Ayahuasca Vaults : Santo Daime Wins Court Decision, March 2009 - Related Documents (See Also): On March 18, 2009, a U.S. District Court judge, Owen Panner, found that the U.S. Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) protects the Santo Daime's use of DMT-containing ayahuasca as part of their sincere religious practices. This U.S. District Court (the lowest type of U.S. federal court) based its decision on a U.S. Judge Panner writes, "Guided by the unanimous decision of the United States Supreme Court in a very similar case, Gonzales v. "Plaintiffs have established their prima facie claim by more than a preponderance of the evidence. "The government has failed to show that outright prohibition of the Daime tea is the least restrictive means of furthering its interests." "Plaintiffs are entitled to relief under RFRA. In 2011, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the lower court to re-issue their order because it was overly broad. You can read the full court decision here.
Ketamine helps patients with severe depression 'when nothing else works', doctors say | The Independent Ketamine can provide relief to patients with severe depression “where nothing has helped before”, researchers calling for a new approach to the drug’s medical use have said. For six years, scientists from Oxford University have been using ketamine to treat more than 100 people with treatment-resistant depression. They said patients who received a series of carefully administered intravenous infusions of the drug, followed by oral top-ups, showed sustained improvement in around 40 per cent of cases – a significant result when other antidepressants have failed. “There are lots of people who are currently resistant to antidepressant drugs and psychotherapies,” consultant psychiatrist Rupert McShane told The Independent. “We’d like to see some more centres developing expertise [about ketamine] and starting to use it.” “A lot of people would never want to have ECT, largely because of stigma. “When people are having an infusion, during that period they feel very peculiar. Reuse content
Ayahuasca - National Geographic Adventure Magazine or centuries, Amazonian shamans have used ayahuasca as a window into the soul. The sacrament, they claim, can cure any illness. The author joins in this ancient ritual and finds the worlds within more terrifying—and enlightening—than ever imagined. I will never forget what it was like. Suddenly, I swirled down a tunnel of fire, wailing figures calling out to me in agony, begging me to save them. "The darkness will never end," he said. "I can," I replied. All at once, I willed myself to rise. "Welcome back," the shaman said. The next morning, I discovered the impossible: The severe depression that had ruled my life since childhood had miraculously vanished. The jungle camp where our shamanistic treatment will take place is some 200 miles (322 kilometers) from the nearest town, Iquitos, deep in the Peruvian Amazon. And then there is me, who a year ago came to Peru on a lark to take the "sacred spirit medicine," ayahuasca, and get worked over by shamans. And so I am back again.
Ayahuasca Community | Traditional plant medicine discussion forum Overviews Psychology, Psychiatry Spirit & Healing » Entheogens & Existential Intelligence: The Use of “Plant Teachers” as Cognitive Tools Posted by Daniel Mirante on Thursday, June 17, 2010 · 5 Comments Used with permission. The official published version : Painting by Yvonne McGillivray Abstract In light of recent specific liberalizations in drug laws in some countries, this article investigates the potential of entheogens (i.e. psychoactive plants used as spiritual sacraments) as tools to facilitate existential intelligence. Introduction In this article I assess and further develop the possibility of an “existential” intelligence as postulated by Howard Gardner (1999a). “Entheogen” is a word coined by scholars proposing to replace the term “psychedelic” (Ruck, Bigwood, Staples, Ott, & Wasson, 1979), which was felt to overly connote psychological and clinical paradigms and to be too socio-culturally loaded from its 1960s roots to appropriately designate the revered plants and substances used in traditional rituals. Plant Teachers Existential Intelligence
Physical Activity and Mental Health This leaflet is for anyone who wants to know: how being active can make you feel betterhow exercise can help depressionhow active you need to be to feel betterhow to get more active safely. Introduction Exercise keeps our hearts and bodies healthy. We often talk about the mind and body as though they are completely separate – but they aren't. So – if you feel low or anxious, you may do less and become less active – which can make you feel worse. Why bother with exercise? To work properly, your body needs regular exercise - and most of us feel good when we are active. Until the last 100 years or so, you had to be quite active to just live your everyday life. So how can you start to get more active, day to day? But - it doesn't have to be about running around a track or working out in a gym. What happens if you don’t do very much? Some people can get away with doing very little and live to a ripe old age – but most of us can’t. low mood / depressiontension and worry. What might work for me?
Canadian Learning Centre | Hollyhock, Cortes Island Accommodation Erowid Alicia anisopetala (Black ayahuasca) & macrodisca and related vines workspace - Collaborative Research Project So I finally got round to brewing up 250 gms of Alicia Anisopetala. I brewed 2 X 3 hrs and the last boil for 6 hrs. Vinegar was added to the first and second boils. I reduced the remains down to 250 ml It smelled pretty similar to caapi whilst it was cooking and the final product tastes very similar, but more watery, if that makes sense. I've only been microdosing so far, taking sips from the pot whilst boiling and for the last 3 evenings I've been sipping from the bottle (not more than 5 grams) So far I have felt no physical effects, but last night I smoked a VERY small amount of grass and did some yoga asanas and meditation and I had visions of black jungle cats (panther?) Here are some pics so that others can compare... flowersniffer attached the following image(s): 1.jpg (601kb) downloaded 369 time(s). 2.jpg (255kb) downloaded 367 time(s). 3.jpg (281kb) downloaded 369 time(s).