Welcome to Cogprints Welcome to TClouds Ericae.net Online Education Recource. IRMOS - Home Charles Darwin's Library Current Book List General Index Search Charles Darwin's Library Charles Darwin’s Library is a digital edition and virtual reconstruction of the surviving books owned by Charles Darwin. This BHL special collection draws on original copies and surrogates from other libraries. It also provides full transcriptions of his annotations and marks. In this first release (2011) we provide 330 of the 1480 titles in his library, concentrating on the most heavily annotated books. more... How to use Charles Darwin's Library A Darwin’s Library transcription pane faces each page that Darwin marked or wrote notes on. Entries in the pane have line numbers, such as lines 5-7. In books scanned from Darwin’s personal copies you will see his writing. Click the banner to reach the Current Book List and the General Index. The pane uses a very few specialized terms and symbols: The transcription pane uses special characters to represent some elements of Darwin's annotations. Support United Kingdom United States
.: Venus-C :. Building a highly-scalable and flexible Cloud infrastructure VENUS-C is a project funded under the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme drawing its strength from a joint co-operation between computing service providers and scientific user communities to develop, test and deploy a large, Cloud computing infrastructure for science and SMEs in Europe. Experts "The great success of Generalized Worker Role in VENUS-C has emphasized to me that building a library of customizable Roles or Appliances is a powerful cloud programming model". "It was particularly revealing to see so many different applications being in need of cloud services, yet with rather diverse characteristics and diverse requirements". "I have improved my knowledge about commercial and academic cloud activities and interoperability topics, and increased my understanding of industrial cloud applications". VENUS-C Value Proposition On Air
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3rd Usage Area Workshop: Future Internet Initiative Date: 28 and 29 June 2011 Venue: Hotel Husa President Park, Brussels, Belgium Co-organised by the EX-FI Support Action, the CONCORD Support Action and the European Commission Invitation Following the successful 2nd Future Internet Usage Areas workshop in Brussels last year, the EX-FI project, the CONCORD project, the EFIA Industry group and European Commission now would like to invite you to the 3rd Usage Areas workshop. This workshop aims to cultivate a common discussion between the stakeholders from all sectors using, and planning to use, the services and facilities of Future Internet (FI) to build an extended FI community and to foster a holistic cross sector approach to accelerating the Future Internet in Europe.The workshop will enable a detailed discussion on the Usage Areas requirements and in particular how they can be part of the bigger picture of Future Internet evolution in Europe. Themes to be addressed: The themes and open questions to be addressed during the Workshop include:
The Online Books Page: Archives and Indexes General -- Non-English Language -- Specialty There's a vast range of online literature beyond what we index individually on The Online Books Page. Below we list some of the major sources and indexes of free online texts, in all languages, both general and specialized. General These are large, general-purpose collections with substantial English-language listings. Large-scale repositories -- Significant indexes and search aids -- Significant smaller-scale archives Large-scale repositories These are big collections of texts, big enough to act as small library-like collections in their own right. Significant indexes and search aids The sites below primarily provide search engines, indexes or useful link lists for finding online books. Significant smaller-scale archives Everything else we see worth listing that doesn't fit in more specialized categories. Non-English Languages Tyler Chambers's iLoveLanguages site has a comprehensive listing of various language and literature resources.
Linked Data Basics for Techies - OpenOrg Intended Audience This is intended to be a crash course for a techie/programmer who needs to learn the basics ASAP. It is not intended as an introduction for managers or policy makers (I suggest looking at Tim Berners-Lee's TED talks if you want the executive summary). It's primarily aimed at people who're tasked with creating RDF and don't have time to faff around. It will also be useful to people who want to work with RDF data. RDF is a data structure perfect for people creating mash-ups! Please Feedback-- especially if something doesn't make sense!!!! If you are new to RDF/Linked Data then you can help me! I put a fair bit of effort into writing this, but I am too familar with the field! If you are learning for the first time and something in this guide isn't explained very well, please drop me a line so I can improve it. cjg@ecs.soton.ac.uk Warning Some things in this guide are deliberately over-simplified. Alternatives (suggest more!) Structure Tree data: (JSON, XML.) Graph data: (RDF). RDFa
5 star Open Data
OpenAIRE aims to support the implementation of Open Access in Europe. It provides the means to promote and realize the widespread adoption of the Open Access Policy, as set out by the ERC Scientific Council Guidelines for Open Access and the Open Access pilot launched by the European Commission.
OpenAIRE, a three-year project, will establish the infrastructure for researchers to support them in complying with the EC OA pilot and the ERC Guidelines on Open Access. It will provide an extensive European Helpdesk System, based on a distributed network of national and regional liaison offices in 27 countries, to ensure localized help to researchers within their own context. It will build an OpenAIRE portal and e-Infrastructure for the repository networks and explore scientific data management services together with 5 disciplinary communities. It will also provide a repository facility for researchers who do not have access to an institutional or discipline-specific repository." by macopa May 13