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PHP 7 arrive et c'est une bombe Ingénieur distingué chez le cyber-marchand Etsy, Rasmus Lerdorf a présenté PHP 7 qui améliore significativement les performances des applications. (Crédit D.R.) Pour remplacer PHP 5.x, et après de longues discussions, nous aurons affaire à PHP 7 qui repose en grande partie sur la branche PHPNG. Lors d’une conférence O'Reilly Fluent à San Francisco, Rasmus Lerdorf, le créateur du langage de programmation PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) principalement utilisé pour le web (près de 81% des sites web), a indiqué que la version 7 verra une amélioration des performances de 100%. Pour être plus précis, M. Basée sur la branche PHPNG (pour PHP New Generation) du langage, la préversion est attendue en juin et la version finale est prévue pour octobre prochain. Face à PHP 5.6, la version 7 - sur base PHPNG - montre ses muscles. PHP 7 propose donc des améliorations du moteur, une meilleure utilisation de la mémoire et un stockage local natif des threads.

Package manager - Wikipedia Software tools for handling software packages A package manager or package-management system is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer in a consistent manner.[1] Package managers are designed to eliminate the need for manual installs and updates. This can be particularly useful for large enterprises whose operating systems typically consist of hundreds or even tens of thousands of distinct software packages.[2] An early package manager was SMIT (and its backend installp) from IBM AIX. Early package managers, from around 1994, had no automatic dependency resolution[3] but could already drastically simplify the process of adding and removing software from a running system.[4] A software package is an archive file containing a computer program as well as necessary metadata for its deployment. Challenges with shared libraries [edit] Front-ends for locally compiled packages Upgrade suppression

Fantastico Deluxe Freemium Fantastico Deluxe Please READ THIS before ordering: REQUIREMENTS RENEWAL FEE: - An eternal license does not need renewal and is valid for the life of the server. - Annual renewal fee for regular licenses: 30$. - Annual renewal fee for VPS licenses: 25$. NOTES: - You need one license per server. A license is valid for servers operated by you. Each license is valid for unlimited domains hosted on this server. INSTALLATION: After your order has been validated, please follow these instructions in order to install. A license can be renewed within 3 months after it has expired. We have a 15 days no questions Money Back Guarantee for Fantastico De Luxe if your expectations are not met. Please read the End User License Agreement (EULA) Product Description Fantastico De Luxe is the leading autoinstaller for cPanel servers. Fantastico De Luxe can install PerlDesk! Fantastico De Luxe can install the Soholaunch Pro Sitebuilder! Fantastico De Luxe can install AccountLab Plus! System Requirements

PHP 7 sera la prochaine version majeure de PHP, il n'y aura pas une version 6 pour le langage de programmation PHP passera directement de la version 5.x à la version 7.x, sans passer par une version 6.x. C’est ce qui ressort d’un vote dans une RFC (requests for comments) sur le Wiki du langage de programmation Web. Après un long processus de votes, sujet à des discordes, qui avait débuté le 20 juillet 2014, avant d’être subitement annulé pour des raisons qui ne sont pas claires, les responsables du projet ont adopté PHP 7 comme la prochaine version majeure du langage. Pourquoi avoir opté pour PHP 7 alors que logiquement, la prochaine version du langage devrait être baptisée « PHP 6 », puisqu’on est actuellement à la version « 5.x » ? Retour en 2005, les développeurs de PHP se lancent dans la création d’une nouvelle version majeure du langage, qui allait avoir pour nom « PHP 6 » et devait avoir comme nouveauté majeure l’intégration d’Unicode (standard informatique qui permet des échanges de textes dans différentes langues, à un niveau mondial). C’est alors que nait une certaine confusion.

Open Source Digital Asset Management Fantastico (web hosting) Hostgator has been accused more than once by clients of adding links to their sites without asking permission that point back to Hostgator. Hostgator has reportedly blamed Fantastico script installers for these unauthorized advertising links. Fantastico scripts are usually executed when a new website is created, or a new application is added to an existing website. The scripts typically create tables in a database, install software, adjust permissions, and modify web server configuration files. Although Fantastico primarily targets open-source software, a handful of scripts are also available that install proprietary products. Once installed, these are available to all of the domains hosted by a physical server; such as web site builder SohoLaunch, PerlDesk customer support software, and AccountLab Plus software for interacting with Internet registrars. There are more than 50 applications that have Fantastico scripts associated with them. [1] Fantastico DeLuxe website

jQuery 100+ self-hosted alternatives to popular services – Blog Most of us use online services like Gmail, Dropbox, Skype, Evernote etc. on a daily basis without having control over the service. However, now it’s easier than ever to find a self-hosted alternative to your favorite online service and have complete control over it. In this article, we will share a huge list of self-hosted alternatives to popular online services. Find alternatives to: Google Analytics WordPress, Joomla, Drupal Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox Gmail, Yahoo Mail Google Reader, Feedly Google Docs, Microsoft Office Online Evernote, OneNote, Google Keep Skype, Slack, HipChat Trello GitHub Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Mozilla Thunderbird’s Calendar Zendesk, UserVoice, Freshdesk Disqus, Facebook Comments, IntenseDebate Facebook, Twitter Wikia, Wikipedia Shopify, Gumroad, Sellfy LastPass Imgur, Flickr, ImageShack SugarCRM, Zoho, Nutshell TinyURL,, CloudApp One of the reasons why we love our servers (and we love them a lot!), Joomla!

Homepage - Silex - The PHP micro-framework based on Symfony2 Components Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information
