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1. référence : Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice

1. référence : Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice

4. référence : The invisible addiction: Cell-phone activities and addiction among male and female college students Internet Addiction and Antisocial Internet Behavior of Adolescents 50% of teens feel addicted to their phones, poll says A new poll that confirms just how much teens depend on their phones gives me even more to worry about. "If your teens would prefer gaming indoors, alone, as opposed to going out to the movies, meeting friends for burgers or any of the other ways that teens build camaraderie, you may have a problem." How many teens are truly addicted to their devices and the Internet? It is difficult to say. A 2011 review of 18 research studies found that Internet addiction might affect between zero and 26% of adolescents and college students in the United States, according to Common Sense Media. And, while Internet addiction is viewed as a public health threat in other parts of the world, it is not yet a recognized disorder in the United States. Whether it is an addiction or not, two-thirds of parents -- 66% -- feel their teens spend too much time on their mobile devices, and 52% of teens agree, according to the poll. 'Teenage zombies' consumed by phones Parents have a problem, too

Contenus de référence Should DSM-V Designate “Internet Addiction” a Mental Disorder? Terry and Clarence Low, Bits ‘N’ Bytes: Ways to combat ‘smartphone addiction’ Q Can you offer some tips on how I can spend less time on my smartphone? A The trend of people spending too much time engrossed in their smartphones is certainly reaching epidemic proportions. Indeed, recent polls suggest that upward of two-thirds of Americans hate the amount of time they spend glued to social media, email and text conversations — which is approaching an average of 3.6 hours per day — and a new phrase has even been attached to the condition: “smartphone addiction.” One recommended tip is to set up “phone-free” periods every day, absolutely dedicated blocks of time when you can be busy doing something else that doesn’t require your phone. Be sure that this tech break occurs around the same time each day, perhaps when you’re making dinner, spending time with your family or friends, reading a book or getting some exercise. Some easier tips are to turn off your phone’s notifications, those nearly constant little beeps alerting you to a new Facebook post and the like.

2. référence : Réseau Santécom catalogue › Détails pour : La cyberdépendance : état des connaissances, manifestations et pistes d'intervention / Bibliogr.: p. 73-76. 1. DE L'USAGE D'INTERNET À LA CYBERDÉPENDANCE1.1. Les conditions pour l'établissement d'un diagnostic 2. 3. 4. 5. L'omniprésence d'Internet dans toutes les sphères de nos vies peut entraîner, chez certaines personnes, un usage problématique d'Internet ou de certaines de ses applications. Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives 5 Ways “Tech Addiction” Is Changing Human Behaviour Despite using science and technology to better our lives, we are the real slaves to technology. We indulge in the need to always have something electronic in our hands – a tool that connects us to the Internet, our games or to our social networks. We’re bypassing the real world to get a digital quick-fix; our work, play and plans for stress release seem to depend on a broadband connection. (Image source: Jackaloo) It’s only a matter of time before the same need compels today’s generations to act, react, think and behave so much differently from the pre-connected generations, for instance… 1. Have you ever found yourself checking your smartphone for updates while still behind the wheel? While we’re on the subject, drivers on the road are getting younger and younger; and the cars are getting bigger and more powerful. The Impact 2. Now, fast forward this situation to a decade from now. (Image source: Cyber Sociology) Come to think of it, all of this is already happening right now. 3. The impact

3. référence : Prefrontal Control and Internet Addiction: A Theoretical Model and Review of Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Findings Commentaire Video games are as bad as heroin, according to UK newspaper UK newspaper The Sun claims Britain is 'in the grip of a gaming addiction,' but a key source from the story says they don't have their facts straight.(Photo : Todd Huffman) Debate over video games has long focused on depictions of violence, but what hasn't been as widely discussed is game addiction among a minority of the game playing population. The key word here is minority, something that UK-based newspaper The Sun missed in a recent investigative story. The publication claims that Britain is "in the grip of a gaming addiction which poses as big a health risk as alcohol and drug abuse," using data from one clinic in the UK that says it has received around 5,000 video game addiction related calls in a year. The investigative piece also links Call of Duty to three suicides, and makes note of the increased dopamine levels found in users while playing games. Quoted in the story is Dr. Speaking with Eurogamer, Griffiths said he wasn't aware of what The Sun had printed.

2 source : Center for Internet Addiction - Education and Treatment Commentaire

That's a amazing source of knowledge! I was shocked finding out that considering Internet Addiction as a mental disorder started so early! by dagensmedia May 25

Le but de cet article est d'apporter une revue des articles de recherche sur le trouble de l'addiction à Internet. Il apporte également des suggestions concernant la prise en charge des individus souffrant de ce trouble. Cet article inclue également une réflexion sur l'inclusion de ce trouble dans le DSM. by perruchini_groupe5_psy Mar 19
