The Ultimate RSS Toolbox - 120+ RSS Resources
Never again will mankind have to look for RSS info in more than one place...ok, we're kidding, but we've aimed to create a near comprehensive list of all the RSS readers, tools, browser plugins, tips, hacks and directories available on the web. We hope you find it useful (we built it because we needed it), and feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments. For those just starting out in the big wide world of RSS, note that we're talking about Really Simple Syndication, a way to publish and subscribe to frequently updated content like blog entries and news items. RSS readers - Windows RSS readers - OS X RSS readers - Linux Liferea - RSS reader for Gnome usersAkregator - RSS reader for KDEStraw - RSS reader for Gnome, supports RSS and ATOM, as well as exporting/importing OPML feedsSnownews - text based RSS reader for all you 1337 peopleAgileRSS - desktop aggregator that is able to display any RSS, ATOM, and XML news feed; also offers an RSS news ticker RSS Readers - cross-platform