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spinn3r-client - Google Code This projects implements client bindings to access the Spinn3r web service. All of our drivers will be released under the Apache 2.0 license. The APL is a very liberal license and basically allows customers and researchers using the Spinn3r API to build whatever type of application they want on top of our platform without having to worry about legal and licensing implications. The Spinn3r API is a firehose API of live weblog, microblog, and social media content and is fetched and updated it in near real time. Users of the reference client run it from the command line as a daemon and write .protostream files to a directory on their hard drive. Once the .protostream files are written to your local disk you can use a C#, perl, python, or C (including any language where protocol buffers are supported) client to read the protostream and index the data specific to your application. Documentation Permalink API

5 Ways to Tell Which Programming Languages are Most Popular Are older programming languages like Java and Perl giving way to newer languages like Python and Ruby? Is HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript overtaking Flash and/or native mobile application development? Do Microsoft’s languages still have a large developer following, even as Microsoft promotes other languages as first-class citizens on platforms such as Windows 8 and Azure? Finding the answer to these questions can be harder than you think. In many cases, of course, the popularity of a given programming language may not matter. Companies deciding what language to use for greenfield projects. There’s no definitive source of information on programming language usage and popularity, but looking at a cross-section of data sources can offer some ideas about overall trends, in terms of popularity with developers and popularity with employers. 1. Pros: This method draws on two different data sources, and reflects what developers choose to use on their own projects. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pros: ? Conclusions

Roundup of Best GIMP Tips & Tutorial GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc. GIMP is expandable and extensible. Gimp Galaxy By Abduzeedo Although I really like the Adobe’s main product, I have seen a lot of articles about GIMP, that stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program, and people creating amazing effects using this tool. Leopard’s Aurora Borealis wallpaper By Abduzeedo what I want to show on this tutorial is how to create that Aurora Borealis effect using the new GIMP. Gold Text Effect By Gimpology Learn how to create a beautiful gold text effect in the GIMP. Authentic Vintage Effect By Gimpology A beautiful effect for giving your photos an old vintage feel.

#310 - Les meilleurs sites pour convertir tout type de fichiers rapidement et gratuitement Il est parfois nécessaire de convertir un document word, excel, … vers un autre format, l’histoire par exemple, d’immortaliser une version de document ou d’envoyer ce document dans un format inaltérable. Voilà donc une liste de 2 sites qui font le travail correctement et gratuitement. Plus besoin d’installer des utilitaires sur vos PC, MAC, … tout se passe en ligne, voici 2 sites gratuits et performants permettant de convertir pratiquement tous les documents les plus connus. Le premier permet uniquement de transformer un document PDF vers Word ou Excel. A ma connaissance il n’y a pas de taille limite sur les fichiers comme pour beaucoup d’autres sites gratuits. Connectez-vous sur ce site : Ensuite tout se passe en 3 étapes, vous sélectionnez votre fichier PDF à convertir, vous sélectionnez le format de destination .doc ou .rtf, vous saisissez votre email, vous patientez quelques minutes et vous recevez votre fichier converti par mail. Ensuite cliquer sur Convert.

15 méthodes de Link building Google nous rebat les oreilles depuis un certain temps TOUJOURS sur la production de contenu de qualité pour l’obtention éventuelle de positions dans ses sacrosaintes pages de résultats naturels. Maintenant nous savons tous que produire du contenu de qualité est important mais que sans liens entrants, ma foi, vote contenu peut être le meilleur du monde et bien vous n’irez pas bien loin. Augmenter la popularité d’un site, j’en ai déjà parlé dans un article précédent « Comment Augmenter sa popularité » et je vous vois déjà vous dire, « ca y est le juge il a lâché la rampe et il se met à radoter… c’est les burgers et tout, c’est Alzheimer qui le gagne… » Et bien en fait non, pas encore, récemment j’ai lu un article de Zarkoi zivkovic, auteur du blog Practical SEO et qui bosse pour Dejan SEO en Australie. Poster sur des forums Les forums continue d’être des générateurs de liens corrects vous n’avez qu’a demander au BH confirmés ce qu’ils en pensent. Cette technique s’effectue en 3 étapes :

