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How to Convert a Computer ATX Power Supply to a Lab Power Supply: 13 steps (with pictures)

How to Convert a Computer ATX Power Supply to a Lab Power Supply: 13 steps (with pictures)
Edit Article Edited by Abizarl, Krystle C., Jack Herrick, Vertent and 42 others Computer power supplies cost around US$30, but lab power supplies can run you $100 or more! By converting the cheap (free) ATX power supplies that can be found in any discarded computer, you can get a phenomenal lab power supply with huge current outputs, short circuit protection, and reasonably tight voltage regulation on the 5V line. On most power supply units (PSUs), the other lines are unregulated. Ad Steps 1Look online or at your local computer store for an ATX computer power supply, or dismantle an old computer and remove the power supply from the case.Ad 2Unplug the power cable from the power supply and turn off the switch on the back (if there is one). 13 Plug the power cable into the back of the power supply and into an AC socket. Tips You can use your power supply 12V output as a car battery charger! Warnings If you suspect the power supply is damaged, do not use it!

Tiny $35 Raspberry Pi computer causes big stir on launch day The $35 credit card-sized Raspberry Pi computer sold out within hours of its debut Wednesday. The miniature circuit board has 256MB of RAM, one audio and two USB ports, an Ethernet port, external SD memory and can be powered by a standard USB mobile phone charger. The Raspberry Pi can plug into any television and can power 3D graphics and Blu-ray video playback. Designers hope the pocket-sized PC will inspire children to learn about computer programming. $35 Raspberry Pi computer launches $35 credit card-sized Raspberry Pi computer sells out within hours of launchDesigners hope mini-PC will inspire children to learn about computer programmingEven cheaper version of Raspberry Pi in production soon, will retail at $25 (CNN) -- The debut of the tiny $35 Raspberry Pi computer crashed its distributors' websites on the way to selling out within hours of launch. The low-cost computer runs a free, open-source Linux operating system and does not include a monitor or keyboard.

Forbes – Top 20 Startups in Africa | Startup Africa The February 2012 edition of Forbes Africa contains their list of Top 20 Start-ups in Africa: Checkout the list below, do you agree with the listed companies, do you think some were missed out? Let us know in the comments. 1. Founded: 2003Country: South AfricaDescription: MXit was one of the first Mobile Instant messaging services in the world and in Africa, and has a userbase of about 45m.Website: 2. Founded: 2007Country: South AfricaDescription: Yola is a simple website builder and hosting service, that allows anyone without any HTML skills to easily create websites.Website: 3. Founded: 2011Country: GhanaDescription: Dropifi assists businesses better respond to incoming messages via their website, and also includes analytics for website owners.Website: 4. Founded: 2009Country: South AfricaDescription: Cobi interactive is a mobile software development company with clientsWebsite: 5. 6. 7. 8.

How-To: Set up a home file server using FreeNAS In today's digital world we've all got data, and lots of it. Our libraries are also growing rapidly: where you used to get by setting aside a few bookshelves for your books, CDs, DVDs and VHS tapes, we now require untold server space to preserve our beloved media in digitized form. We also want our data to be itinerant, or at least seem that way. What is FreeNAS you say? Here's what you'll need, hardware-wise: A 64-bit Intel or AMD processor. If you're one of those extremely cautious people who has to double check everything, here's a URL to the FreeNAS hardware requirements. Once you've got your hardware squared away we have to get some things out in the open: FreeNAS needs to be installed on a USB drive separate from the disks you intend to use for your storage volumes. FreeNAS Installation 1. 2. 3. 4. Next you'll get to the bootloader, which looks like this: 5. You'll be selecting the first option:"Install / Upgrade..." 6. 7. 8. 9. Create disc volumes 1. 2. 3. Create a user UFS. 1. 2. 1.

e-Waste: Liability Or Resource? For many years, electronic waste has been seen as a problem, but what if we changed our attitude and decided that it is an asset? Dealing with obsolete equipment is the last thing many of us want to do. As well as the physical equipment, we have to worry about the security issues, ensuring that no commercial or personal data is left on the kit. A treasure trove of rare metals Dealing with e-waste wisely could benefit the economy as well as the planet. Consumers show clearly the problem that arises from our ignorance. The problem in business seems to be distressingly similar – but on a larger scale, and with more paperwork. The intrinsic value of retired IT equipment is actually quite high. Alternatively, if the machine is beyond use, it can enter the waste stream and be mined for its rare metals. Natural resource Given that, it is a surprise that legislation such as the European Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive is even necessary. Loading ...

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Carrefour Des Possibles Afrique |  SERVEUR SOLIDAIRE Offrir un outil efficace et sécurisé pour construire en ligne des projets Mathias BAZIE, Burkina Faso Le projet : Le serveur, basé sur l’utilisation de logiciels libres, permet d’utiliser des applications multiples avec un matériel informatique de faible puissance, nécessitant très peu de maintenance et supprimant le risque de pertes de données. Le wifi libre entre en résistance La libre utilisation des ondes radio permettrait de multiplier les réseaux WiFi alternatifs et citoyens. Des réseaux indépendants et autonomes. Mais ni les opérateurs ni les États ne semblent prêts à lâcher le morceau. Sensible au lobbying des industriels des télécoms, le Conseil de l’Union européenne pourrait rejeter l’idée de rendre plus accessibles les bandes de fréquence radio, empêchant le développement de réseaux WiFi alternatifs et indépendants. L’innovation contre toute attente Or depuis le début des années 2000, des communautés WiFi autonomes, indépendantes, fondées sur les principes de la culture libre, existent en Europe comme Freifunk [de] en Allemagne, FunkFeuer [de] en Autriche ou [es] en Catalogne. Et jusqu’ici c’est bien la société civile qui a assuré la couverture des zones blanches, délaissées par les infrastructures des opérateurs « pour manque de rentabilité ». Mobilisation des groupes d’utilisateurs Crédits photo Flickr CC À lire aussi :Le WiFi ?

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