How to Claim & Set Up Local Profiles: From Google+ to Yelp Claiming and setting up local profiles is an important branding activity that has tremendous SEO value. Most websites that offer local business listings follow the same listing process, with a few points of differences here and there. Last year I took on the position of Director of Marketing at Ogle School, a .EDU that has over 8 locations in the Texas area. As you can imagine, local SEO is incredibly important (as is local social) so claiming, setting up, managing and updating all of the local listings for our school is quite a task. This article will take you through the process of claiming and setting up local profiles across diverse online platforms, and help them get a better idea about what they need to do to connect with local customers. Let’s begin: Google + Local Let’s start with the Big Daddy of them all – Google+ Local. Step 1: Create a Google Places Listing It all begins at Select your country and enter your phone number. Step 2: Verify Listing
#Kaupunkisome: Kuplia vai kansanvaltaa? – Kaupunkiakatemia – Urban Academy KAUPUNKITUTKIMUSINSTITUUTIN AVAJAISTAPAHTUMA:#Kaupunkisome: kuplia vai kansanvaltaa? Aika: Maanantai 15.1.2018 klo 16-18 Paikka: Helsingin yliopiston Tiedekulma Stage •Miten yhä useampi kaupunkilainen pääsee hyötymään somen tuomista mahdollisuuksista? Miten somea voidaan paremmin hyödyntää kaupungin kehittämisessä? •Mikä on kaupunkisuunnittelijan ja muiden viranhaltijoiden rooli somessa? •Keiden ääni somessa kuuluu ja miten tavoittaa erilaiset asukasryhmät? Helsingissä lähes kaikilla kaupunginosilla on omat Facebook-ryhmänsä. Kaupunginosaryhmät verkottavat kaupunkilaisia omaa lähinaapurustoa laajemmin ja edistävät parhaimmillaan alueiden sosiaalista koheesiota tarjoamalla yhteisöllisyyttä, osallisuutta ja vertaistukea. Helsingin yliopiston Tiedekulmassa 15.1. järjestettävässä #Kaupunkisome: kuplia vai kansanvaltaa? Tilaisuus on osa Helsingin yliopiston tammikuussa 2018 aloittavan uuden Kaupunkitutkimusinsituutin Kick off -seminaarisarjaa. Klikkaa otsikoita päästäksesi esityksiin
An E-Commerce Study: Guidelines For Better Navigation And Categories 7 Tips to Create Facebook Ads That Convert Are you already advertising on Facebook – but not yet seeing the results you hoped for? If you want your ad spending to yield more fans, leads or sales, you might just need to tweak your strategy a little bit to start seeing a better return on investment. Here are 7 of my favorite Facebook ad tips for tweaking your approach, so your next Facebook ad results in higher conversion rates – and more business for you. #1 Reach More Fans Through the News Feed The number of users accessing Facebook on mobile devices has skyrocketed in the past year – today, 60 percent of all users are visiting Facebook on their phones and tablets. And there’s data to back that up – according to a study by SocialCode, Facebook mobile ads earn up to 2.5 times more than desktop-only ads. To get your Facebook ads into the News Feed (specifically Page Post ads, Page Like ads and Sponsored Stories), you have to use the Power Editor. The best way to get started is by using the free Power Editor Chrome plugin.
14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media A question I often hear is how do you create great unique content? What most people and companies don’t realise is that they have great content it just happens to be offline in Silos, files on computers that are waiting to be repurposed for online. It can be interviews or press releases that can be edited, summarized or combined. There are presentations you have used for clients, articles you have sent to clients, information from your suppliers that is sitting on your computer, there are training videos that could be edited for YouTube, videos taken at conferences. The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”. So there are 2 core activities to having great content: ”Repurposing Existing Content” of different types and mediums and “Writing New Content”. 5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content
Next in Commerce | Home A project of the commerce specialist, ePages, and the industry initiative, Hamburg@work. E -commerce will become more visual: In the future, the Customer Journey can begin with an image-based search: A randomly photographed leather jacket can become the target of a spontaneous shopping tour. Will snap shots be the universal entry point to consumption processes? Nike has teamed up with Instagram to create an HTML5 app called Nike PhotoiD. The Asian fashion social network Clozette, the e-commerce company Rakuten and the visual search engine ViSenze have teamed up to develop a fashion platform called O’Share that enables people to look for and find clothes using their uploaded photos. The mobile app Fashionfreax Lens lets users scan different colours in their surroundings via their smartphone camera and then receive in real time a selection of clothing items in matching colours. Thing Daemon has created a shopping app for Google Glass called Fancy.
