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First Principles of Interaction Design

First Principles of Interaction Design
The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional GUI environments, the web, mobile devices, wearables, or Internet-connected smart devices. Help! This is a huge revision. I expect I have made mistakes. This revision features new examples and discussion involving mobile, wearables, and Internet-connected smart devices. What has changed greatly is the level of detail: You will find many new sub-principles within each category, along with far more explanation, case studies, and examples. Previous Version & Its Translations. Introduction Effective interfaces are visually apparent and forgiving, instilling in their users a sense of control. Because an application or service appears on the web or mobile device, the principles do not change. I Love Apple, But It’s Not Perfect I’ve used many example drawn from Apple products here, often as examples of bad interface practices. Aesthetics Top Anticipation Autonomy Color Consistency

Ergonomie web illustrée user advocacy and human-centered design Published 1986 (re-issued 2002). 2013 revised edition. The Design of Everyday Things (DOET) was first published in 1988. The book is about how people interact with technology. The principles of interaction are mostly unchanged -- they still apply today. But the technology is very different. I did a thorough revision. The revised and expanded paperback will be available November 5. Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. Buy from Sample chapters and miscellany

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Balsamiq. Rapid, effective and fun wireframing software. | Balsamiq 10 Heuristics for User Interface Design Download a free poster of Jakob’s 10 Usability Heuristics at the bottom of this article. #1: Visibility of system status The design should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within a reasonable amount of time. When users know the current system status, they learn the outcome of their prior interactions and determine next steps. Predictable interactions create trust in the product as well as the brand. #2: Match between system and the real world The design should speak the users' language. The way you should design depends very much on your specific users. When a design’s controls follow real-world conventions and correspond to desired outcomes (called natural mapping), it’s easier for users to learn and remember how the interface works. #3: User control and freedom Users often perform actions by mistake. When it's easy for people to back out of a process or undo an action, it fosters a sense of freedom and confidence. #4: Consistency and standards

Persuasive Navigation The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Columns > IAnything Goes By Jeff Lash Published on December 17, 2002 Persuasive navigation is navigation that persuades a user to do something. Persuasive navigation is one aspect of a site built on persuasive architecture. Persuasive navigation vs. calls to action On many sites, regular navigation is supplemented by calls to action that will hopefully get the user to follow a particular navigation path. A call to action tells users to do something—Apply Now, Find Out More, Buy This, Sign Up Now—whereas persuasive navigation gives people a reason to do something. A call to action is generally considered outside of the navigation framework, since it is supplemental to the primary navigation. The phrase “call to action” implies that the site is placing a call to the users and that they need to answer it. Putting persuasion to use Once the power of persuasion is understood, it is time to put it to use. “ The easy answer: Money.

Basics and Implementation of Predictive Collision Detection Few days ago, I wrote a post about why time based animations are better than frame based animations. However, in animations done as a function of time, some serious problems could arise. One of them is that your regular collision detection techniques might fail if the frame rate is lower than acceptable. This problem occurs if you are using basic collision detection techniques like calculating the intersection of object’s bounds per frame. This problem can also be seen even with high frame rates combined with high object speeds. Ordinary Collision Detection If you are not sleepy yet, then let’s take a look on what is predictive collision detection. Pretty simple, the ball bounces back after hitting the platform. (Click on the refresh icon on the embed above if you missed the show.) Predictive Collision Detection (or Sweep Testing) Now this problem can be solved if we get to know about the future coordinates of the ball. Now the collision is perfecto! Share:

Use a single word space between sentences “In the nineteenth century, which was a dark and inflationary age in typography and type design, many compositors were encouraged to stuff extra space between sentences. Generations of twentieth century typists were then taught to do the same, by hitting the spacebar twice after every period [full stop]. Your typing as well as your typesetting will benefit from unlearning this quaint Victorian habit. All white space in HTML, in any combination of spaces, tabs or line breaks, is automatically collapsed to a single word space. If you do need to insert more than a single word space between sentences, or any other characters, then use one of the many space characters available in Unicode.   en space   em space   3-per-em space   4-per-em space   6-per-em space   figure space   punctuation space   thin space   hair space Another method would be to apply the white-space:pre property in CSS to retain the white space formatting.

Open Source Document Management Solutions Writte Share the article! Content Management Systems (CMS) have always been a nebulous term. That’s one reason that I’ve never included this category in my reviews of Java open source projects. One of the primary features of a CMS is its support for Repository services. Here’s the list of “Document Repository” implementations that I have found: DSpace Federation – DSpace is a digital library system to capture, store, index, preserve, and redistribute the intellectual output in digital formats. Take note that I moved several entries from “Knowledge Management (KM)“.

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