It Happened to Me: My Co-Worker Killed Her Baby At Work Usually, working in an office gives you a reprieve from a brutal summer –- typically, the hotter it is outside, the cooler the corporate air conditioning keeps the building. But I’m thinking back to a particular summer, a particular week of this particular summer, when the air conditioning broke in the office I worked in. Just as bad as the temperature was the office funk. The heat made everything in the office smelled spoiled: the bodies with too much perfume, the breath, the stagnant, uncirculated air. The “spoiled” odor wasn’t simply my imagination; it seemed to be emanating from Jane’s locker underneath her desk. Our office was a small, tight-knit satellite off the bigger building of the US headquarters of a massive, multi-national corporation. Like Jane, whose cube was stinking to high heaven. Jane’s cube was adjacent to Rachel’s –- Rachel was a little slip of a girl, no older than 25, who’d recently joined the team and we were already ribbing her about being a diva.
Making the World a Better Place, One Evil Mad Scientist at a Time It Happened to Me: I Married My Rapist and We Had 4 Kids I suppose I should feel cheated. I’ve got a pilot’s license and a bachelor’s degree -- but I never received the instruction manual for my own body. So that’s why I didn’t know what Rep. Todd Akin does: that I could stop myself from getting pregnant after being raped! Good grief, if I’d only known that, I wouldn’t have had any babies. If only I’d had the “Shut That Whole Thing Down 1.0” instruction manual, I could have gone on to do whatever I wanted. The first time I got pregnant from rape, I wanted to die. Instead, my babies born from rape saved my life. As I wrote in a 2009 letter to my children: Because of my deep and endless love for you, please know that all I comes from my heart. I was a 16-year-old high school senior when I got pregnant the first time after being raped, but I was fortunate. I then joined a cloistered, silent sisterhood. That’s because I married my rapist. By the time I realized that wasn’t even possible -- it was too late. Then things began changing.
Cafe Culture- top picks for coffee - Weekend Edition By Fazillah Abdul Gaffa When you mention Mediterranean cuisine, the first things that would come to mind are probably hummus, flat bread and drool-worthy kebabs. It's a symphony of flavours and smells and it's best devoured with a group of people you love being around. The best part about Mediterranean cuisine in Singapore is that there's a restaurant that fits into every budget. If you feel like slipping on your Havaianas and having a chilled-out evening... El Sheikh 18 Pahang Street Singapore 198615; Tel: 6296 9116 El Sheikh serves hummus that will bring you to your knees. A stone throw's away from the very busy Arab Street and Haji Lane, El Sheikh is a little bit more quiet, and is the perfect place to chill out with a flavoured hookah. Their grilled meats are good but be warned - you have to wait anything between half an hour to forty five min before your food is ready. If you want to pretend like you're in Turkey... Alaturka Turkish & Mediterranean Restaurant Anar
7 People You Can Never Trust 1. Mechanics You go to a mechanic garage, lay down a “$10 off your next oil change” coupon on the front desk, and say, “All I want is an oil change. 2. I’ve had friends who complain when they can’t go out to eat with other friends on a weekday, but then come home every Friday night with a six pack of corona and a bag of weed. 3. The problem with Web MD is that the creators weren’t idiots. 4. What chefs don’t list on their menu is their secret ingredient. 5. If you’ve ever seen the movie Catfish, you’ll know the most obvious sexts to stay away from are those messages you get from random, ridiculously photogenic women on Facebook. 6. You should consider your brain as an evolutionarily stagnant machine stuck in a future era it has trouble keeping up with. Why don’t you go to the fridge and get some ice cream? And you soon realize that your brain has once again tricked you into eating an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. 7.
How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network. | Arrow Webzine 1.Back Track Today we’re going to run down, step-by-step, how to crack a Wi-Fi network with WEP security turned on. Dozens of tutorials on how to crack WEP are already all over the internet using this method. Seriously—Google it. Unless you’re a computer security and networking ninja, chances are you don’t have all the tools on hand to get this job done. * A compatible wireless adapter—This is the biggest requirement. * A BackTrack 3 Live CD. * A nearby WEP-enabled Wi-Fi network. * Patience with the command line. To crack WEP, you’ll need to launch Konsole, BackTrack’s built-in command line. First run the following to get a list of your network interfaces: The only one I’ve got there is labeled ra0. Now, run the following four commands. {*style:<i>airmon-ng stop (interface) ifconfig (interface) down macchanger –mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface) airmon-ng start (interface) </i>*} Now it’s time to pick your network. To see a list of wireless networks around you. You’re almost there. </b>*} 3.