Convertir un fichier PDF en livre interactif avec l'outil CodeBox Desarrollo Web Pixel Curse | Visual inspiration for creative professional Help: TeXlipseBibSonomyExtension By using the TeXlipseBibSonomyExtension you can import the publications from your BibSonomy account directly in TeXlipse and make use of them. For installation use the Eclipse Update mechanism with the TeXlipse site ( Alternatively copy the file below in your eclipse dropins folder. Please note: You need the TeXlipse plugin in version 1.5 or above to use the TeXlipseBibSonomyExtension. Features# Preferences# Use the preference page to adjust your BibSonomy username and API key. Cite Function# Import publication entries from the BibSonomy server into the .bib file of your LaTeX project. Filter the entries-to-fetch with one or more tag(s). Synchronization# This function enables the synchronization of the .bib file with the server (not completely working until now). Current release# TeXlipseBibSonomyExtension_0.1 Older releases# Known issues# Sometimes the .bib file and autocomplete container lose sync. Questions, bugs, suggestions?

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) SVG is a widely-deployed royalty-free graphics format developed and maintained by the W3C SVG Working Group. This is a public group, which works on an open mailing list and which welcomes your feedback. Upcoming Events The Graphical Web 2014 – Winchester, England, August 27–30, 2014 The Graphical Web will showcase SVG, as well as related technologies like Canvas, WebGL, CSS, Javascript, and HTML5 video and audio. News CSS-SVG Effects Task Force Started The CSS and SVG Working groups have started a joint task force to discuss and develop mutual features such as gradients, transforms, filters, and animation. Raspberry Pi FAQs Table of Contents: The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It is a capable little computer which can be used in electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word processing, browsing the internet, and playing games. It also plays high-definition video. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a charity, so you can’t buy shares in the company. You can buy a Raspberry Pi from our main distributors, Premier Farnell/Element14 and RS Components/Allied Electronics. The Model A+ costs $20, the Model B+ costs $25, the Pi 2 costs $35, the Pi 3 costs $35, and the Pi Zero costs $5, plus local taxes and shipping/handling fees. You get the Raspberry Pi board itself. The components we buy are priced in dollars, and we negotiate manufacturing in dollars. Raspberry Pi resellers produce some fantastic bundles for people who would rather get everything they need from a single source. Not at the current time. Yes. 4.

Découvrir linux pas à pas Formations en informatique Accueil > Linux pas à pas Découvrir linux pas à pas Cette page liste l'ensemble des articles dédiés à Linux par ordre de difficulté croissante. Si vous ne connaissez pas Linux, nous vous recommandons de suivre les articles dans l'ordre. Pour plus de clarté, les articles sont classés par rubriques (Introduction à Linux, Installation de Debian...) que vous pouvez retrouver sur le bord gauche de la page. More Sharing Services6 L'ensemble des tutoriels Mistra by Mistra est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons et Paternité - Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique 3.0 Unported. Tutoriels Linux Prochaines Formations Promotions sur nos prochaines formations à -30% et -50% : Formation Android développement - 7 au 11 Avril - 1000 euros HT Formation iPhone iPad développement -14 au 18 Avril- 1600 euros HT Formation nodeJS- 17 et 18 Avril- 900 euros HT Formation maven - 10 et 11 Avril - 750 euros HT Toutes nos promotions ... Domaines de formations

The article that inspired Steve Jobs: “Secrets of the Little Blue Box” Photograph by RaD man/GFDL/Wikipedia In 1971, Slate columnist Ron Rosenbaum wrote an article for Esquire about a loose confederation of proto-hackers who built devices—little blue boxes—that could crack phone networks. According the New York Times obituary of Apple founder Steve Jobs, after reading Rosenbaum’s article, Jobs and his partner in founding Apple, Steve Wozniak, “collaborated on building and selling blue boxes, devices that were widely used for making free—and illegal—phone calls. They raised a total of $6,000 from the effort.” In Which We Explore the Web of the Original Hackers There is an underground telephone network in this country. “Essentially it gives you the power of a super operator. "And they can't trace the calls? "Not if you do it the right way. "I think it's something to do with how small my models are. He sighs. You Can Call Long Distance for Less Than You Think "But it's too late. "Okay. "Right. Captain Crunch Demonstrates His Famous Unit "Oh. "I don't do that.
