Chinese Political Group Life for member of the See Family has paralleled that of many Chinese American families since the 1950s. Spending time with her grandparents at the F. Suie One Company in Chinatown, Guest Curator Lisa See grew up hearing many family stories. In 1989, Florence See Leong, encouraged Lisa to write a family history. On Gold Mountain: The One-Hundred-Year Odyssey of a Chinese American Family was the result. Researching her family history led Lisa to interview more than 70 people. The remarkable story Lisa See uncovered became the basis for this exhibition: a glimpse into our understanding of the Chinese American experience. Chinese American Contributions The flood of newcomers, the national obsession with traditional values, and the more personal search for roots, have fueled the resurgence in cultural and recreational activities and traditions that had declined in the 1950s. Science and Technology Politics and Government Celebrations Maintain Tradition Arts and Entertainment Law and Politics
数据地图-让数据说话,Excel地图,Excel中国地图,Excel世界地图,数据地图|Excel地图|Excel图表|Excel Welcome to AIISF - the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Chinese Pictures Chinese Laborers In The West Chinese laborers contributed mightily to the economic development of California and the West. Many industries relied heavily on Chinese labor. However, Chinese participation were limited severely after 1882, when Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which prohibited workers from entering the country and declared Chinese ineligible for citizenship. If laborers continued working they might never see their families again. If they returned to China a life of poverty awaited them. Early Immigrants Came Looking for Gold Large scale Chinese immigration to California began after news of the discovery of gold reached China. Railroad Construction Employed Thousands In 1863 the Central Pacific began working east from Sacramento, California, on the nation's first transcontinental railroad. Herbal Remedies Made Camp Life Tolerable Since the Chinese did not trust western doctors or western medicine, men like Fong Dun Shung administered to the needs of laborers.
星期一图片时间 第26期 从现在起,每个周一早上的咖啡时间,爱稀奇将为你带来过去一周中收集到的有意思的图片——你可以一边准备给老板的报告一边轻松地浏览,希望大家喜欢~ 1、乐高积木人体艺术:所谓诚意就是,上周因为国庆假期暂停了一期图片时间,于是这期的图片时间开篇就得来点给力的~ ^ ^当然,这些图片需要大家在脑内自动补完解除马赛克——你知道,在今时今日,不会人工添加和解除马赛克,那还真是只能看看人民日报了~来自乐高积木制作的系列广告,多样的情景配合火辣的女郎,强烈地刺激着每个男人的购买欲~只是有点好奇,乐高积木真的能搭出类似的玩意? [ via ] 唔,你知道我看完是啥感受么?幸好这是广告啊,不然岂不硌得慌~而说起广告,显然,两周的时间足够积累下一些颇为不错的平面广告作品了,奉献给大家: 男士内裤之卡片篇:这是Styx男士内裤带来的一则杂志插页广告,一左一右两片pp之间,是一张卡片——卡片印着图片说明和文案,“这是我们唯一一次进入您的pp”,意思就是,Styx男士内裤巧妙的剪裁,使得它不会出现布料“卡”在pp中间的情况~你懂的,哈哈。 [ via ] CNN之新闻背后的真实:由CNN土耳其分部推出的系列平面广告,将照片巧妙拼接在一起,然后配上简单的一句“用完整的背景来披露真实的故事”,一下就点出了他们做新闻的态度,那就是做深做透,揭露新闻背后的真实,战争VS石油,政客VS政客,货币VS货币…… [ via ] 可口可乐户外广告:MacLaren McCann广告公司推出的一系列可口可乐户外广告。 [ via ] Mini汽车户外广告:看出来这是怎么做的了吗? [ via ] 2、世界上最小的吃豆人:仅仅3.5微米宽,是用电子显微镜拍摄下的一氧化铜簇的形象。 而如果这还不过瘾的话,我们在上周还发现了一组更加精彩的纳米级作品: [ via ] 3、无水无生命:这是中国设计师Eddie Zhang参加IIDA设计大赛的一组作品,简洁的造型,配合着水龙头,一下就把“无水无生命”的理念阐释得清清楚楚。 [ via ] [ via ] 5、漫画模特:服装店一定要有塑胶模特吗? [ via ]
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Working in America Jobs are definitely a top of mind subject. Did you know that manufacturing jobs were the largest sector of employment in 1960, yet today the category has fallen to 6th place? In this interactive visualization, browse who has been working in America over the past 50 years by sector, gender or age. About this data The data in this visualization comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Share Downloads Download Application Design Partner Periscopic