My Struggle With ADD: Using Cocaine To Fight The Symptoms It has become such a workable way of life, for me, the most natural rhythm; I barely give it much thought. I know at which hours I will be most productive, and where; the best music to write to — Bruce Springsteen, or Hole; and what to listen to while I read — nothing. I’ve learned that to be somewhere by noon, I must tell myself 11:30, and I’ll set my watch ahead to ensure this works out. Even the medicinal maintenance of my Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), the stimulant cocktail of four kinds of amphetamine salt — manufactured by Shire Pharmaceuticals under the brand name Adderall — is an automatic affair: My typing will become slower or sloppier, I’ll forget my wording or leave something out, the same line will have to be reread several times over before it’s finally processed. I’ll become suddenly quite ravenous and restless. It happens like this every day, always at the same times of day, and I am never wrong. But I have never been an earthquake of activity. And so on.
Things I Learned When I Was Taking A Lot Of Drugs Roxicodone (Roxy, for short) comes in tiny blue pills. So tiny, in fact, that I would often lose them in my room and not find it until weeks later. Misplacing your drugs is always the worst feeling, but you could take solace in knowing that you would find them again when you were least expecting it and it would be the best surprise ever. Roxies weren’t my favorite though. “How many milligrams is it? You meet strange people when you’re fraternizing with drug dealers and addicts. When you abuse drugs, you start to believe that you never really knew yourself at all. On the flip side of that, abusing drugs also makes you aware of your own strength. Or you don’t. Some people never toughen their grip. The things you learn. Tagged Addiction, Dealers, Drugs, Life, Percocet, Pill Head, Pills, Roxicodone, Strength, Things You Learn, Uncategorized, Vicodin
Three New Drugs You Can Do (Without Doing Drugs) I love drugs. I can’t help it. I love checking out and not feeling my feelings. Unfortunately I can’t really do life and drugs at the same time, so through the years I’ve found some loopholes. 1. 2. 3. P.S. tetto orangutan reborn doll - reborn orangutan Home | gallery | gallery 2 | gallery 3 | Contact | About Me | <a target="_self" href=" Listed on Ebay</a><img style="text-decoration:none;border:0;padding:0;margin:0;" src=" Click on baby Teeto to enlarge
When Your Father Is A Sociopath When people ask about your family, you try to not mention him. You describe your beloved siblings and your outstanding mother in elaborate and adoring detail and you try to glide effortlessly into asking them about their family. If you’re lucky, they don’t catch it. For us, the children of sociopaths, the tales of drunks and addicts and abusers are a fantasy. When those kids talk about their father, there’s a clarity. When your father is a sociopath, you don’t get to tell yourself that he loves you or that, if only things were different, he would be the perfect dad. “Uh, yah…yah, um, my dad — um, we don’t really — he’s kind of not around.” “Oh, does he live far away?” “No… no, he lives in my hometown. “Oh…” “We don’t really… get along?” “Oh, when did your parents split?” “About eight years ago.” “So it’s been a while?” “Yes…” Their blank stares and confusion compel you to offer: “My dad — my dad is not a good guy.” But that isn’t quite right. You feel terrible. Does it make you feel any better?
The Making and the Murder of a Mexican Cartel Kingpin "The death of Heriberto Lazcano will undoubtedly provoke rearrangements in the structure and perhaps divisions of the Zetas. They could even be weakened by the absence of their natural leader, but unfortunately for the government, other cartels will take advantage of the situation to become stronger and gain more markets. The fight against drug trafficking is seemingly endless." THIS. It's only endless because the US and Canadian government continue to enable the cartels growth and endless violence by pumping more and more money into border interdiction. Its a worthless war tactic that only forces the Zetas to get more creative and ruthless in order to evade authority.