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Blog | GRAFFITI, CARS & TOYS by FLATAU/THESIGNER A few weeks ago, end of 2013, I had received a WACOM COMPANION – a device that a lot of creatives had been waiting for, so was I ! Here a little background. Over 15-years I am useing WACOM products now. So, I finally got stuck with my 21″UX WACOM Cintiq. But – when I´m on the run I was missing a digital sketching device lately. HERE comes the Wacom Companion! I tried the Companion Hybrid – but send it back, as it just didn’t feel right. SO – two days later I received the COMPANION with WINDOWS. stay tuned!

Miles Johnston Artblog Next 豆三先 文艺青年,是很多刻板人,教条主义,现实主义者对以自我为中心的浪漫主义人生观人群的粗浅定义。 真正的文艺,大象无形,存于天地间,我们说的文艺更像是孔子的道,存于民间,文艺复兴三杰,一生中也都无数次被教会包养,不接当代的地气,就无法在当代存在。 人生如游戏,每个人天赋点都是一样的,不要以为自己比别人牛逼。 常用的天赋点 潜力+3,(很多本来就不该干美术的人,后期是有希望发达的) 基本功+1(因为这点进步很快,没必要浪费点) 意识(+3)等大家的画工都修满后,比的就是这个 因时而动+2 (不闷头傻画,不让自己的劳动成果成为政客会议桌上的炮灰,太迂腐,也会被人看不起) 耳听八方+3(如果你的朋友都是同行,意识加满也没用,思维结构会很窄) 多思少行+2 真正的肥种,喝凉水都胖,你看那些靠每日一图进步成大师的人,人家不用每日也是那水平,每日 给你看的,你要也跟着无脑挥舞大笔,不多思考,就进了死胡同,这时候,会有个向导出来招手, 他叫培训班。 有效创新+3 我成天低头画,我 首先我不是法西斯 最近二胎放开,全国欢呼雀跃,也有不少人陷入了深思,众说纷纭之前,我们先看一个普通的案例。 很多人说,天朝终于取消了这个不人性的制度,其实制度人性不人性,看在什么地方,如果放在蟑螂窝里,别说计划生育,就是绝育,全国人民也赞成,但是人类,究竟比蟑螂高贵多少呢? 拿1个收入不错的工薪或者白领家庭做比方,两口之家,丁克,一套房,一辆小排量汽车,退休后2人拿钱去个小国家,房子和车卖掉,安享晚年,客死他乡,听起来很悲惨,实际是为自己而活,也没有给国家留下什么负担,弄不好还收养几个孤儿,为社会解决问题,这个家庭结束的时候占用资源是0套房,0辆车。 三口之家,为了能上更好的学校,必须去霸占一套学位房,老爸必须拼命,加班,家里就需要两辆车,孩子

Mobi Electric Folding Wheelchair by Jack Martinich The Mobi electric folding wheelchair is a powered mobility device designed to meet the lifestyle requirements of our aging population. Mobi reflects the future of products for an aging population. Stylish and convenient, it offers urban mobility alternative to bulky, generic electric scooters. For added versatility, the design of the wheelchair features an innovative folding mechanism that allows it to be folded up and stored and transported in a vehicle without any need for disassembly. To encourage user independence and promote the user to be physically active, Mobi electric folding wheelchair is controlled similarly to a traditional manual wheelchair; the user pushes on the hand rims. However, force sensors in the hand rims detect the user’s physical exertion and add additional power to the wheels. Designer : Jack Martinich (Monash Uni, Caulfield) Dimensions: 700x700x500mm. Click above image to get bigger view

Vavje Ross Dearsley Vespa's Sexy, Unpronounceable Future | Autopia By Sean Smith, Hell for Leather The Vespa Quarantasei (46 in Italian) is a concept inspired by the 1945 MP6 prototype. Times have changed, though, and engine technology has made significant advances in the last 65 years. Although the Quarantasei is a styling concept, its engine is the real deal. [partner id="hellforleather"]The new hyphen-filled motor is an air-cooled, fuel-injected three-valve four-stroke. It’ll be available in two displacements: A 125 cc putting down 11.6 horsepower and 7.6 pound-feet of torque or a 150 cc good for 13 ponies and 9.3 pound-feet. So why’s it air-cooled? Water pumps and radiators are expensive and scooters are supposed to be cheap. Looking at the shapes and textures of the concept, it’s easy to be reminded of your girlfriend’s Venus razor. The bars are swept clean of anything unnecessary and end in wing-shaped LED turn signals. Photos: Vespa

