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How To Master Your Time

How To Master Your Time
The secret to time management is simple: Jedi time tricks. Imagine you were a Jedi master called Bob (your parents, whilst skilled in the ways of the force weren’t the best at choosing names). The love of your life – Princess Lucia – is trapped in a burning building as you hurry to save her. You might think of Lucia as the embodiment of your dreams, your aspirations – she is your most important thing. Unfortunately, before you can reach her an army of stormtroopers open fire. We all know how a hero resolves this dilemma. And so it is with your life. The secret to mastering your time is to systematically focus on importance and suppress urgency. Look at what you spend your day doing. Say no. Schedule your priorities. One final lesson from the Jedi: they’re heroes. Heroes inspire us for many reasons: they make tough decisions, they keep going and they get done what matters. Related:  Managing workloadΆρθρα

Teenagers and homework - Family Lives "Getting them to settle down to homework seems to be a bit of an uphill struggle. And as for the maths and science - I couldn’t even help them out!" Homework can sometimes feel as daunting for parents as it is for children. We asked some parents how they cope with the pressures created by homework, and here’s what they told us: Coping with homework Give children a chance to talk about their school work - when you ask them about your day, check in to see what they've been learning. Help your children take responsibility for organising and doing their homework. Creating the right environment for homework Some children prefer to do homework straight after school whereas others prefer to relax a bit first. If you don't have the space in your home, or need somewhere to access the internet, try a local library or homework club. Help from the school Find out what facilities your child's school offers. Get in touch with Family Lives

Training the Brain to Listen: A Practical Strategy for Student Learning and Classroom Management Image credit: iStockphoto Editor's note: This post is co-authored by Marcus Conyers who, with Donna Wilson, is co-developer of the M.S. and Ed.S. Brain-Based Teaching degree programs at Nova Southeastern University. They have written several books, including Five Big Ideas for Effective Teaching: Connecting Mind, Brain, and Education Research to Classroom Practice. During the school year, students are expected to listen to and absorb vast amounts of content. Explicit instruction on cognitive strategies that can help students learn how to learn may have a positive impact on both academic performance and classroom management by emphasizing that students are in charge of their own behavior and learning. Learning to listen well is a prime example of a skill that many assume shouldn't need to be taught. From a developmental perspective, this Common Core standard is interwoven with the acquisition of verbal and social skills that are critical for students' success across many contexts.

Top 10 Ways to Make Yourself Look (and Be) Smarter How terribly obnoxious of you. Thanks for sharing. Well, it is probably not the smartest move ever to call monolingual people dumb. People in Europe need only travel a few hours to encounter another language, and bi- and tri-linguality is essential to business and communication there. Also, way to be a dick. Yes, I realize that's the norm in Europe, where there's an international border every 50 miles. LH is an American-run site, with a largely American audience and authors who (I believe) are all American, so let's not pretend like suddenly the cultural norms around here are based on what happens in Europe or Canada.

Why Procrastinators Procrastinate PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) pro-cras-ti-na-tion |prəˌkrastəˈnāSHən, prō-| noun the action of delaying or postponing something: your first tip is to avoid procrastination. Who would have thought that after decades of struggle with procrastination, the dictionary, of all places, would hold the solution. Avoid procrastination. While we’re here, let’s make sure obese people avoid overeating, depressed people avoid apathy, and someone please tell beached whales that they should avoid being out of the ocean. No, “avoid procrastination” is only good advice for fake procrastinators—those people that are like, “I totally go on Facebook a few times every day at work—I’m such a procrastinator!” The thing that neither the dictionary nor fake procrastinators understand is that for a real procrastinator, procrastination isn’t optional—it’s something they don’t know how to not do. Pretty normal, right? Notice anything different?