Don't Let Paper Paradigms Drive Your Digital Strategy - Karen McGrane by Karen McGrane | 11:00 AM June 17, 2013 The web isn’t print. The way we publish on the web — our process and workflow — is mostly derived from what we know about putting ink on paper. Which makes sense, because for most of human history, print was all we had. In a world of connected devices, we need to publish digital content onto all kinds of different devices, screen sizes, and form factors. Watches and glasses and fridges, oh my A majority of Americans now own a smartphone. Beyond smartphones and tablets, we know we’ll continue to invent new devices. Whether you think any one of these new devices is the future, a fad, or a flop doesn’t get around the reality of the challenge we face in publishing content to these new form factors. Publishing content to a variety of devices and platforms is fundamentally different from print. You don’t have to spend too much time thinking about all these new form factors and device types to realize that the very notion of a page doesn’t hold up.
39 Awesome Tools and Resources for Blogging and Social Media Marketing Social media and blogging has gone from being an activity you did for just fun and pleasure to serious business. Social media used to be what teenagers and students did after dinner. Blogging was an online personal diary where you kept pictures of your dog, cat and travels. If you mean business and and need to market and monetize your company, personal brand, website or blog to take advantage of the opportunities the social web has opened up, then you need the right tools, resources and advice to guide you. The explosion of websites, apps, tools and resources online is often confusing. They include tools, links, books and courses and a whole range of resources that will: Get you started.Take your blog and social media marketing to the next level. If there are other resources you would like listed, don’t hesitate to let me know and I will include them in the resources section of the blog. Themefuse offers a wide range of WordPress themes that can get you up and running in a matter of minutes.
Quels sont les plus gros e-commerçants de France et d'Europe ? : Le tiers des plus gros e-marchands d'Europe est britannique Internet Retailer vient de publier son Top 500 des e-commerçants enregistrant les ventes en ligne les plus élevées d'Europe, hors e-tourisme. A eux tous, ces 500 e-marchands totalisent 93,74 milliards d'euros de ventes en ligne en 2012, en hausse de 16,6% par rapport à 2011. Sans surprise, le premier d'entre eux est Amazon. Ses revenus européens ont augmenté de près de 20% entre 2011 et 2012, renforçant sa domination sur le vieux continent. Son chiffre d'affaires s'élève à 12,3 milliards d'euros l'an dernier, selon les estimations d'Internet Retailer. Le deuxième e-commerçant d'Europe est Otto Group. L'analyse des plus gros e-commerçants d'Europe montre que les acteurs américains sont peu présents sur ce marché. Rappelons en outre qu'en dehors des sociétés qui ont déclaré leurs ventes en ligne à Internet Retailer, ces chiffres d'affaires sont des estimations effectuées par la publication américaine.
SEO is Dead. Now What? Search engine optimization has changed significantly since the earlier days when the term was first coined and industry leaders are beginning to hint at a fundamental philosophical shift that would effectively render the traditional SEO as a dead or dying craft. It is time to re-imagine what it means to manage search engine rankings. Some history to put this into context: Since it’s inception, SEO has been tactical and reactive by nature. Optimizers would determine what a search engine uses to qualify a site and find the more efficient means by which to satisfy that requirement in order to perform well in a search engine’s search results. In the earliest days, search engines relied heavily on webmasters’ use of HTML meta tags to identify keywords related to the content of each page on the site. This was an important step forward because webmasters were already gaming the search rankings through a method known as "keyword stuffing."
4 Ways Publishers Can Optimize for Facebook's New News Feed Facebook unveiled its "new" News Feed Thursday, and while we won't know the full range of effects it will have on the pages of brands and publishers for some time, Facebook has provided a few clues to help administrators optimize their pages ahead of its rollout. First, let's take a look at the changes. The new News Feed is cleaner, more visual and has more filtering controls. In addition to larger photos and videos, Facebook has introduced a number of "sub feeds" to give users greater control over what updates appear in their streams. While these changes could have a negative impact on publishers' pages, particularly if users opt to spend all or most of their time viewing updates from their Close Friends, Facebook insists it could be a boon as well, because users can switch over to the "Following" feed to get updates outside their friend circles precisely when they want them. Publishers can make some changes to their content to take advantage of the coming changes. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Is Twubs the Next Big Twitter Chat Management Tool? The Twitter chat is one of the best tools for a social media professional to communicate with fans and customers, driving the conversation around the brand. Tuesday's version of existing chat platform Twubs promises to make that job even easier. Twubs, the 5-year-old hashtag platform that aggregates tweets, pics and videos into a branded page, has debuted a free, Twitter API-compliant chat tool. SEE ALSO: 15 Essential Twitter Chats for Social Media Marketers The service, which may remind users of Tweetchat, streams tweets from chats to allow hosts to more effectively moderate the conversation. "We take engineering very seriously," says Tony Ferraro, Twubs' president and CEO. Deployed in the Amazon Web Service cloud, Twubs' Twitter chat tool is built to handle the large traffic spikes these conversations create. “We believe that topic relevancy is the future of social media,” says Ferraro. Chat hosts can even add more than one administrator to a hashtag.