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Grounded: The making of The Last of Us

Grounded: The making of The Last of Us

Game Developer Magazine Archive NOTE: You can find out how to obtain an unofficial full copy of this archive from a third-party website by reading the info found in this tread. Game Developer, an in-depth monthly magazine for exposing 'the art and business of video games', was published by UBM Tech (which also runs Game Developers Conference and from 1994 to 2013. Following the magazine's closure in July 2013, we've compiled an archive and made them freely available here for all to enjoy. Digital Edition Archives Source Code & Utilities Archive

Liquidation totale par des cybercriminels - Fantasme ou réalité ? « Korben Korben Liquidation totale par des cybercriminels – Fantasme ou réalité ? Je suis un gros fan de la série des Die Hard et si je devais établir un classement, je dirais ceci : 1er prix: Die Hard 3Second ex aequo : Die Hard 1 et 23e prix : Die Hard 4 Avec une disqualification complète de Die Hard 5. Bref, malgré les critiques de l'époque, Die Hard 4 reste un bon Die Hard, même s'il s'est un peu lissé par rapport aux 3 premiers. Les petits gars d'Arte ont voulu savoir ce qui était plausible ou pas dans un tel scénario et en ont fait un super reportage ! Vous avez aimé cet article ? Slawa Deisling's Blog - How to get on consoles as an Indie The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. My name is Slawa Deisling and I'm Co-Founder and programmer at Behind The Stone, a really small indie-studio from Hamburg, Germany. We're so indie, you probably never heard of us, and that's ok. Maybe you're asking yourself now: "Alright. No-Name indie. Besides working on our game I'm active in my local indie-dev-community as one of the organizers of our regular local meetup (if you should ever be in or around Hamburg at the right time, come and at the last one I did a talk: "How to get on consoles as an indie" Though we develop a PS Vita-exclusive title we're also licensed developers for the XONE and the WiiU. Now you might say: "Well, developing for consoles is nothing exceptional anymore, isn't it?" It is. As mentioned above getting on consoles is easier today.

Top 30 des photos les plus cools de Jacques Chirac, un président comme on n’en fait plus Vous en aviez déjà marre des photos de François Hollande et Nicolas Sarkozy, alors plutôt que d'épuiser les ressources inépuisables de la Présidentielle, pourquoi ne pas faire un petit saut dans le passé ? Le tumblr Fuck Yeah Jacques Chirac sélectionne des photos très classes de notre ancien président. Et un blog sur Chirac qui a comme slogan "smooth pimping, suave gangsterism", on ne pouvait vraiment pas passer à côté. ° Voir aussi notre top des photos improbables de François Hollande et de Barack Obama. Source : Fuck Yeah Jacques Chirac

For Amusement Only: the life and death of the American arcade If you’ve never been inside a “real” arcade, it could be hard to distinguish one from say, oh, a Dave & Buster’s. Authenticity is a hard nut to crack, but there are a few hallmarks of the video game arcade of days gone by: first, they have video games. Lots and lots of video games, and (usually) pinball machines. To say that Nolan Bushnell single-handedly created the arcade would probably be overstating it: coin-operated machines had been popular in America for decades by the time he got his start in the early '70s, and the pinball arcade had a storied (and notorious) spot in American history. Sticky TOC engaged! Youth Gone Wild Youth Gone Wild The arcade has always been aligned with the coin-operated amusements industry, and — since the birth of pinball — with youth. The first full-fledged and highly publicized legal attack on pinball came on January 21st, 1942, when New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia banned pinball in the city, ordering the seizure of thousands of machines.
