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Getty institute
AAT is a thesaurus containing generic terms, dates, relationships, sources, and notes for work types, roles, materials, styles, cultures, techniques, and other concepts related to art, architecture, and other cultural heritage (e.g., amphora, oil paint, olieverf, acetolysis, sintering, orthographic drawings, Olmeca, Rinascimento, Buddhism, watercolors, asa-no-ha-toji, sralais). CONA compiles titles/names and other metadata for works of art, architecture, and other cultural works, current and historical, documented as items or in groups, whether works are extant, destroyed, or never built; in development, may be used to record works depicted in visual surrogates and for other purposes (e.g., Florentine Codex, Codice Fiorentino, Guernica, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Chayasomesvara Temple, Hagia Sofia, The Great Wave, Kanagawa oki nami ura, Le déjeuner sur l'herbe, Venus de Milo). Related:  Diccionarios, enciclopedias , traductores, léxicos, tesauros

Vocabulaires DMF Le service des musées de France met à votre disposition des vocabulaires scientifiques servant à l'interrogation et à l'alimentation des divers champs de la base Joconde. Ces listes (lexiques et thésaurus) sont enrichies grâce aux nouvelles notices reversées par les musées participants. Elles sont mises à jour sur cette page deux fois par an. Vitruvio Vitruvio URI: Autor: Red Vitruvio Terminologia meteorologica Niebla: Suspensión en la atmósfera de diminutas gotas de agua que limitan la visibilidad horizontal a menos de un kilómetro. Notación de Beaufort: Código de letras realizado por el almirante sir Francis Beaufort, a principios del siglo XIX, para indicar el estado del tiempo. Así, tenemos que: b es cielo azul, c nuboso, o cubierto, g encapotado, u cielo de tormenta, q turbonada, kg líneas de turbonadas, r lluvia, p chubascos pasajeros, d llovizna, s nieve, rs aguanieve, h pedrisco, t trueno, l rayo, tl tormenta, f niebla, fe niebla húmeda, z bruma, m neblina, v visibilidad excelente, e humedad sin precipitaciones, y aire seco, w rocío, y, x escarcha. Para mayor detalle se añaden letras mayúsculas para indicar intensidad (R es lluvia intensa), mayúsculas repetidas para indicar duración (RR son lluvias intensas prolongadas), el sufijo o para fenómenos de poca duración (ro es luvia ligera) y la i para indicar intermitencia (ir es lluvia intermitente). Óptimo climático: Ver fase atlántica.

Land Information NZ - Find Names of geographic names The names of New Zealand places and features, such as mountains and rivers, as well as settlements and localities, reflect the culture and shared heritage of New Zealanders. Knowing the correct names for places and their location is important for people in all manner of everyday communications and activities, for businesses and their transactions, and for emergency services in responding to incidents. Get help finding names. New Zealand Gazetteer of Official Geographic Names View and download the New Zealand Gazetteer of Official Geographic Names (the Gazetteer), a publication of the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (NZGB). The Gazetteer is an authoritative list of names for New Zealand features, places, offshore islands, Crown protected areas, as well as undersea and Antarctic names. more... Find official names with macrons Discover which official names have macrons - for example, Waimangō Point - and when to use them. more… Find Antarctic names Find Māori names

MOTBIS (CNDP) xTooltipElement Vous êtes ici : Accueil <select name="panier" id="panierLab"><option value="panier">Panier des recherches</option></select><input type="submit" name="boutonPanier" value="valider" class="valider" /> <select name="histo" id="histoLab"><option value="Historique">Historique des recherches</option></select><input type="submit" name="boutonHistorique" value="valider" class="valider" /> Site d'informations Motbis Cette zone est une aide à la recherche. Bienvenue sur l'interface de consultation en ligne de MOTBIS 2019 Liste des microthésaurus Pour plus d'efficacité de recherche, veuillez consulter la rubrique aide ci-dessous : © Réseau Canopé Mentions légales

Tesauro de la UNESCO - términos en inglés, francés, español y ruso. El Tesauro de la UNESCO es una lista controlada y estructurada de términos para el análisis temático y la búsqueda de documentos y publicaciones en los campos de la educación, cultura, ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales y humanas, comunicación e información. Continuamente ampliada y actualizada, su terminología multidisciplinaria refleja la evolución de los programas y actividades de la Organización. El Tesauro contiene 7,000 términos en inglés y en ruso, y 8,600 en francés y en español. Lista alfabética Escriba las primeras letras y pulse 'Buscar' para la lista alfabética 'Indice' para la lista permutada Lista temática Lista de siete temas principales, y sus respectivos microtesauros los cuales reagrupan los términos de acuerdo al tema escogido.Usted puede consultar directamente el catálogo en línea a partir del tesauro.

Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms Glossary Home | Text Version Designed to help learners at any level better understand genetic terms Guided by national science standards Explained by scientists at the NIH The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help everyone understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. In addition to definitions, specialists in the field of genetics share their descriptions of terms, and many terms include images, animation and links to related terms. Enter a search term or explore the list of terms by selecting a letter from the alphabet on the left and then select from the terms revealed. (A text-only version is available from here.) The Talking Glossary At the bottom of most pages in the Talking Glossary are links to help you get the most out of this glossary.

eDay - Cleaning up New Zealand&#039;s eWaste!

"The Getty vocabularies contain structured terminology for art, architecture, decorative arts and other material culture, archival materials, visual surrogates, and bibliographic materials. Compliant with international standards, they provide authoritative information for catalogers and researchers, and can be used to enhance access to databases and Web sites. The Getty Vocabularies grow through contributions. The vocabulary data is available for licensing and accessible free of charge below for more limited online use." by macopa May 14
