40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World If you’re a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and infographics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you’ll learn something new. If you enjoy this collection of maps, the Sifter highly recommends the r/MapPorn sub reddit. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. *Bonus* World Map Tattoo with Countries Visited Coloured
How Spelling Supports Reading And why it is more regular and predictable than you may think Much about spelling is puzzling. Our society expects that any educated person can spell, yet literate adults commonly characterize themselves as poor spellers and make spelling mistakes. Many children have trouble spelling, but we do not know how many, or in relation to what standard, because state accountability assessments seldom include a direct measure of spelling competence. Nevertheless, research has shown that learning to spell and learning to read rely on much of the same underlying knowledge — such as the relationships between letters and sounds — and, not surprisingly, that spelling instruction can be designed to help children better understand that key knowledge, resulting in better reading. Research also bears out a strong relationship between spelling and writing: Writers who must think too hard about how to spell use up valuable cognitive resources needed for higher level aspects of composition. Back to top Water
Welcome to ReadWorks! • See below to explore some of our favorite K-8 reading comprehension passages. Or search the entire collection by grade, lexile, domain or skill/strategy and find 1,800 more! • Each passage is paired with a text-dependent question set that is based in the highest quality research and can help you meet Common Core and state standards • Content areas include science, social studies, original fiction and original reporting • Perfect for independent work, small-group work, whole-class lessons, or teacher read-aloud lessons • Check back often—we're always adding new passages! Kindergarten "Bright as the Sun" Lexile: 310 "The Liberty Bell" Lexile: 190 "Me and My Shadow" Lexile: 140 1st Grade "What is the Solar System?" "A Great Statue" Lexile: 450 "Kerry Kangaroo Hops" Lexile: 330 2nd Grade Lexile: 640 Lexile: 520
Vocabulary Myths: Applying Second Language Research To Classroom Teaching This webpage is a summary of the above-mentioned book by Keith Folse, currently Associate Professor of TESOL at the University of Central Florida. The core of the book is a discussion of eight myths about learning and teaching vocabulary: The eight myths are: For language teachers the main insights from the research that Folse analyses are: Vocabulary is crucial to both communication and comprehension;Vocabulary needs to be explicitly taught and learned; it will not develop quickly enough through simple exposure to written or spoken language. For non-language teachers the main insights are: It is important to be aware of the English words and phrases that are likely to cause most difficulty for ESL students. Preface Folse notes that for many years until the mid 1990's researchers and teachers generally underestimated the importance of vocabulary in second language (SL) development. [More on comprehensible input] More on comprehensible input An introduction to the work of Stephen Krashen
Top Facebook Pages for English Language Teachers Facebook can be an excellent resource for teachers of the English language! Did you know there are Facebook pages solely dedicated to English teachers? Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses In this article, we list and review some of our favorite Facebook pages for English Teachers. To view and "like" these pages, click on the links provided. Please note that you must be logged in to your own Facebook account to view these pages. One tip before we start: Don't just "like" these pages! Okay! Click on each page name for a link and review about the page. 1. Teaching English - British Council is just one of the fabulous pages offered by the British Council to accompany their website Teaching English. Teaching English - British Council regularly posts about resources and classroom skills, ELT events, and the British culture. Here are a few other Facebook pages for English teachers operated by the British Council: (Return to top) 2. (Return to top)
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Teflpedia Fonetik med iPad och dator I veckan har mina 9or för första gången fått möta fonetisk skrift. Vissa lärare arbetar väldigt mycket med det, själv berör jag det knappt alls i varken tyska eller engelska. När jag undervisade i franska lade jag mer energi på det av den enkla anledningen att stavningen och uttalet skiljer sig så markant åt i franska språket. Jag introducerade ämnet med en kort film om uttal från BBC. I appen fick eleverna på egen hand försöka förstå vad de konstiga tecknen betydde, några försökte också på eget initiativ skriva egna tecken när de fick orden stavade, vilket är avsevärt svårare. När de hade fått ungefärlig koll på hur man skulle läsa ut dem gick de vidare till kartan med ljuden, där de själva fick klicka fram ljud. Mitt syfte med lektionen: att eleverna ska kunna känna igen fonetisk skrift och kunna få någon vägledning av tecknen.
short stories at east of the web A game of Scrabble has serious consequences. - Length: 4 pages - Age Rating: PG - Genre: Crime, Humor A semi-barbaric king devises a semi-barabaric (but entirely fair) method of criminal trial involving two doors, a beautiful lady and a very hungry tiger. - Length: 7 pages - Genre: Fiction, Humor ‘Bloody hell!’ - Genre: Humor Looking round he saw an old woman dragging a bucket across the floor and holding a mop. - Length: 3 pages Henry pours more coal onto the hearth as a gust of wind rattles through the cracked window frame. - Length: 14 pages - Genre: Horror ulissa Ye relished all the comfortable little routines and quietude defining her part-time job at The Bookery, downtown’s last small, locally-owned bookstore. - Length: 8 pages - Age Rating: U The forest looked ethereal in the light from the moon overhead. - Length: 15 pages - Age Rating: 18 Corporal Earnest Goodheart is crouched in a ditch on the edge of an orchard between Dunkirk and De Panne. - Genre: Fiction - Length: 20 pages