Govt. “Threat List”: 8 Million Americans Will be ARRESTED When Martial Law is Imposed | Economics and Politics (Before It's News) The government has been compiling a list of names since the 1980′s called “Main Core“. This list contains the names of people who it considers to be ‘threats’ and would be the victims of having their constitutional rights ‘suspended’ in the event of an emergency or if martial law is declared. These people would be the first to be tracked, detained, questioned, and basically targeted for detention due to being labeled a threat of some sort. The criteria for being placed on the list is rather loose, as is the criteria for a “national emergency”, however government sources have said that if you’re on the list that you can plan on being detained should martial law be declared. A senior government official, who’s served with 5 administrations, said that: “There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. “We know all this already,” I stated. Additions
Alex Jones Internet Kill Switch Engaged A bill that grants the President the power to kill the internet is to be re-introduced in the U.S. Senate. Ironically, renewed interest in restricting the internet came on the same day Egyptians faced an internet blackout in an attempt to stop the massive demonstrations in the country. The bill is spearheaded by Sen. However, it isnt clear how the government would know when a cyber attack was being carried out, or why the private sector would need the government's help to protect itself. A Homeland Security committee aid said that the bill does not mandate the shuttering of the entire internet but would allow the President to order shutting off access to critical infrastructure The ACLU, the American Library Association, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Center for Democracy & Technology, and about two dozen other concerned groups banded together to write an open letter against the idea. Image by Mike Licht on Flickr courtesy of Creative Commons Licensing
Le Centre de Recherches sur l'Ordre Mondial - dirigé par Joël Labruyère Gulag Amerika- It's Already Here Michael T. WinterActivist Post For those who've read Gulag Archipelago by A.I. Solzhenitsyn, they know that the term 'gulag' is not a 'prison' in the sense citizens of the USA understand what a prison to be; large buildings with little windows, a wide open yard surrounded by razor wire and guard towers. Solzhenitsyn's gulag was a system; a chain of prisons stretching for two thousand miles of the (former) USSR's most inhospitable land. Tyrannical regimes have risen and fallen over the centuries; some small, some mighty. Here in Amerika, the architects have taken notes from past success, and failures as well. As a thief in the night, we have found our liberties, our rights; once taken for granted as sacrosanct, to be removed quietly, without fanfare, until we find ourselves in this current climate of fear, paranoia and insecurity. If you still believe that the Mexican border is just for keeping them out, please understand it was built also to keep us in. Recently by Michael T.
Alex Jones' Prison The Illuminati's Secret 20 Trillion Dollar Bank (Before It's News) by Zen Gardner Of all the scams, the worldwide banking system is one of the most mind-boggling. Trouble is, if you "buy into it" you're already ensnared, and it's either eat, or be eaten. Ownership by Whom? The estimated value of the Rothschild family's total holdings is at 500 Trillion dollars. Can anyone "own" anything? However… That would be fine if it was just a matter of perception. It's a beautiful planet with lots of beautiful people, but the world "system" is very ugly and run by non-empathetic psychopaths. But again, it's all temporal. Banking Scams Coming to Light The recent economic manipulations have made a lot of things very obvious. While people are pounding on the obvious manipulation of and by the private Federal Reserve Bank hoax and Goldman Sachs and the like, there's another part of that story few have noticed. It's a little known off-shoot of the FED called the DTCC aka "Cede and Co." What is the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation? How did this happen?
Le combat pour la "démocratie réelle" au cœur de "Occupy Wall Street" Le mouvement Occupy Wall Street, qui s’étend dans l’ensemble des États-Unis, ne porte pas que des revendications économiques. Il s’inscrit dans un cycle plus vaste, qui, de la place Tahrir à la Puerta del Sol, pose la question du dépassement du système politique représentatif. Les manifestations organisées sous l’étendard « Occupy Wall Street » ne trouvent pas un écho auprès de nombreuses personnes uniquement parce qu’elles donnent voix à un sentiment généralisé d’injustice économique, mais aussi, et peut-être surtout, parce qu’elles expriment des revendications et des aspirations politiques. En se propageant du Sud de Manhattan aux villes et communes de l’ensemble des États-Unis, les mobilisations ont mis en évidence la réalité et la profondeur de l’indignation contre l’avidité des entreprises et les inégalités économiques. La face politique de la mobilisation Occupy Wall Street apparaît lorsque l’on la replace aux côtés des autres « campements » de l’année passée.
Executive Order 11988: Floodplain Management Follow FEMA: Start of content. +Share/Email This Page Executive Order 11988: Floodplain Management Main Content Description and Intent Executive Order 11988 requires federal agencies to avoid to the extent possible the long and short-term adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of flood plains and to avoid direct and indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practicable alternative. acquiring, managing, and disposing of federal lands and facilities;providing federally-undertaken, financed, or assisted construction and improvements;conducting federal activities and programs affecting land use, including but not limited to water and related land resources planning, regulation, and licensing activities. Summary of Requirements The guidelines address an eight-step process that agencies should carry out as part of their decision-making on projects that have potential impacts to or within the floodplain. Useful Links