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Game over, Bitcoin. Long live human-based currencies!

While being a tremendous proof of concept, the distributed cryptocurrency Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed as an alternative money system, critics say. It is now time for truly radical monetarists to build on this technical experiment and move to the next level of the monetary revolution: a truly human-based digital monetary system. Since its launch in 2009, Bitcoin has turned from a crypto-anarchist project into a hype topic in the worldwide web community and beyond. From London’s squats to Berlin’s Kreuzberg neighborhood: not everyone uses Bitcoin, but everyone is talking about it. Bitcoin can be described as a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, in other words a distributed monetary system that enables anonymous and relatively secure transactions without any centralized authority. Everyone agrees that Bitcoin is an amazing proof of concept from a technical standpoint, and has succeeded in raising much awareness for the current flaws of the monetary system. Which is bad, Felix Salmon says:

Ernest & Celestine - Trailer 5 Ways to Support High-Density Retina Displays An interesting point was raised by Brendan Davis in my recent post “Responsive Web Design and Scrollbars: Is Chrome’s Implementation Better?”: are RWD breakpoints affected by high pixel-density screens? The short answer is: no — but we need to delve a little deeper and look at the problems they can cause. What is Retina? “Retina” is Apple’s brand name for double-density screens but other manufacturers are creating similar displays. The technology is used in recent iPhones, iPads, MacBook Pros and other high-end devices. For example, the MacBook Pro 15″ has a resolution of 2,880×1,800 or 220 pixels per inch. Therefore, the device reverts to a standard resolution of 1,440×900 but the additional pixels can be used to make fonts and graphics appear smoother. What’s the Problem? Standard-resolution bitmap images can look blocky on a Retina display. Real-World Usage If you look around the web, you’d be forgiven for thinking everyone has a Retina display. 1. 2. 3. 4. The drawbacks: 5.

Creating Retina Images for Your Website July 6th, 2012 by Kyle Larson Apple’s newest devices feature the Retina Display, a screen that packs double as many pixels into the same space as older devices. For designers this immediately brings up the question, “What can I do to make my content look outstanding on these new iPads and iPhones?”. First there are a few tough questions to consider, but then this guide will help you get started making your websites and web apps look amazingly sharp with Retina images! Things to Consider When Adding Retina Images The main issue with adding retina images is that the images are double as large and will take up extra bandwidth (this won’t be an issue for actual iOS apps, but this guide is covering web sites & web apps only). Simple Retina Images The basic concept of a Retina image is that your taking a larger image, with double the amount of pixels that your image will be displayed at (e.g 200 x 200 pixels), and setting the image to fill half of that space (100 x 100 pixels).

Blog Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup Resources by Topic: OER, a part of the global open content movement, are shared teaching, learning, and research resources available under legally recognized open licenses -- free for people to reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute. Why are OER important? High-quality OER can save teachers significant time and effort on resource development and advance student learning inside and outside the classroom. Further, open sharing of resources has the potential to fuel collaboration, encourage the improvement of available materials, and aid in the dissemination of best practices. For more about the potential of OER, check out "5-Minute Film Festival: Why Open Education Matters," by Edutopia's VideoAmy. Getting Started Sharing Resources The nonprofit Creative Commons offers free, easy-to-use copyright licenses that allow you to specify which rights to your works you want to reserve and which rights you'd like to waive. Quality Considerations With all the promise of OER, some challenges remain.

Five Meaningful Methods of Meditation In my last article, A Layman’s Guide to Mindful Meditation, we discussed the “why” of meditation. In this article we will discuss the “how.” There’s a myriad of methods for meditation. Mindfulness, or Spiritual Method: A most popular method comes from Buddhist meditation practice of Vipassana. How to: One can practice mindfulness in any position, even lying down. Zen or Zazen Method: Also from the Buddhist tradition, this method is all about simply sitting. How to: The most effective positioning of the body for the practice of Zazen is the stable, symmetrical position of the seated Buddha. Kundalini or Transcendental Method: This method comes from the Vedanta Hinduism tradition and ties into different forms of Yoga practices. How to: Breathing is primary. Qigong Method or Movement Method: This method comes from the Taoist tradition. How to: No matter what Qi exercise you’re doing, imagine the Qi moving through your body as you breathe in an out. Drumming and/or Om Method: Image Source ~

9 Habits Of A Hardcore Wellness Warrior So you’ve started eating more veggies, swapped your toxic beauty products for organic ones, and cut the processed junk from your diet. What’s next on your journey to vibrant living? Try these tips on for size and take your health habits to the next level. 1. Beyond being a great way to wake yourself up in the morning, skin brushing has loads of health benefits: Dry brushing increases lymphatic drainage and boosts circulation. 2. You may have switched from tap to spring water, but have you thought about all the water you’re absorbing in the shower? 3. If you’ve been on this health journey for a while, you’ve probably long since given up your morning cup of joe. 4. It might not be the tastiest beverage, but starting your day with warm water, lemon juice and as much cayenne pepper as you can handle is a great way to alkalinize your body, flush your liver and boost your digestion. 5. 6. 7. 8. Are you getting enough seaweed in your diet? 9. Making soup? Photo Credit:

15 Natural Remedies For Heartburn And Acid Reflux If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Image – At some point in their life, many people will experience heartburn. This unpleasant condition is caused by acid reflux, which occurs when the muscle that allows food into the stomach (the lower esophageal sphincter) is too relaxed, allowing stomach acid to rise up the esophagus. Many people’s first instinct is to seek for prescription medicine or over the counter drugs, however we have found an article which presents 15 alternative / home remedies – together with simple directions for their use! There are also several herbs and fruits that show potential in relieving the discomforts of acid reflux. Wearing of tight-fitting clothes around the midriff is also not recommended for people suffering from recurring acid reflux, because it can put more pressure on the stomach. stumbleupon

12 Natural Ways To Get Better Sleep Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Before you consult your doctor about getting a prescription, please consider these alternative natural solutions: 1. Drink a glass of warm almond milk before bedtime. It has calcium, which helps the brain produce melatonin, as well as magnesium, which is important for sleep regulation. If you don't like almond milk, try taking a calcium-magnesium supplement. 2. This includes coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, some soft drinks and cigarettes. 3. In order to best do this, don't have more than a two-hour lapse between the time you wake up on the weekend and weekdays. 4. You spend a huge chunk of your life sleeping. 5. You don't want your sleep interrupted by having to visit the bathroom! 6. Reserve this room instead for just sleep and sex. 7. This includes making sure that your technology is turned off. 8. But don't do so within three hours before sleeping. 9. Research has suggested that lavender oil is calming and encourages sleep. 10. 11. 12.

How to Clean Your Liver with 5 Natural Liver-Cleansing Tips Your liver is like the maid of your body, cleaning up all the toxins you put into it, and therefore keeping all internal systems running smoothly. The modern diet, environmental pollutants, and our increasing dependence on toxic personal care products have put our livers on serious overtime. For this reason, it’s important to know how to clean your liver thoroughly and effectively – oh, and naturally. Your liver works to cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances that we’ve eaten, inhaled, or rubbed on our bodies. When it is overworked—as it is in many modern adults—or when you are under a significant amount of physical or even mental stress, your liver can struggle to keep up. “The thousands of enzyme systems that are responsible for virtually every body activity are constructed in the liver,” explains Dr. How to Clean Your Liver – No Products Required So, what can you do about it? 1. Source: Natural Society Related:
