Thank you for Signing up Kiz Phonics - Membership Plans With the following membership plans, you get full access to our online materials. Don't see your plan? 1 Year Single MembershipUnlimited Access to All Materials in the Members Area for 1 Year: at $ 56 Sign Up NowMaterials include:Phonics Worksheets,Phonics Videos,Phonics Games,Phonics Listening,Phonics Flashcards, Short StoriesBoard Games & Card Games 6 month Single MembershipUnlimited Access to All Materials in the Members Area for 6 months : at $39Sign Up Now Materials include:Phonics Worksheets,Phonics Videos,Phonics Games,Phonics Listening,Phonics Flashcards, Short StoriesBoard Games & Card Games 6 month 2-10 MembershipUnlimited Access to All Materials in the Members Area : $69Sign Up NowMaterials include:Phonics Worksheets,Phonics Videos,Phonics Games,Phonics Listening,Phonics Flashcards, Short StoriesBoard Games & Card Games Have a larger group? What will I get with membership? You will get unlimited access to all the materials in the members section.
English for Kids, Games, Videos, Worksheets, Songs, Apps, For ESL Kids Lessons Tâches actionnelles autour des séquences Un article de Wiki Agreg-Ink. Définition d'une tâche en didactique des langues Activité définie par un objectif, un dispositif et des modes d'évaluation. (C. Bourguignon, 2005) « Est définie comme tâche toute visée actionnelle que l'acteur se représente comme devant parvenir à un résultat donné en fonction d'un problème à résoudre, d'une obligation à remplir, d'un but qu'on s'est fixé » CECR, p. 16. « Il n’y a tâche que si l’action est motivée par un objectif ou un besoin, personnel ou suscité par la situation d’apprentissage, si les élèves perçoivent clairement l’objectif poursuivi et si cette action donne lieu à un résultat identifiable » « Les tâches communicatives sont le levier mis à notre disposition pour développer les compétences chez nos élèves.[...] Ressources toutes classes Le programme de CAP, BEP, bac pro de 2009 propose des listes de tâches actionnelles de niveau A2 à B1 qui peuvent servir d'inspiration (pages 4 à 14). Collège Be going to capacité avec can Comparatif / superlatif
Play to Learn Preschool: Spelling our Names Recently we posted some of the ways that we help our preschool students practice writing their names. Writing is not the only thing we do with names, though! Another important activity is learning to spell our names. We sing lots of songs and rhymes with our names, and these are 10 of our favorite ways to practice them during centers: Name Puzzles Write the child's name on a piece of cardstock. Sentence Strip Matching Program sentence strips with each child's name. In September we used apples and in October we used leaves. Star and basic shapes work well any time of year. In My Name vs. Print a sorting mat and provide a bowl of letter manipulatives. Letter Beads We have a set of Learning Resources beads that the students use to make name necklaces. Pattern Block Letters We love these amazing free printables from Confessions of a Homeschooler. Magnet Center We use our magnetic white board to practice lots of skills, including spelling our names. Clothespin Dinosaurs Clothespin Folders
PROGRAMAS BA - Materiales pedagógicos - Programa de Educación Plurilingüe Cuadernillo de acompañamiento 1er. año Secundaria. Este cuadernillo de acompañamiento para el Cuaderno de Trabajo para el Aula de 1° año de Inglés delinea distintos recorridos que pudieran surgir de la puesta en marcha de cada una de las unidades de esta impresión. Con una fuerte impronta del trabajo basado en tarea y con la inclusión de recursos digitales, se busca complementar al Cuaderno de Trabajo con tareas diversas que pudieran focalizarse tanto en aspectos discursivos, lexicales como gramaticales según la propuesta áulica en cuestión. Así mismo se plantea acompañar al desarrollo de la competencia intercultural de los alumnos atendiendo en cada una de las unidades a diversos conocimientos, actitudes, habilidades y valores requeridos en este enfoque. Descargar Cuadernillo de acompañamiento Ficha Didáctica Turismo para Nivel Primario “Conociendo nuestra provincia a través de las distintas lenguas”. Descargar Ficha Didáctica Ficha Didáctica Turismo para Nivel Secundario
ESL Printable Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets For Kids 20 Science Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers I’ve been sharing a lot of simple science experiments for kids on my facebook page lately, and the response from you guys has been terrific! Wow! You really love your science, don’t you? Well guess what! 20 science activities for toddlers and preschoolers Set up a colour laboratory with water, bubbles and an assortment of containers and fine motor instruments. Watch a bar of Ivory soap expand to 6 times its size in a minute and a half! A few rocks, a jar and a small toy animal are fun for teaching kids about water displacement. Kids can practice spelling their name or simply create stunning pictures with this salt, glue and watercolour experiment. Watch and learn how salt helps to melt ice in the following FANTASTIC activities! Kids AND adults will absolutely love blowing these GIANT homemade bubbles! Watch a the slow process of a grape turning into a raisin. Puffy Painting: Kids can watch their paintings go from flat to fluffy in a matter of seconds in the microwave. Happy Experimenting!
PROGRAMAS BA Objetivos del Programa Fortalece, amplia, contribuye y promueve la reflexión, permitiendo proteger y preservar la vida. Entre las acciones que desarrollan se cuentan: Organizar capacitaciones destinadas a estudiantes de los diferentes niveles educativos, -en especial del último año de las escuelas secundarias y técnicas- y a docentes, directivos, inspectores y actores de la comunidad. ESL Printables: English worksheets, lesson plans and other resources Rainbow Dyed Daisies I love daisies. Their sweet summer faces always delight me as they freckle the fields. I thought it might be fun to use that daisy white as a palette for a rainbow of colors. My littlest and I really enjoyed watching them change color over time. Best part... it's super simple. Gather up some daisies. Cut the daisy stems below water at an angle and cut them fairly short, so the dye has less to travel up. Place 10-20 drops of food coloring into a small vase or jar (or we used tall shot glasses). Add warm water to the dye and place your daisies in their new colored drink! Leave them overnight and wake up to a rainbow!! Can you tell I was in love with this project?! So pretty. In daisy love,