An Honest Academic Rejection Letter
Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! - Watch this free clip from the movie that Nature called "Astute, funny"! Watch the new movie! - The PHD Movie 2 screenings are in full swing! Check out the schedule to catch the screening nearest you. Summer Hiatus - PHD has been on Summer Hiatus while Jorge finishes the new PHD Movie. The PHD Movie 2 OFFICIAL TRAILER - is out!! Filming is done! Coming to Campuses this Fall! The Science Gap - Watch Jorge's TEDx Talk:
LION (Literature Online)
بوابة:السعودية من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث ثقافة — جغرافيا — تاريخ — علوم — مجتمع — تقنية — رياضةقائمة البوابات مختارات أخرى هذه البوابة مختارة اعتباراً من نسخة 28 سبتمبر 2014 (قارن بالنسخة الحالية · انظر صفحة النقاش والتصويت) مجلوبة من " تصنيفات: تصنيف مخفي: بوابات مختارة قائمة التصفح أدوات شخصية نطاقات المتغيرات معاينة المزيد الموسوعة تصفح مشاركة طباعة/تصدير أدوات لغات عدل الوصلات
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General -- Non-English Language -- Specialty There's a vast range of online literature beyond what we index individually on The Online Books Page. Below we list some of the major sources and indexes of free online texts, in all languages, both general and specialized. General These are large, general-purpose collections with substantial English-language listings. For archives that mainly carry other languages, see the non-English languages archive listings. Large-scale repositories -- Significant indexes and search aids -- Significant smaller-scale archives Large-scale repositories These are big collections of texts, big enough to act as small library-like collections in their own right. Significant indexes and search aids The sites below primarily provide search engines, indexes or useful link lists for finding online books. Significant smaller-scale archives Everything else we see worth listing that doesn't fit in more specialized categories. Non-English Languages Specialty Archives
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20 Websites To Download Free EBooks (Part III)
And we’re back with Part 3! Yes, the world still loves books, no matter what version they are in: printed or electronic. Some of us prefer them in ebook version simply because they are so easy to locate, download and store for future reading and reference. In this list you can download free ebooks that range from Romance to Horror, Sci-fi to Historical Fiction. Read Also: Best Websites To Download Free EBooks – Part I & Part II 1. Kobo has over 1 million free eBooks. 2. Find free ebooks in NOOK books and apps format, provided by Barnes and Nobles. 3. Find an amazing array of free Microsoft eBooks brought together to one single place. 4. eBookMall Many of the free eBooks here are only free for a limited time, mostly as special promotions, so download them while they are still available. 5. Find over 350 ebooks with great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry for free. 6. eBook Junkie eBook Junkie offers over 9000 ebooks available for free download. 7. eBooksFree 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15.
Dictionary of Irish Biography - Cambridge University Press
Welcome to the Dictionary of Irish Biography The Dictionary of Irish Biography, a collaborative project between Cambridge University Press and the Royal Irish Academy, is the most comprehensive and authoritative biographical dictionary yet published for Ireland. It contains over 9,000 signed biographical articles which describe and assess the careers of subjects in all fields of endeavour, including politics, law, religion, literature, journalism, architecture, painting, music, the stage, science, medicine, engineering, entertainment and sport. The following lives were added to the Dictionary of Irish Biography Online in July 2014. Read more » Biography of the Day Thornley, David Andrew Taylor (1935–1978) by Lawrence William White Thornley, David Andrew Taylor (1935–78), academic, broadcaster, and politician, was born 31 July 1935 in Sutton, Surrey, youngest child among two sons and one daughter of Frederick Edward Thornley (d. 1953) and Maud Helen Thornley (née Browne).
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La Bibliothèque russe et slave - Littérature russe et littératures slaves
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