Supporting your child when someone dies When you have lost someone through death, a partner, child, family member or friend, it may seem overwhelming to offer support to your child. The loss experienced will have changed everything and each family member will be trying to make sense of what has happened in their own way. Children and young people may need some help with this: Try to talk to your children honestly and explain what has happened in a way that they can understand. After the death of a child: Child Death Helpline For anyone affected by the death of a child 0800 282 986The Compassionate Friends Support for parents and families when a child has died 08451 23 23 04

Homework - Family Lives With all the pressure of school work, puberty, social life and other commitments playing their part, it's understandable that your child might sometimes feel a little overwhelmed by their homework. There are many ways to help ease some of this by supporting and guiding them - they might not tell you they want help, but by showing your support your child will pick up on your positive attitude and this can help encourage them to do the same when it comes to their education. The benefits of helping your child are endless. How much homework should my child be getting? The government has set the following guidelines for secondary school children: Years 7 and 8: 45 to 90 minutes per dayYear 9: 1 to 2 hours per dayYears 10 and 11: 1.5 to 2.5 hours per day Top tips for secondary school homework Keep a designated homework area at home.

Teachers Top 100 Books for Children The following list was compiled from an online survey in 2007. Parents and teachers will find it useful in selecting quality literature for children. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Αναγνώστης: Με προστατεύει ο Δήμος από τα σκυλιά της γειτονιάς; | E-mail μας απέστειλε αναγνώστης, ρωτώντας για τις υποχρεώσεις του Δήμου, μετά την ψήφιση του νέου νόμου για τα κατοικίδια ζώα. Αναλυτικά το e-mail: Καλησπέρα, Τον Φεβρουάριο ψηφίστηκε Νόμος για τα αδέσποτα και τα ζώα συντροφιάς. Παράβαση είναι να βρίσκεται ένας σκύλος μόνιμα στο μπαλκόνι και να γαβγίζει, όλες τις ώρες της μέρας και όχι μόνο στην ώρα κοινής ησυχίας (300 ευρώ), να κάνει βόλτες ο σκύλος στο τετράγωνο του σπιτιού γαβγίζοντας και απειλώντας κόσμο (300 ευρώ), να μην καθαρίζει κανείς τα περιττώματα του σκύλου του (100), να μην του κάνει εμβόλια (300 ευρώ) και άλλα πολλά. Στην γειτονιά μου υπολογίζω ότι ο Δήμος μπορεί να εισπράξει γύρω στα 5000 ευρώ με αυτά που βλέπω, όπως και σε όλες τις γειτονιές. Ερωτήσεις: α. Περιμένω να απαντηθεί το e-mail μου από κάποιον μέσα από τον Δήμο.

Korben | Upgrade your mindKorben (versão mobile) Catfish: Why Parents Need To Discuss It With Their Teens | Sue Scheff Gun control is a topic of concern that has been making headlines, and for good reason. Parents are always worried about the subject of weapons when it comes to our kids, but not all weapons are necessarily guns. Sometimes we forget that a keyboard or keypad can be a weapon, too. The recent stories publicizing an internet hoax known as Catfish is another reason for all of us to educate ourselves on the dangers both adults and kids face online. Cyber-bullets can be released by unexpected predators. We have heard the horror stories of cyberbullying over the past several years, and they never get easier to hear. What is Catfish? I am not convinced people (parents included) understand the damage that a cyber-bullet can cause, or the emotional turmoil a person can go through when they are a victim of a ruse like Catfish. As adults, especially for professionals and business owners, cyber-bullets can be both financially and emotionally lethal. Takeaway tips:

Getting a good school routine - Family Lives The move to high school can come as a shock to both parents and children. You may feel your child isn’t ready to take the responsibility for what is probably a longer journey to school, perhaps using public transport. They will usually have a large amount of books and equipment to carry around and may find it difficult to organise themselves. As the school will be expecting your child to take greater responsibility, you should try to continue this at home as much as possible, but that can be easier said than done. At this age children start to want more privacy when they’re getting ready. Parent tips: ‘We have a family diary where everything is written down and a pin board at the bottom of the stairs with reminders. Katie ‘I ask each evening if they have homework and check school homework diaries regularly. Alison ‘I get the kids to help me prepare their lunch for next day the night before and check before they go to bed that they’ve brought down to the hall everything they need
