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Related:  activités en classe : votes

Quizzi NOTE! This Application is a client for CommCare and can't be used without an existing CommCare Account, visit for more information. CommCare is an open-source mHealth platform developed to capture healthcare through mobile devices by clinical personnel including nurses and physicians and support personnel like outreach workers, home health aides, community health workers, social workers. CommCare can easily be configured on smartphones and tablet PCs running Android operating system to enable in-field encounter data collection, sharing of patient information, and provide easy access to data for care management, supervision, and quality improvement purposes. CommCare can help in replacing and improving labor intensive and inefficient paper or laptop based record systems. CommCare has been developed by Dimagi Inc.

300+ Awesome Free Internet Resources You Should Know Ali Mese is a freelancer, wanderer, and contributor to few startup projects. Say hi on Facebook or Twitter. This post originally appeared on his Medium blog. I’ve prepared a list of 300 web resources that are not only awesome, but free to use. Business + Marketing HTML5 UP: Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 site templates.Bootswatch: Free themes for Bootstrap.Templated: A collection of 845 free CSS & HTML5 site | Create your new website for Domain: Free website resources for domains.Withoomph: Beautiful logos designed instantly.Hipster Logo Generator: It’s Hip, It’s Current, It’s Stylish, It’s Hipster.Squarespace Free Logo: You can download free low-res version for free.Hive: First free unlimited cloud service in the world.Invoice to me: Free Invoice Generator.Free Invoice Generator: Alternative free invoice generator.Slimvoice: Insanely simple invoices. Design + Code Some hand-picked some free photo packs: Discover & Learn

Canvas Polls ALL the Official Revision questions from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) – the people who set the tests **Suitable for 2015 Theory Tests** From the makers of the UK’s BEST SELLING Driving Test software brand – over 5 MILLION copies sold to date! PASS your theory test, like our other customers: “Passed first time Brilliant app highly recommended passed first time after using this app for a short period 5*”……. Driving Test Success (DTS) has helped over 5 MILLION learners prepare for their tests! Download the brand new and improved 2015 Theory Test app for learner car drivers and motorcyclists and gain access to ALL the latest OFFICIAL revision questions & answers from the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), the people who set the tests. FOR THE WAY YOU WANT TO LEARN! SUITABLE FOR: > Car Drivers in Great Britain > Car Drivers in Northern Ireland > Motorcyclists in Great Britain > Motorcyclists in Northern Ireland > INSTANT FEEDBACK after each test. > FREE UK SUPPORT.

Un jeu sérieux pour l'apprentissage du latin en 5e Le Giptic Lettres de l'académie de Paris propose un jeu sérieux en langue latine. Étalé sur quatre semaines, ce "serious ludus" permet aux élèves de 5e de "mieux comprendre" le latin à travers le numérique. « Qui a tué Marcus Sempronius Doctus ? Conçu pour par David Sillé-Champême, professeur de Latin, et Yaël Boublil, professeure de Lettres, ce « serious ludus » présenté par le Giptic (Groupe d’Intégration Pédagogique des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) Lettres de l’académie de Paris, est soutenu par le ministère de l’Education nationale, et a été dévoilé au public lors du dernier salon Educatec-Educatice. « Rendre une discipline attractive et apprendre autrement » « Ce jeu sérieux conduira vos élèves latinisants sur la piste de l’assassin, tout en découvrant la civilisation romaine et en pratiquant la langue latine », écrit le Giptic Lettres de l’académie de Paris sur son site. « Qui a tué Marcus Sempronius Doctus ? « Qui a tué Marcus Sempronius Doctus ?

TPSVote!! Student Response App Think, Pair, Share, Vote! Response System. Now with Open Response, which adds a great new level of participation, and makes the app useful for trivia contests as well.Many K-12 schools, and universities have adopted electronic classroom response systems, also known as "clickers". Before, during, or after a lesson, an instructor may present a question, then ask the students to select the answer they believe is correct. The digital results are then projected on the board. Students: Please check with your prof before using, he or she may not allow phones in the classroom! Pensez, Paire, Partager, votez! Etudiants: S'il vous plaît vérifier avec votre prof avant de l'utiliser, il ou elle ne peut pas permettre aux téléphones dans la salle de classe!

