Track #11: Reiki Healing 10 Places You Aren’t Allowed To Go; #8 Will Blow Your Mind No, we’re not talking about that hot new club down the street. These are the secretive sports for bigwigs in the corporate world and higher-up government officials. Men in black can stop reading right here… 10. It may not be under governmental control, but as these things go it might be just as hard to get through the door. Some have waited their entire lives for access…and never been granted it. There’s no real point to even joining besides saying that you’re a member. 9. Those who want to enter this library for research purposes must undergo an extraordinarily rigorous procedure to gain access. 8. This is the secret place in the woods of California, where only the world’s most rich and powerful people may go. It’s been said strange rituals and events have taken place here, but no one openly admits to it… 7. Reportedly able to detect any type of missile attack around the world, this is the globe’s largest electronic monitoring site. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Did you guess?
Musique de relaxation gratuite , détente, sons de la nature, écoute gratuite ... (Powered by CubeCart) Are You Absorbing Other People’s Negative Energy? Here’s How to Stop It: Empathy is the ability to recognize and feel other peoples emotions. Sympathy is feeling compassion for other people. Often times to be an “empath” means that you are absorbing much of the pain and suffering in your environment, which can sacrifice your won ability to function at a high level. If you have every been in a room with a negative person, you know just how toxic their energy can be. Learning to stop absorbing other people’s energies is such a great spiritual skill to have. Here are five ways to stop absorbing other people’s energy. 1) Remember, you can’t please everyone If someone is bullying you, complaining about you, or dissing you, do not make it your mission to try to convince that person to like you. Not everyone is going to like you. Also remember, you can’t change everyone. 2) Be careful who you invite into your life Your body, mind and direct environment is your temple. If you give a person a piece of bread one day, they will be asking for the loaf the next. Team Spirit
Meditation - Healing - Relaxation (Chinese Bamboo Flute Music - Sounds Of Nature) Has the Kepler Space Telescope discovered an alien megastructure? Florida Tech October 19th, 2015 NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope – has detected something that can’t be explained – and some are suggesting it has alien origins. Image Credit: NASA The recent developments in exoplanet research has led to the discovery of hundreds of planets in distant star systems. Within the Cygnus and Lyrae constellations, researchers have discovered something that they simply don’t understand – this lack of clarity comes from mysterious dips in data from star KIC 8462852. At present, scientists don’t understand what the data from Kepler is actually telling them. Researchers working on the Planet Hunters project used this method to find exoplanets, but ended up discovering an anomaly in their data between the Cygnus and Lyrae constellations on star KIC 8462852. One of the methods used to find exoplanets is called the transit method. The second theory was that a comet broke apart into even smaller comets. Related Reading Welcome to Spaceflight Insider! Florida Tech
Einstein was Wrong, Quantum Spookiness Confirmed An international group effort and a recently issued research paper may have just settled a century old physics debate. Quantum mechanics is, indeed, spooky. Quantum Entanglement, a part of quantum mechanics, tells us that two particles can be openly linked even across huge distances. If you measure the rotation of one particle, you will instantly know the spin of its entangled particle. Physicists have considered this behavior as “spooky” as it doesn’t follow our daily logic at all. Common sense tells us that objects across the cosmos cannot possibly be linked, but in the quantum world, they are. Several physicists, counting Albert Einstein, opposed this idea as it went in contradiction of the very nature of the actual world. In the 1960s a physicist called John Bell formulated a mathematical expression, called an inequality, to check for these so-called unseen variables. The experiment took time of nine days.
NASA discovers 8 new Earth-Like planets that could support Alien Life (Video) Astronomers have discovered eight new planets in the so-called “Goldilocks” habitable zone, orbiting at a distance where liquid water, and possibly life, can exist. Two planets are said to be the most similar to Earth of any known exoplanets to date. This artist’s conception depicts an Earth-like planet orbiting an evolved star that has formed a stunning “planetary nebula.” Earlier in its life, this planet may have been like one of the eight newly discovered worlds orbiting in the habitable zones of their stars. “Most of these planets have a good chance of being rocky, like Earth,”Guillermo Torres, the lead scientist from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, US, told a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle. According to the astronomers, the two most Earth-like planets of the group are called Kepler-438b and Kepler-442b. To be in the habitable zone, an exoplanet must receive about as much sunlight as Earth.
Watch: Quantum computing explained in less than 2 minutes For decades now, scientists have been trying to figure out how we can use the enormous potential of quantum mechanics to build a whole new generation of computers. While your brand new iMac might run like a dream, it basically works the same as computers that were built 80 years ago - a series of electrical circuits that switch on and off on command. The problem with our current computers is that we're close to hitting the limit for how advanced they can get, but the good news is we now have all the building blocks for a quantum computer, we just need to make it run. According to Microsoft's research lab, we could crack the quantum computing code within the next 10 years, so it's about time we understood exactly what that means, right? Unlike an electrical circuit, qubits are tiny particles that are magnetically suspended in an extremely cold environment - fractions of a degree above absolute zero. Fiona MacDonald explained earlier this month: H/T: Digg
Tokyo 3D Computer Graphics Artists Create Freakishly Lifelike Japanese Girl Meet Saya, a beautiful Japanese girl who is freaking everyone out. Dressed in a white shirt and tie, her mesmerising hazel brown eyes appear to have the unnerving ability to stare into your soul. The only catch is, Saya is not real. She is the creation of 3D computer graphic artists Teruyuki and Yuki Ishikawa, who live in Tokyo. The husband and wife team are freelancers who have created a range of other lifelike characters in their spare time, showing the latest in computer animation technology. However, Saya was one of their harder creations. “Since we’ve been working on this between jobs, it’s been somewhat hard,” Ishikawa told gaming site Kotaku. “We’re going to give it our best when making it.” Saya was first introduced to the world on via this tweet, which has been retweeted over 8,000 times.