IKENAGA YASUNARI Muddy Colors Infographic Of The Day: Why Should You Care About Typography? I have a confession to make. There was a time, many years ago, where I thought that typography was fashion by another name. I didn't really appreciate how different typefaces function, and how the discipline evolved over time, under pressure from aesthetics and technology. And it makes me particularly red-faced to remember that I once flaunted that ignorance, going so far as to tell a noted creative director that bit about type as fashion. Created by someone who only calls themselves Noodlor, it does a pretty superb job laying out the basics of typography, such as the common types of faces, ranging from regular to condensed, and the anatomy of letterforms. From there, we get into more subtle territory: The basic principles of layout, which begins with the basics of direction, contrast, and rhythm: "Don't try to be original, just try to be good" — Spoken, originally, by a master of typographic clarity, Paul Rand.

fabien merelle Freshly graduated from the Beaux-Arts, former resident of the prestigious Casa Vélasquez in Madrid, Fabien Merelle distinguishes himself through his style, at once realistic, minute and oniric. After having tamed his childhood drawings, which he completed with humor, his latest series takes its author as its main subject.Invariably dressed in pyjama trousers, a conspicuous sign that the perception of the world is done through dreams, the boy takes us with him on a fanciful ride. Fabien Merelle loves the shadowy world of tales. He re-entered it by rediscovering his childhood drawings which had been carefully preserved. He completed it with his experience and his imagination.

네이버 블로그 :: 포스트 리스트 공개되어 올리는 작품이네요 여기까지 여신의미치다 작품이네요 저작권은 여신의미치다에 있습니다. 작업시간이 많이 주어지지 않아 아쉬운 마음도 있네요 하지만 쉬지않고 손을 계속해서 움직이고 게으르게 하지 않게 만들어준 여신의 미치다에 정말 감사합니다. 아래 작업은 기계 전사 V 라는 작업인데 역시 저작권은 기계전사V 에 있습니다. 작업한지도 1년이 넘었네요;; 이제사 널 올리는구나 ㅎㅎ 공개되어 올려보구용 아래는 최근에 신기행 작업을 했는데요 섹시한 찻집 주인 NPC 작업이네요 ㅎㅎ 역시 저작권은 신기행쪽에 있습니다. 공개되어 올려봅니다. 2013년 이 끝나가는데요 ㅎㅎ 정말 시간 빠르네요 그 사이 결혼도하고 개발중인 게임도 오픈하고 제가 2~3명은 되는듯 바쁘게 열심히 살았네요 평소에 잠은 조건없이 새벽 3~4시 아침 8시 기상 ~ 살인적인 스캐줄로 산지가 1년이 넘어가네요 ㅎㅎ 그래서인지 ;; 몸이 많이 상한듯합니다. 연말 작업물이 이게 끝이 아니랍니다 +_+ (그냥 폴더만 보면 눈물이 앞을 가려요 ㅋㅋㅋ) 앞으로도 열심히 하는 마스터 되겠습니다. 새해가 오기전에 개인작을 꼭 올려야;; 겠지용? The Fox Is Black El Mural del Milenio | Kikyz1313 Estudió en la Universidad de Querétaro pero aprendió a dibujar copiando y observando a Durero. Su dibujo trata de imitar el grabado, con líneas y puntillismo. Cada obra le exige semanas de trabajo y son pequeñas joyas llenas de belleza y crueldad. Su dibujo preciosista encierra leyendas terribles, debemos observarlos detenidamente para asombrarnos o conmovernos. Mientras dibuja ensimismada Ginger se duerme en el papel El misterio de la muerte y de la belleza Creo que el tema de la muerte es un tema que nos interesa a todos los humanos. Entre el horror y la belleza Lo importante de esta relación de los contrarios es llamar al espectador para que se involucre con la obra. Inhibidos ante la obra Creo que la pregunta sería ¿por qué rechazamos estas cosas o por qué las consideramos grotescas? Del pequeño al gran formato A pesar de que es un formato grande, aun así se siente que es una atmósfera que se genera para la persona. Imaginar y sentir Son diferentes etapas.