A tour of the differences between JavaScript and Python JavaScript and Python are two very important languages today. Too many programmers, however, work in both languages, but know just one of them well. This means they end up writing code in one language in the same style as the other, unaware of some of the more subtle differences between the two. If you know JavaScript or Python well, and you want to improve your skills and knowledge of the other, I wrote this article for you. Disclaimer: I know Python (slightly) better than I know JavaScript, and I’ve not done any JavaScript outside of the browser, so I tried to keep the bits about JavaScript agnostic to the host environment, but, fair warning, there may be subtle differences in server-side JavaScript that are not mentioned here because I don’t know them. Mutability Python’s data types include the concept of “mutability”. Variable declaration In JavaScript, there are a two ways to create a new identifier. In Python, there are three ways to declare a new identifier. Truthiness Strings Numbers

Vote Votify is a free photo based social voting app that allows you to snap photos/selfies, ask a question and have your friends, followers or the public rate the answers for you by voting within the app. To start a photo based poll, users enter their question and select from one (1) to four (4) photos/images/selfies to include as answer choices. Users can select pre existing photos/images from their camera roll or snap photos/images/selfies within the app, to include with their poll. Snap, Ask, Vote! What is Votify? Votify is a free photo based social voting app that allows you to snap pictures, ask a question and crowdsource votes from your friends, followers or the Votify community to help you make an important life decision. Votify is set up to allow you total control over who can see and vote on your polls. Vote durations can be configured to last from as little as 15 minutes up to a full month. Why use Votify? Votify is incredibly addictive fun! Simple Social Networking

Intro to Algorithms "Algorithm" A repeatable process for determining the solution to a problem. Algorithms in Daily Life Finding a fruit in the grocery store. Alphabetizing name tags. Discuss! What's an algorithm that you use? What are the steps for doing it? Example: Hanging up Laundry Dump laundry on bed. Hanging Up Laundry: Code Laundry: Time Complexity How long does the algorithm take? Putting an item in a pile takes 10 seconds. If N = items of clothing, it takes (N*10 + N*30) => O(N). Laundry v2 Addition: We hang up our items in sorted order in the closet. Laundry v2: Time Complexity Now we must loop through closet section items each time we hang up an item. If N = # items of clothing and # items in section, it takes (N*10 + N*30 + N*N*2) => O(N^2). Time Complexity Laundry: Space Complexity How much space does our algorithm require? What are our factors that determine space? Assume: piles of clothing can be infinitely high. N = number of pieces of clothing, M = number of piles.

CAPERCard Научный калькулятор с сохранением истории вычислений. Незаменимая вещь при расчётах и решении задач. Поддерживает основные математические функции и операторы. Позволяет строить графики произвольных функций. Примеры выраженийпростое выражение: 1+2константа: piвычисление функции: sin(0)определение переменной: a=3.5определение функции: f(x)=x^2-1взятие в скобки: (1-x)^2 Для ввода выражений содержащих символы, например sin(x), используйте клавишу ⇳. Логарифмы и степеньx^2: возведение в квадратsqrt(x): извлечение квадратного корня; аналогично x^0.5cbrt(x): кубический корень; x^(1/3)exp(x): экспонента; e^xlog(x), ln(x): натуральный логарифмlog2(x), lb(x): двоичный логарифмlog10(x), lg(x): десятичный логарифмlog(base,x): логарифм с произвольной базой Тригонометрические - в радианахsin(x), cos(x), tan(x)asin(x), acos(x), atan(x) Тригонометрические - в градусахsind(x), cosd(x), tand(x)asind(x), acosd(x), atand(x) Гиперболические функцииsinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x)

How To Choose an LMS | Canvas Learning Management System Will itget used? 1. Is it easyto use? “Canvas is on the leading edge. The SpeedGrader, the ability to record audio/video while grading and the use of rubrics is worth the cost of the entire package! 2. “Canvas is way ahead of the curve on building a system that embraces today’s technology and knows where and how our students interact with that technology. 3. “I think what really set Canvas apart from the rest for our instructor’s was SpeedGrader. 4. “Our instructors have settled in to Canvas in just weeks after more 10 years of using other LMS platforms. 5. “In fact, with how easy Canvas is to use, many faculty are exploring and using features and tools they've never used before, reshaping their pedagogical approach” Tom Lewis, UW 6. “I really like the flexibility and naturalness of Canvas.

Boitiers de vote et tablettes tactiles : des modalités d’évaluation renouvelées Virginie Toupin et Bruno Garzetti, enseignants en classes de CP et de Grande Section dans deux écoles voisines de Grasse, testent de nouvelles modalités d’évaluation de leurs élèves en utilisant boitiers de vote et tablettes tactiles. L’origine du projet Depuis plusieurs années, la circonscription participe activement au développement des nouvelles technologies à l’école, aidée en cela par l’inspecteur de l’Education nationale et la municipalité de Grasse. Chaque école possède au moins un TBI, des classes mobiles et, depuis deux ans, nous expérimentons un ENT de circonscription. Au début de l’année 2013, l’école maternelle de Grasse a été choisie avec deux autres pour expérimenter les classes mobiles avec tablettes avant d’envisager un développement plus généralisé dans toutes les écoles. Les outils numériques (ordinateurs en fond de classe, TBI, micro-ordinateurs) sont présents dans la classe et les élèves ont l’habitude de les utiliser. Le déroulement de l’activité Les aspects techniques
