Why dread a bump on the head? The neuroscience of traumatic brain injury | Project NEURON | University of Illinois This lesson serves as the introduction to the “Why dread a bump on the head?” unit. Students are introduced to traumatic brain injury (TBI) through pictures and discussions that help students break down prior assumptions and begin to think about TBI from a scientific perspective. Students learn about and discuss the three classifications of TBI, mild, moderate, and severe. These categories are presented through the reading and discussion of news articles. Students then examine a hypothetical situation where they are the doctors on a brain injury case. In the first scene of The Golden Hour, as the player, students go out with an emergency services medical team to respond to a bike accident in which the biker hit his head.
Milankovitch Orbital Data Viewer Global and Seasonal Distribution of Incoming Solar Radiation Compare distribution of daily mean radiation at two different times: Global/Seasonal Distribution of Differences Difference: Perturbed Orbit - Reference Time: These changes can be predicted (and hindcast) by numerical integration of the multibody equations of celestial mechanics. The daily mean top-of-the atmosphere incoming solar radiation (insolation) by latitude and season is determined from the orbital parameters using well-known formulae based on spherical trigonometry (see derivation on wikipedia). Some excellent web-based educational resources on Milankovitch forcing of climate are: How this website works (including all the code!) This website is controlled using the R package “shiny.” There are 10 components: Scroll down or click links in the list above to read all about it! Read and subset orbital data between user-specified times laskar.R: Calculate top-of-atmosphere insolation at 65N at June Solstice Qday.65N.solstice.R: ui.R:
Operate Now: Brain Surgery To play the super cool games on www.agame.com, you need a plugin called Flash. Chrome, the browser you’re using, will not have this anymore. If you see this icon: , in the top right-hand corner of your browser, click on it. It will display this message: To play the games, you need to click on “Always allow plugins on www.agame.com”. It’s safe, don’t worry. To always have a super-awesome time on our website, we also recommend to do these quick steps:Type [ in the address bar on top, and then press Enter to open the Plugins section of Chrome 1. Juegos para niños para prevenir el abuso de drogas Quizá no pasa por tu mente la posibilidad de los niños abusando de drogas en una edad temprana, pero muchos niños están expuestos a las drogas o el alcohol en algún punto durante sus años escolares. Es importante educarlos acerca de los peligros de las drogas cuando son pequeños. Haz que los niños participen en un par de actividades que les ayudarán a pensar porque deben decir "no". Juegos de rol Organiza algunos juegos de roles. Crucigramas Hazlos jugar crucigramas como los que están disponibles en el sitio web de PBS Kids (ver Recursos). Juegos en línea Si los niños tienen acceso a una computadora, déjalos jugar juegos en línea que los eduquen sobre los efectos de la droga. por ejemplo, NIDA para Adolescentes tiene un juego de prueba llamado el Reto del Dr. Juego del globo inflado/desinflado
Manipulatives neurons Global Warming and Climate Change skepticism examined Lessons | BrainU The neuroscience lesson resources found here - teacher guides, student guides, handouts, overheads, software, and other supporting materials for classroom activities - are available for your download and use. Each lesson has been aligned with Minnesota Science Standards and we are in the process of aligning the lessons with the Next Generation Science Standards. All materials on this site are available at no cost for educational and non-commercial use. Lessons fall into these groups: Experiments that can be done in the classroom Experiments more easily done in a lab Dissection Model Building Experiential Stations - mini-lessons Lessons relating to the following topics are grouped on these pages: Addiction Memory Synapses Lesson documents in MS Word format are now available with lesson attachments. We welcome your suggestions on additional lesson materials that we or you can develop.
