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The New Doctopus & Add-ons Gallery

The New Doctopus & Add-ons Gallery

A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom Is Social Media Relevant? Take the Quiz Before we talk social media, let's talk about the relevance of social media by taking a quiz. Which of the following is most likely to be true? ☐ Should we teach letter-writing in the classroom? The Social Media Answer ☑ There's one form of writing that can arguably get someone fired, hired or forced to retire faster than any other form of writing. One form of writing is that powerful. If you guessed social media, you're right. The Social Media Myth The myth about social media in the classroom is that if you use it, kids will be Tweeting, Facebooking and Snapchatting while you're trying to teach. You don't even have to bring the most popular social media sites into your classroom. 12 Ways Teachers are Using Social Media in the Classroom Right Now Tweet or post status updates as a class. It's in the Standards Social media is here.

iPad as an Interactive White Board for $5 or $10 School leaders around the United States continue to spend HUGE amounts of money on interactive whiteboards for classrooms, despite the fact that these devices universally FAIL to empower students to become more independent, self-directed and engaged learners in the way mobile learning devices (like laptops, tablets or other personal digital learning tools) can. Please do not misunderstand me: It definitely IS a big deal for a teacher and his/her students to have access to an LCD projector connected to a computer in the classroom if previously, the “normal” technology in the room was an overhead projector. photo © 2010 Wesley Fryer | more info (via: Wylio) In the last two weeks, Tim Tyson has recorded and published (both to his blog and his YouTube channel) eight screencasts totaling 52 minutes and 37 seconds. To be clear, as Tim Tyson outlined in his introductory video about this process, everyone should understand the requirements to use an iPad as an IWB. The decision is up to you.

Instruktioner Jag gör ofta instruktioner inför utbildningstillfällen och vill gärna dela med mig av dem så att de kanske kan komma till ytterligare nytta. Instruktionerna är alla licensierade under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND även om det inte står nämnt i själva dokumentet. Detta innebär att om du för dem vidare behöver du uppge att jag har skapat dem, du får inte använda dem kommersiellt utan lov och du får inte ändra dem. Annoteringar i YouTube Skapa blogg i Moobis Skapa blogg i Blogger Skapa blogg i WordPress (.com) Användarmanual för Dropbox Formulär i Google Drive Skapa grupp i Facebook VoiceThread Padlet TodaysMeet Mentimeter Fotobabble Storybird Like this: Like Loading...

iPad - IWB YouTube Videos Now Up (Practical Practice) You have several options for having the content here at come to you automatically. By selecting one of the buttons below, you can: add this blog to your favorite social networking or bookmarking service, subscribe to the blog through your favorite RSS aggregator, subscribe to Tim's podcast series, iUpgrade, through your favorite podcast aggregator. Go ahead, never miss anything! Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 4 Pinterest Boards Packed Full of... My blogging journey this year has been so eventful and busy. I have covered a wide range of topics from reviews of iPad apps to newest releases in the world of educational technology. The driving purpose was and will always be to help those of you working in the first lines, in the trenches teaching our kids; help them better integrate technology into education and introduce them to the recent technology needed to fulfil their endeavour. In today's post, I want to share with you some of the most popular Pinterest boards for Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. 1- Free Technology for Teachers This is the most popular board among them all. 2- Educational Infographics and Posters This board features over 200 awesome educational visuals covering a wide range of concepts including : flipped classroom, Blooms taxonomy, educational social networking, to mention but a few. 3- Teacher Books In this board I share books I read and which are relevant to what I blog about in this blog.

Micro Phone Lens 150x: Cell Phone Based Microscope by Thomas Larson The Kickstarter is now over, which means this page is frozen and cannot be updated. If you missed the campaign, please visit to the official website at to learn more. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. -Thomas The Micro Phone Lens 150x is the world's first device that makes your phone or tablet comparable to a professional or laboratory microscope! This is the culmination of over two year's worth of work, including the original Micro Phone Lens 15x. Your support will make the new Micro Phone Lens a reality! At Home: Remember when you got your first microscope kit? The Micro Phone Lens 150x was designed to achieve spectacular results with absolute simplicity. Features Include: Powerful: At 150x magnification, the Lens is comparable to a conventional microscope.Universal: The 150x works with any device with a 5 Megapixel or greater camera. Easy Focusing: This feature is so cool it demands its own section. Tech Specs: We've made it! Updated 3/23/2014 Carrying Case

