submitted by Mirador users—December 1st, 2014 Citation
