NAT GEO ADVENTURE – ADVENTURE TRAVEL VIDEOS Des sociétés militaires privées Les compagnies militaires privées, qui échappent au contrôle des députés et la société auraient pour mission de résoudre certains problèmes spécifiques à l’étranger, en évitant des procédures et des débats compliqués qui sont inévitables dans le cas de l’utilisation de l’armée des pays occidentaux. En outre, ce qui est également important, c’est que les pertes des compagnies militaires privées ne sont pas comptabilisées par les structures de l’Etat, ce qui permet aux gouvernements d’éviter de poser des questions inconfortables, qui surviennent lorsque l’armée perd ses soldats dans des conflits armés. Dans certains pays, les compagnies militaires privées peuvent en effet remplacer les forces armées, protéger efficacement les installations des menaces diverses, assurant le transport, le dédouanement et fournissant d'autres services de nature militaire. Très souvent, les spécialistes des compagnies militaires privées sont utilisées pour la formation des forces armées des Etats étrangers.
1131 - Megaprojekti – »Juzni tok«: Mali deo velike energetske sahovske partije Megaprojekti – »Južni tok« > Mali deo velike energetske šahovske partije Za decembar se najavljuju radovi na "Južnom toku". Da li smo izgubili korak za priključak takvim megaprojektima? Na čelu borda direktora Hening Fošerau, bivši gradonačelnik Hamburga. Duga zamršena istorija trgovine gasom. Jesenja polusezona u Srbiji počela je najavama o početku izgradnje gasovoda "Južni tok". U centralnom ofisu "Gasproma" u Moskvi 30. avgusta na radnom sastanku predsednika "Gasproma" Alekseja Milera i generalnog direktora "Srbijagasa" Dušana Bajatovića ocenjivan je tok realizacije "Južnog toka" na teritoriji Srbije. Nakon što je u januaru 2008. između Rusije i Srbije potpisan kompleksni Međudržavni sporazum o projektu "Južni tok" i o projektu "Banatski Dvor", u novembru 2009. u Bernu u Švajcarskoj je registrovana zajednička projektna kompanija "South Stream Serbia AG", u kojoj vlasnički udeo "Gasproma" iznosi 51 odsto, a "Srbijagasa" – 49. U Bugarskoj gasovod se grana na severni i južni krak.
Food / Cooking Military History Online War on Gaza - Experimental Beta War on Gaza - Experimental Beta Click on the dots to view reports © 2013 Microsoft Corporation © 2010 NAVTEQ 6 Dec 11 Dec 16 Dec 21 Dec 26 Dec 31 Dec 5 Jan 10 Jan 15 Jan 20 Jan 25 Jan 30 Jan Overview of reported incidents over time This is an experimental web service. Submit an Incident Submit via SMS | Twitter Submit via SMS | Twitter Incidents (from map above listed chronologically) TITLE LOCATION Date Israeli jets strike Rafah tunnels: Raids... Official & mainstream news TITLE SOURCE Date AJELive: Rebels claim control of strategic... As content is contributed from users around the world, AlJazeera cannot be held accountable for accuracy of data on this site. Ushahidi Souktel
Radomir Konstantinović - Filosofija palanke Music Based Top 10 World Modern Fighter Aircraft - 2010 The J-10 adopts a “tailless delta-canard” aerodynamic layout, which was originally developed for the cancelled J-9 fighter. The aircraft has the horizontal control surfaces moved forward to become a canard in front of the wing. When the aircraft pitches up, instead of forcing the tail down decreasing overall lift, the canard lifts the nose, increasing the overall lift. Because the canard is picking up the fresh air stream instead of the wake behind the main wing, the aircraft can achieve better control authority with a smaller-size control surface, thus resulting in less drag and less weight. The aircraft employs an adjustable, chin-mounted air intake that supplies air to the single Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FN afterburning turbofan jet engine. The tailless delta-canard configuration is inherently aerodynamically unstable, which provides a high level of agility, particularly at supersonic speeds. The pilot sits in the cockpit located above the air intake and in front of the canard. 9- Mig-35
Not a Click Away: Joseph Kony in the Real World In 2006, I flew with a group of journalists and United Nations officials to a remote village in Garamba National Park in eastern Congo, just on other side of the South Sudan border, for a meeting with Joseph Kony and the leaders of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). The meeting was to be held in a designated staging ground – a neutral space, deep in the forest, created by the UN as part of yet another protracted peace agreement between Kony and the Ugandan government. When we arrived, dozens of heavily armed LRA soldiers emerged from the forest and took their places among the stacks of rotting food that had been delivered to the clearing as an enticement and sign of goodwill. While we waited for Kony and the other leaders of the LRA to arrive, I debated with a few other journalists if whether the most moral action wouldn’t be to wait until the leaders arrived, and then leave abruptly so they could be bombed or hunted down. Of course no one was killed or arrested that day.