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Festival Brazil - Southbank Centre Festival Brazil is a contemporary snapshot of a nation’s diverse culture in a vibrant growing economy and with some fierce social problems. The Festival reflects what the country is thinking and talking about today. A range of debates, talks, performances, exhibitions and installations by artists and leading cultural and political figures gives a sense of a nation that has moved from despair to hope in 20 years. Creative thinkers from Brazil and the UK also offer perspectives on Brazil’s global role in the 21st century and the way that culture can help shape civic society. The summer at Southbank Centre conjures up the joyful outdoor life that Brazilians revel in, as aspects of the site are transformed into places for performance and celebration. The Brazilian community in London have been crucial to the planning of the Festival and we’d like to thank them. We hope you enjoy it. Jude Kelly OBE Artistic Director, Southbank Centre Brazilian Words Consultant: Christina Baum

Inesplorato - Curadoria de Conhecimento Nosso trabalho é encurtar o tempo e a distância entre as pessoas e as informações que podem transformá-las. Inesplorato significa desconhecido em italiano; para a filosofia, é a fonte de todo processo criativo. Um convite a viver por caminhos inusitados, com olhos atentos àquilo que realmente vale a pena. Conheça nossa essência Existe, hoje, um grande volume de informações nas bibliotecas, nas empresas e, sobretudo, na rede. Para vocêTrabalhamos para tirar pessoas do piloto automático. O desconhecido provoca, gera perguntas, traz novas respostas. Gostou? Para empresasAjudamos equipes e empresas a transformarem suas realidades. Inovar, tomar uma decisão, despertar a criatividade, conectar-se com o que acontece fora do escritório, preparar-se para o futuro – estes são alguns dos desafios que podemos enfrentar juntos. Quer saber mais? Despertamos seu interesse? Entre em contato ;-)

Prática x Metodologias para Startups Antes de utilizar qualquer metodologia em seu negócio, é imprescindível entender como aplicá-la na prática. No mundo das startups, tem-se falado muito sobre novas metodologias de desenvolvimento de negócios como a Lean Startup e o Canvas do Business Model Generation, em alguns casos até com uma certa idolatria, o que é preocupante. Explico porque: A Lean Startup (ou “A Startup Enxuta” como traduzido para o português) é uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de negócios inovadores, inspirado em conceitos do Lean Manufacturing da indústria automotiva, definindo processos de criação de novos produtos e serviços com o mínimo de desperdício, através do desenvolvimento ágil, muita iteração, medição e validação junto aos consumidores. É importante observar que esta metodologia foi criada nos EUA, após a bolha da Internet e da crise de 2008, em que o capital ficou mais escasso e sendo necessário limitar os investimentos. Cassio A.

BRAZIL & the EU Brazil and the European Union share a longstanding relationship based on strong cultural and historical ties, a common heritage which contributed in time to strengthen their economic and political relations. More than five decades of close cooperation Brazil has been one of the first countries with whom the EU has established diplomatic relations, starting their first common efforts back in 1960 with the exchange of formal diplomatic missions. Since 2007, when the EU recognized Brazil as one of its main global interlocutors by establishing a formal the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership, the EU and Brazil are also strategic partners, strengthening co-operation and developing a deeper dialogue. Yearly Summits have been held since 2007, focusing on key global challenges such as climate change, the international financial crisis as well as the analysis of the respective regional situations. The EU-Brazil Agenda

Videogames e aplicativos para celular ensinam a controlar finanças 'Goumi' traz conceitos de educação financeira em um mundo virtual on-line (Foto: Divulgação) Para se dar bem em muitos games, o jogador precisa entender um pouco de economia e de orçamento doméstico. Em alguns games de corrida, o prêmio recebido em cada corrida serve para comprar novos apetrechos do carro e, se o dinheiro faltar, o carro pode não ficar competitivo. Certos jogos de tiro usam “dinheiro” para que o jogador compre novas armas. (Série Endividados: num momento em que economistas alertam para alta do endividamento da população, o G1 publica nesta semana reportagens com exemplos de pessoas endividadas e dicas para usar melhor o crédito.) Embora estes games ensinem o básico sobre educação financeira, eles não têm foco diretamente no assunto. No título criado pela Cedro Finances e lançado em maio de 2011, o jogador deve criar um avatar, uma representação virtual de um personagem, e entrar em um mundo onde pode criar seu próprio negócio e tentar prosperar.

