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SIOP Matrix...suggested instructional activities... 2012 2013.pdf

SIOP Matrix...suggested instructional activities... 2012 2013.pdf

How Spelling Supports Reading And why it is more regular and predictable than you may think Much about spelling is puzzling. Our society expects that any educated person can spell, yet literate adults commonly characterize themselves as poor spellers and make spelling mistakes. Nevertheless, research has shown that learning to spell and learning to read rely on much of the same underlying knowledge — such as the relationships between letters and sounds — and, not surprisingly, that spelling instruction can be designed to help children better understand that key knowledge, resulting in better reading. Research also bears out a strong relationship between spelling and writing: Writers who must think too hard about how to spell use up valuable cognitive resources needed for higher level aspects of composition. But what about spell check? Clearly, the research base for claiming that spelling is important for young children is solid: Learning to spell enhances children’s reading and writing. Back to top Water

En läsande klass Vocabulary Myths: Applying Second Language Research To Classroom Teaching This webpage is a summary of the above-mentioned book by Keith Folse, currently Associate Professor of TESOL at the University of Central Florida. The core of the book is a discussion of eight myths about learning and teaching vocabulary: The eight myths are: For language teachers the main insights from the research that Folse analyses are: Vocabulary is crucial to both communication and comprehension;Vocabulary needs to be explicitly taught and learned; it will not develop quickly enough through simple exposure to written or spoken language. For non-language teachers the main insights are: It is important to be aware of the English words and phrases that are likely to cause most difficulty for ESL students. Preface Folse notes that for many years until the mid 1990's researchers and teachers generally underestimated the importance of vocabulary in second language (SL) development. [More on comprehensible input] More on comprehensible input An introduction to the work of Stephen Krashen

Läsa och anteckna i paddan | Gränslöst digitalt lärande En anledning till att det verkar vara svårare att minnas texter man har läst digitalt, kan vara att vi använder fel teknik. När vi läser i böcker är vi vana att anteckna i marginalen eller på anteckningsblock, att stryka under eller att helt enkelt vika ett litet hundöra vid en viktig sida. Med låneböcker har jag använt post-it lappar av olika storlekar för att kunna anteckna och markera. Vad gäller studieteknik tror jag ändå att jag är ganska bra på att läsa och kunna använda det jag läst. Jag kan markera med både överstrykningspenna och stryka under med olika färger. Vi har inte alltid möjlighet att låta eleverna ta med sig läroböckerna i skolan hem. Jag hittade tipset på Pinterest, att använda Skitch med eleverna vid ”Close reading”, men tyvärr funkar inte länken, bara bilden.