Google drive, Doctopus och Goobric Parallellt med #Digiskol har jag den här terminen börjat jobba i Google drive tillsammans med mina elever. Som jag skrivit tidigare fick de i början av terminen Cromebooks att arbeta med och vi hade ett par dagar innan fått en dags kompetensutveckling kring GAFE, Google Apps For Education, Det kan ju låta lite, men det var det som behövdes för att komma igång. Sen måste man ju som alltid pilla och pröva för att hitta finesser som man är ute efter. Den största fördelen med att arbeta i driven är ju att man kan komma åt sina saker från vilken dator som helst. Det var då som någon på mitt jobb hittade scriptet Doctopus som man kopplar till dokumenten i driven. För att lära mig detta har jag använt mig av det här youtubeklippet och kollegor som snappat detta snabbare än jag :) Jag valde även att fortsätta med ett till script, Goobric, som man kopplar till Doctopus . Det kanske låter knepigt och svårt när man skriver om det, men får man det att funka är det super måste jag säga. /Linda

Flippfilm inför min föreläsning I min föreläsning pratar jag mycket om modet att våga prova digitala verktyg i sitt klassrum. För att våga prova och känna sig någorlunda trygg behöver man kunskap om hur man gör. Om man är med i olika Facebookgrupper eller på Twitter är det väldigt lätt att känna sig ensammast i världen och tänka " jag fattar ingenting av vad de pratar om" ! Jag har därför gjort en instruktionsfilm till er från absoluta början. Det är bra om ni tittat på filmen innan vi ses. Under föreläsningen kommer jag att visa er hur man kan arbeta med Google Drive och vilka fördelar som finns både för oss och för våra elever. Min föreläsning riktar sig till er som är nybörjare eller precis har börjat med digitala verktyg på era skolor. Syftet är att deltagarna ska gå därifrån och tänka "japp, detta kan jag klara", "detta vill jag lära mig" och "jag är också modig"! Föreläsningen är enkel, med tydliga och konkreta exempel ur min egen undervisning. Tveka inte att ställa frågor om ni inte hänger med. Lycka till!

#GAFE, Vad kan man använda det till? Igår så tweetade Katarina Lycken Rüter en hel del tankar kring Google Apps For Education, även kallad GAFE. I skolSverige är det väldigt olika kring hur man kan/får använda detta i sin undervisning. På min skola använder vi GAFE tillsammans med våra elever och har mycket nytta av detta. Använder det själv varje dag, både på jobbet och privat. Då jag tycker att alla borde få använda detta verktyg i sitt arbete tillsammans med eleverna gick jag lite igång på detta. Frågan kom; Men vad gör ni med GAFE som är så bra? Här kommer mina tio-i-topp grejer att använda GAFE till (utan inbördes ordning) 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Phju! // Camilla, ser framemot releasen av Google Classroom efter sommaren! samarbete snabba puckar

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. Yet as with anything related to technology, new tools are hitting the market constantly and older ones rising to prominence, broadening their scope, or just adding new features that make them better matches for education, which can make it hard to keep up with the newest and most useful tools even for the most tech-savvy teachers. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the tech tools, including some that are becoming increasingly popular and widely used, that should be part of any teacher’s tech tool arsenal this year, whether for their own personal use or as educational aids in the classroom. Social Learning These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and teachers connect. Learning Lesson Planning and Tools Useful Tools

UPDATE: 36 Digital Formative Assessment Tools for the Classroom If you’ve followed our blog here at Teach Learn Grow, you know that we’re a huge proponent of formative assessment. There is no shortage of formative assessment techniques available to teachers to use in their classroom. They provide teachers the valuable feedback they need to adjust their teaching so student learning moves forward. We’ve blogged previously about some of these digital tools, and I recently came across Jeff Knutson’s blog at Graphite – Fantastic Formative Assessment Tools that Give Great Feedback. Here are Jeff’s digital formative assessment finds that we can add to our list: Kahoot - A game-based classroom response system, where teachers can create quizzes using Internet content.Backchannel Chat - Similar to TodaysMeet, this site offers a teacher-moderated version of Twitter. Here’s a recap of the 33 digital formative assessment tools we previously shared. Lino - A virtual corkboard of sticky-notes so students can provide questions or comments on their learning.