Brazil Conferences | Forming Ideas This conference was the result of research undertaken in Brazil in spring 2010 and was developed in partnership with the Royal College of Art and was curated by the RCA's Martina Margetts Senior Tutor, Critical and Historical Studies. Brazil has one of the fastest growing economies in the world and a complex history and identity. The conference aimed to inform a UK-based audience about Brazil's contemporary visual culture, with a focus on areas of craft, design and social change. Key speakers from across the globe were invited to present. Adélia Borges, the leading Brazilian design writer and curator, gave the keynote lecture on Brazilian contemporary craft and design and their context. Frederico Duarte, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Scholar, discussed social projects led by academics and practitioners, drawing on his extensive recent primary research in Brazil. Bronac Ferran, Senior Research Tutor in the department of Innovation Design Engineering at the RCA and former List of Delegates

Forming Ideas Brazil research visit post journey notes by Ann Jones - Brazil | Forming Ideas Forming Ideas Brazil research visit 25 February – 10 March 2010 Curators who took part: Stephen Beddoe: Programme Manager Artquest, University of the Arts, London Michelle Bowen: Visual Arts Officer Arts Council England East Midlands Yvonna Demczynska: Director Flow Gallery, London Richard Edwards: Visual Arts Officer Arts Council Officer London Deirdre Figueiredo: Director Craftspace, Birimingham Melanie Kidd: Head of Exhibitions the Hub National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford Christine Lawry: Chief Executive Wallford Mill Crafts, Wimborne Jackie Lee: Visual Arts Officer Arts Council England West Midlands Martina Margetts: Snr Tutor Critical and Historical Studies, Royal College of Art, London Sara Roberts: Independent Curator, Winchester Kelda Savage: Independent Curator, Manchester David Sinclair: Exhibitions and Education Co-ordinator, The Civic, Barnsley The curators were selected from an open application process. The Purpose of the research What we encountered (see the full itinerary)

Alvorada BBSRC-Brazil (FAPESP) joint funding of research Related links Downloads External links Share this page: Sets a cookie RCUK-FAPESP memorandum of understanding Call status: OpenApplication deadline: as per next responsive mode Research Councils UK (RCUK) and FAPESP, the State of Säo Paulo Research Foundation, have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to welcome, encourage and support applications that may cut across their national boundaries and involve international collaborative teams. The MoU provides for a 'Lead Agency Agreement' whereby the relevant UK Research Council will receive and assess collaborative proposals from eligible institutions on behalf of both organisations. BBSRC-FAPESP applications BBSRC will accept applications under the terms of the MoU for responsive mode grants at any time (see application information in related links). Eligibility The usual eligibility criteria apply for BBSRC applicants To receive support from FAPESP, the Brazilian partners must be based at an institution eligible for FAPESP support.

Forming Ideas Evaluation Report | Forming Ideas Introduction Executive SummaryFull Report Delivered by Art Projects and Solutions, Forming Ideas was a three-year professional development programme that aimed to broaden and strengthen debate around contemporary craft practice, build national and international networks and lead to new opportunities for presenting international crafts in the UK. The total project budget was £249,000. The project was part of the Arts Council’s craft development strategy Forming the Future.The aims defined for Forming Ideas were: The Forming Ideas programme comprised research visits that led to events aimed at sharing new research and knowledge with the sector. Forming Ideas was evaluated by an external evaluator, using the logic model defined for the project. Outputs International visits 38 crafts professionals took part in international research visits that ranged in length between 7 and 14 days. The richness and diversity of the itineraries were a particular strength of the project. Dissemination events

Brazilian school invites students to contribute to lesson plans Gain instant and exclusive access to over 5,000 of the most creative ideas, innovations and startups on our database and use our smart filters to take you direct to those that are most relevant to your industry and your needs. Not interested? You can still browse articles published in the last 30 days from our homepage and receive your daily and weekly fix of entrepreneurial ideas through our free newsletters.