Nanoparticles and Brain Tumors Guide Activity Home Teacher's Guide Glossary Credit & Thanks Recommended Grade Levels: 10-12+ Tips for using the site with students Before using this activity in class (or at home with your kids) go through the activity once to make sure it works correctly on your computer(s). Printable activities for use in class For an assessment tool, teachers may want to have students put their names on the Worksheets and turn them in. A paper version of the chemical equation balancing activity (both standard and advanced) can be found here. A quick 10 question quiz can be found here. A brief work sheet for students can be found here. After students use the site, additional in class discussion questions (which can also act as assessment tools) can be asked: What other current uses can you think of for nanoparticles? High School Physical Science HS-PS1-6 Refine the design of a chemical system by specifying a change in conditions that would produce increased amounts of products at equilibrium. High School ELA
Deep Brain Stimulation - Teacher's Guide Activity Home Teacher's Guide Glossary Credit & Thanks Recommended Grade Levels: 7 - 12 and up WARNING: Some of the photographs and procedures in this surgery activity are rather graphic. Tips for using the site with students Before using this activity in class (or at home with your kids) go through the activity once to make sure it works correctly on your computer(s). Answers to Questions in the Activity Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. The worksheet for this activity is optional. You can download the worksheet here. High School Life Science HS-LS1-2. High school Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science HS-ETS1-4. CCSS High School ELA RST.9-10.2 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text. Science & Technology Grades 6-8: Give examples of how technological advances, influenced by scientific knowledge, affect the quality of life. National Science Standards
The Science of Fear What are you afraid of? Snakes? Turbulence? Spiders? All of us get scared, and all of us have different thresholds for what makes us afraid. Whatever it is that scares you, what we can agree on is that fear causes our bodies to react. Well, if you are experiencing these symptoms, you have your amygdala to thank. Consider the amygdala as your own onboard 911 operator. We can learn quite a lot from animals about how we respond when we are frightened. Parts of Our Body's Fear System Amygdala: scans for threats and signals body to respond Brain Stem: triggers the freeze response Hippocampus: turns on the fight-or-flight response Hypothalamus: signals the adrenal glands to pump hormones Pre-Frontal Cortex: interprets the event and compares it to past experiences Thalamus: receives input from the senses and "decides" to send information to either the sensory cortex (conscious fear) or the amygdala (defense mechanism) Your Amygdala at Work: A STEM Activity Fear and Learning Don't Mix Oil and water.
What is Neural Engineering | The NSF Engineering Research Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE) By Dr. Lise Johnson (CNSE Education Manager) What exactly is Sensorimotor Neural Engineering? That is a very good question, and one that I get asked frequently. Inevitably when you meet someone you get to talking about what you do for a living, and if you work at the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering, it’s only natural for people to wonder what on Earth that is. Some people are polite about this, while others are more direct. Since we have the luxury of being thorough, here is what we will do. So, after we are done with our prerequisites, I’ll take you on a tour of some actual Sensorimotor Neural Engineering labs. It might sound like this is going to be very educational.
Traumatic Brain Injury | The NSF Engineering Research Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE) Traumatic Brain Injury: A Neural Network Journey (DRAFT) Grades: Six to 12 This seven-lesson unit, aimed at middle school and high school students, provides background in neuroanatomy, neuroscience, and neural engineering with a special focus on traumatic brain injury. The plans were created by Michael Shaw, Cleveland High School (Seattle, Wash.), and Shannon Jephson-Hernandez, Mill Creek Middle School (Kent, Wash.). The unit culminates in a script writing exercise, with students composing a special report on traumatic brain injury. Introduction and Table of Contents Lesson 1: Introduction to the Nervous System Lesson 2: Macro Brain Lesson 3: Neurons and Synapses Lesson 4: Reaction Time–Action Potential Lab Lesson 5: Networks and Systems Lesson 6: Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury Lesson 7: Script Writing Skills Workshop
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat | Oliver Sacks, M.D. | Author, Neurologist | On The Move, Hallucinations, Musicophilia, Awakenings, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Here Dr. Sacks recounts the case histories of patients lost in the bizarre, apparently inescapable world of neurological disorders: people afflicted with fantastic perceptual and intellectual aberrations; patients who have lost their memories and with them the greater part of their pasts; who are no longer able to recognize people and common objects; who are stricken with violent tics and grimaces or who shout involuntary obscenities; whose limbs have become alien; who have been dismissed as retarded yet are gifted with uncanny artistic or mathematical talents. If inconceivably strange, these brilliant tales remain, in Dr. Sacks’s splendid and sympathetic telling, deeply human. They are studies of life struggling against incredible adversity, and they enable us to enter the world of the neurologically impaired, to imagine with our hearts what it must be to live and feel as they do. Praise for The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat: “Dr. “Dr.