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Mystical, Magical & Magnificent Monasteries in Meteora (20 Pics) The caves in Meteora, Greece, had inhabitants for fifty millennia, but due to raids, “hermit monks” moved to the safety of sandstone rock pinnacles in the 9th century and began building monasteries. More monks and nuns came, building more monasteries perched high upon the cliffs. Wikipedia reports, “Access to the monasteries was originally (and deliberately) difficult, requiring either long ladders lashed together or large nets used to haul up both goods and people. This required quite a leap of faith — the ropes were replaced, so the story goes, only ‘when the Lord let them break.’” UNESCO World Heritage says, “The net in which intrepid pilgrims were hoisted up vertically alongside the 1,224 ft. cliff where the Varlaam monastery dominates the valley symbolizes the fragility of a traditional way of life that is threatened with extinction.” A view of Meteora monasteries in Greece. The Holy Monastery of Varlaam is the second largest monastery in Meteora, Greece.
Watch CANCER is curable NOW completely FREE Watching "CANCER is curable NOW" with your family and friends is a great way to learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. All ages are inspired by this world class documentary because it motivates the younger generation to prevent disease and helps those in need to find a safe and holistic path to health. Share this video with all those who want to make an educated decision about their health Charlotte Gerson Gerson Institute “With the help of such world class documentaries like CANCER is curable NOW we will finally be able to educate the public of all the wonderful cancer treatment options they really have. Mike Adams Natural News “CANCER is Curable NOW” is powerful enough to bring millions of people to alternative cancer treatments. Robert Jay Rowen MD “CANCER is Curable NOW is the best video on the subject my wife (Terri Su, MD) and I have seen.The video gives hope to people who otherwise are living with abject fear.
Philadelphia Experiment from A-Z You are visitor to this page Thanks for all the interest and comments, I am currently trying to respond to all letters received! To jump to a specific section of this page select below Last Updated: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 03:29:36 PM The following information and Images is ©1995~2008, Andrew H. I have been featured on some of the leading TV series, and specials; Philadelphia Experiment News July / 2013 Over the past 13+ years I have made under $30 in donations to keep it active, hosting of this website has cost over $90/year. Dec 30th, 2011 I may be doing a spot on "William Shatner's Weird or What" in the coming season... ".... Oct 20th, 2008 Scheduled for a On Camera Interview for the History Channel's "Science:Impossible" Aug 5th, 2008 Improving Content on the website, Videos, more files, I will be spending the next week working on the site, I have also added a special offer for people that donate to keep the site active. January 16th 2008 September 17th 2007 October 22, 1999 - Death of a Legend
Researchers capture first-ever image of two atoms forming a molecule Researchers have recorded the first-ever image of two atoms bonding together to form a molecule. Key to the experiment, which appears in the journal Nature, is the researchers' use of the energy of a single electron as a kind of "flash bulb" to illuminate the reaction. The team used ultrafast laser pulses to knock one electron out of its natural orbit in one of the atoms, just as the two atoms were bonding together. Principal investigator Louis DiMauro of Ohio State University said that the feat marks a first step toward not only observing chemical reactions, but also controlling them on an atomic scale. "Through these experiments, we realized that we can control the trajectory of the electron when it comes back to the molecule, by adjusting the orientation of the laser that launches it," said DiMauro, who is a professor of physics at Ohio State. A more common imaging technique involves shooting a molecule with an electron beam, bombarding it with millions of electrons per second.
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