Electronics Project Design Schematics and circuit diagrams Technical Library FC's Electronic Circuits FC's Circuit Archive contains many electronic circuits that I have designed and documented. I have attempted to include a number of unusual circuits, with an emphasis on useful applications over simple toy circuits. The majority of these projects can be built with readily available discrete components. Only a few of the circuits here rely on microprocessors. Bucking that trend, the Arduino platform is an easy to learn microprocessor platform with a free software development environment that is so popular it should be around for many years. Most of the circuits on this site have been drawn with the open-source and cross-platform XCircuit circuit drawing program. I'm a big fan of the Linux operating system. Linux makes a great platform for dedicated systems: take an older computer, install Linux and the appropriate free software utilities and turn it into a specialized device.
Maison du Libre Brest - initiation à electronique Cette initiation a pour but de présenter les outils libres pour la conception électronique. Arduino Nous avons décidé d'organiser un cycle d'ateliers autour des Arduinos. Ce kit de développement est basé sur des micro-controleurs Atmel AVR. Il est compatible avec GCC, et ne nécessite aucun composant externe (programmation via bootloader, et gestion du port USB) Participants à l'initiation Merci de vous inscrire ci-dessous si vous êtes intéressés : Le matériel nécessaire a été commandé : Commande Arduino Les sessions d'initiation Les projets en groupe Afin de progresser rapidement, et d'apporter un côté ludique, nous avons décidé de mener quelques projets. Une liste de projets a été publiée sur le forum Construction de la carte bugOne
Homo ludens electronicus My interest in electronics started when I was 12 years old, although I had built electric devices (lighting systems, flashlights, solenoids, even a motor) much earlier. At age 12 I started the real thing: Radios, sound effect generators, light games, etc. This obsession of building things led to a career in electronics, but also it has become my most interesting hobby. I regularly design and build things, and now I will share my better documented projects with you. Each of the following links leads to a page giving constructional information (schematics, sometimes printed circuit layouts, and text) for an electronic project. Power supply and switching technology 13.8 Volt, 20 Ampere linear power supply: A semi-traditional power supply for communication equipment, using negative-rail regulation with grounded pass transistors in a configuration that gives some unique advantages. 160 Volt, 3 Ampere DC motor power supply: A very compact, efficient and simple off-line buck regulator. Audio
Arduino pour bien commencer en électronique et en programmation Bienvenue à toutes et à tous pour un tutoriel sur l'électronique et l'informatique ensemble ! Depuis que l’électronique existe, sa croissance est fulgurante et continue encore aujourd’hui. Si bien que faire de l’électronique est devenu accessible à toutes personnes en ayant l’envie. Mais, le manque de cours simples sur le net ou en libraire empêche la satisfaction des futurs électroniciens amateurs ou professionnels et parfois empêche certains génies à se révéler ( ). Ce que nous allons apprendre aujourd'hui est un mélange d'électronique et de programmation. Nous allons, dans un premier temps, voir ce qu'est l'électronique et la programmation. Plan du cours Je vais détailler un peu le plan du cours. Apprentissage des bases Le cours est composé de façon à ce que les bases essentielles soient regroupées dans les premières parties. Après cela, vous aurez acquis toutes les bases nécessaires pour poursuivre la lecture sereinement. Ce n'est pas tout ! Paré pour commencer l'aventure ?
Technical Library Arduino and 7 Segment LED 7 Segment LED Click here to like us on Facebook! How many TV shows and movies have you seen with some mysterious electronic device counting down to zero on one of those 7 segment LED displays? If we were in that situation, we would be thinking: "Wow, where did they get that in cool blue? "I wonder if it has a common anode or cathode?" "That would take up a lot of IO pins on an Arduino." The seven segment display is a pretty simple device. Video Demo of Arduino 7 Segment LED * This tutorial has been updated with info for our new common cathode, seven segment LEDs * Hardware used in this tutorial: Arduino board, Solderless breadboard, jumper wires, and the blue or red seven segment LED. Instructions: If this is your first Arduino project, first go through our “Arduino: Getting Started” and “Beginning Solderless Breadboards” tutorials. Use our LED resistor calculator to calculate the resistor value that won't destroy your LED! Software This Arduino software example counts down from 9 to 0.
Electronics/Symbols Electronics | Foreword | Basic Electronics | Complex Electronics | Electricity | Machines | History of Electronics | Appendix | edit Power Sources[edit] Grounds[edit] Resistors[edit] Capacitors[edit] Transformers[edit] Diodes[edit] Transistors[edit] Switches[edit] See here for more examples: [1] Greek characters[edit] One reason people don't understand math or Physics very well is that it literally is Greek to them. alpha αbeta βgamma γdelta δepsilon εzeta ζeta ηtheta θiota ιkappa κlambda λmu μnu νxi ξpi πpiv ϖrho ρsigma σsigmaf ςtau τupsilon υphi φchi χpsi ψomega ωGamma ΓDelta ΔTheta ΘLambda ΛXi ΞPi ΠSigma ΣUpsilon ΥPhi ΦPsi ΨOmega Ω
amazing stuff, but where do I buy all the parts from? by argentum_album Jun 27