Chinese Musician By Madeline Sumida, Fall 2012 Intern Veterans Day is a time to honor the men and women in the United States military. Asian immigrants to the United States have served in American conflicts since the War of 1812, but for many years federal legislation prevented most from becoming citizens. During WWII, Asian Americans enlisted in unprecedented numbers. This monument honors the members of the 442nd who lost their lives during the World War II battle at Biffontaine. Items in the Smithsonian collection, such as this monument (pictured above) to the 442nd Combat Team’s sacrifices to liberate French territory from Nazi German control, remind us of the Asian American role in U.S. military history. Sources: McClain, John. 数据之美!52张美图集教你如何展示数据_设计理念_|><|太平洋电脑网PConline 当我们要理解那些复杂的数据或者分析大量的信息时,语言和文字根本还不能满足我们的需要。而信息图片或者人们常说的Infographics,把乱成一堆的数据变成视觉上的享受的同时,还满足信息上和知识上的需求。当你想及时又清楚地传递一大堆复杂的信息时,Infographics就成了你最好的可视化信息传递工具哦。 Infographics 例图 Infographics是所有平面设计中最具挑战性的类型之一,因为整个创作过程需要的是一丝不苟的精工细作。 现在,我们非常高兴有机会在这里为你们展示50张超炫的Infographics。 1、50 Years of Space Exploration. 01 50 Years of Space Exploration 2. 02 Disney VS Marvel 3、Grand Mosque:实际上,这是一张在迪拜《海湾新闻》上发布的新闻图片。 03 Grand Mosque 4、High Rise:经联合国统计的191个国家里,只有81(42%)个国家有高于100米的建筑物。 04 High Rise 5、Relief Wells & Subsea Containment:英国石油公司准备在钻两口石油井,在储油库上方的位置与原钻井孔相交。 05 Relief Wells & Subsea Containment
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program | InformAsian: eNewsletter, October 2010 Upcoming Event The Great Pinoy Boxing Era A panel discussion and documentary screening about the great Filipino American boxing era. Read more… or comment here >> SALTAF 2010: South Asian Literary and Theater Arts Festival The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program and NetSAP-DC present the tenth annual South Asian Literary and Theater Arts Festival (SALTAF). Above-Featured guests (left to right): Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Pireeni Sundaralingam, Naeem Mohaiemen, Rajiv Chandrasekaram, and Canyon Sam. Also featuring the films Tere Bin Laden and Shakti Rising. Help support this project through Kickstarter by clicking here. Chinese Actor Personal Statement At the age of 24, I came to America to finally pursue my dream as an artist. Previously my mom had told me that if I was talented I would have won some awards or recognitions early on. She also mentioned art would bring an ambiguous future. So I had kept my love for art abstract. Luckily I had two other dreams that seemed more hopeful to pursue. But above all these, my determination was clear; no matter what I did I would use my profession as a channel to somehow connect to children. Through out my younger years I would draw whenever I found boredom and a piece of paper. When I arrived in New York, I studied illustration at the School of Visual Art. I met Peter Sis when he came to SVA to speak and he became my advisor for the thesis project. I got my first book contract before graduating school and my publishing career took off without me quite realizing it. My storytelling started as a kid when my grandma was my only audience. Yangsook Choi January 2003
数据之美(上) 数据之美(上) 作者: its | 发布: 2009-6-10 (14:06) | 阅读: 57646 |评论: 15|静态地址|内容源码 数据是抽象的,尤其是海量数据,人的大脑很难直接对大量数据进行分析并获得印象,然而从另一个角度看,数据也可以异常美丽,人们设计了很多工具,让枯燥的数据图形化,本文介绍了50个数据图形化工具,它们以令人难以置信的方式让我们看到了数据美丽的一面。这是本文档第一部分,第二部分请参阅数据之美(上)。 音乐相关 Narratives 2.0 将不同声轨的音乐用该系统进行分析,下面是贝多芬第五交响曲的样子。 Liveplasma 输入乐队,歌手,电影,演员的名字,该工具会帮你列出他们之间的关联。 Tuneglue 输入任何歌手或乐队的名字,点搜索,可以以该乐队或歌手为中心向外扩展,找到与之关联的更多资料。 MusicMap 和 TuneGlue 的界面类似,搜索一个乐队或歌手,会列出他们全部专辑,选中一个专辑,并以此为中心可以发现更多相关专辑和资料。 Last.Forward 一个可下载的,开源工具,用来分析 用户的社会网络。 Fidg’t 一个桌面工具,根据 Flickr 和 中的 Tag 分析你的 Web 活动倾向。 Digg, Twitter, Delicious, Flickr 相关 Looks Delicious 的书签分析图形,基于 python 下的一个图形库。 Arc 来自 Digg 实验室的一个产品,显示最新的 Diggs 及那些发布和分享这些 Digg 的用户关系。 Stack Digg 提供的最实际用的数据分析工具,实时显示 Digg 当前的活动状况,什么文章最受欢迎等。 Swarm Digg 实验室出品的分析工具中,用户界面较好的一个,文章和用户分散到屏幕上,当某人 Digg 了一篇文章,这个用户就会飞到那篇文章旁边并建立链接,还可以将这个工具作为屏保安装。 Research Chronology 在学生本学期的功课和 Delicious 书签之间建立关联,该项目将继续包括的书签站点超过270个。 TwittEarth 在一个 3D 地球模型上实时显示 Twitter 全球活跃状况,显示 Twitter 上那些 Tweets 来自什么地区,什么地区的人在跟。 Tag Galaxy Internet 分析 全球博客圈的分布图。