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For developers | D-CENT
D-CENT develops an easy-to-use, open, modular and decentralised platform for large scale collaboration. We work together with a large number of citizens and developers across Europe. We utilize and promote open-source code, open specifications, interoperable technology, open data and open APIs. ..open-source code,open specifications,open data The D-CENT code-base will be described by open specifications and released under an open source licences approved by the FSF. We will integrate successful open-source codebases. The technical architecture of the D-CENT platform is modular and privacy-aware. UI Design To create the D-CENT user interface, we have made the first set of components, such as buttons and form fields, to construct the front-end. This approach allows us to change one object at a time, see how changes affect the user experience and get feedback from users, before committing software development resources into making work-intensive changes. D-CENT prototypes Technical documents
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