How to Clean Your Liver with 5 Natural Liver-Cleansing Tips
Your liver is like the maid of your body, cleaning up all the toxins you put into it, and therefore keeping all internal systems running smoothly. The modern diet, environmental pollutants, and our increasing dependence on toxic personal care products have put our livers on serious overtime. For this reason, it’s important to know how to clean your liver thoroughly and effectively – oh, and naturally. Your liver works to cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances that we’ve eaten, inhaled, or rubbed on our bodies. When it is overworked—as it is in many modern adults—or when you are under a significant amount of physical or even mental stress, your liver can struggle to keep up. “The thousands of enzyme systems that are responsible for virtually every body activity are constructed in the liver,” explains Dr. How to Clean Your Liver – No Products Required So, what can you do about it? 1. Source: Natural Society Related:
Vegetable Disease Helper
Click on the name of the vegetable to get a listing of Fact Sheets and Information Bulletins relating to that specific crop. Asparagus | Beans | Beet | Broccoli | Brussels Sprouts | Cabbage | Carrot | Cauliflower | Celery | Cucumber | Eggplant | Lettuce | Melon | Onion | Peas | Pepper | Potato | Pumpkin | Spinach | Squash | Sweet Corn | Tomato | Watermelon | ALL
Australia » Wicking Beds Also Known as Sub-irrigated Raised Beds
These planters in Australia not only look good they are highly productive and most importantly they conserve precious water. In cities, they provide vital protection against toxic metal soil contamination. We call them sub-irrigated planters (SIPs). Following is an instructable that shows you how to make these beds as sub-irrigated planters (read the comments too). Why are there not wicking beds/sub-irrigated raised beds all over New York City, all over America? via "The wicking worm bed is a highly productive growing system which not only produces more food from limited water, but also recycles waste organic material to provide plant nutrient and capture carbon. We have extreme water restrictions here in Melbourne.
Green Living - Gardening - A beginner's guide to permaculture gardening
A philosophy of gardening. Gardening and philosophy. Either way it seems strange to the uninitiated. However, one thing permaculture isn't, to many people's surprise, is a cult. Permaculture is a design system which sprang up during the 1970s oil crisis, a reaction to food insecurity and the desire for self-reliance. When applied to gardening it suggests that not only can we grow food almost anywhere - from fruit shrubs in patio pots to vines on fences - but we can get higher yields with less effort simply by mimicking nature. When I started to view every niche as a potential food-growing zone, for me the world turned into one big gingerbread house. In contrast to many modern agricultural methods, a natural growing system sustains a continuous cycle, with dead plants becoming mulch for new growth. Survey your plot Permaculture isn't prescriptive and methods should be applied to each garden or balcony individually. Diversity Zoning Mulch! Forest garden Pests! Further information: Websites:
Garden Designs
With our free online planner, you can design a super-productive vegetable garden, based on square-foot gardening techniques instead of traditional rows. Just drag and drop crops to the planting grid and the planner fills in the number of plants. Or choose from 16 pre-planned gardens. Print out your planting map and you're ready to go. Get Started or Expert Advice and Resources
The Benefits of Moon Gardening -
I’d like to share a secret I use in my garden to get great results … strong, healthy happy plants … and something that saves me time and money. It’s gardening by the moon! OK, that may sound a little strange if you’ve never heard of it before, but if you are already familiar with your climate zone and are planting in the right season, then you may want to maximise your gardening success by working with nature’s lunar cycles … and by that, I don’t mean getting outdoors with a shovel in the middle of the night! “Gardening by the moon has been practiced for many thousands of years and is not about planting at night but about being in harmony with natural growth patterns.” – Sheree Scott How Does Moon Gardening Work? The moon has four ‘phases’ or ‘quarters’ – each last about 7 days. You can see the current moon phase (set for the southern hemisphere) on the left hand side of this website. So why am I sharing this with you? What’s the significance of this for you? My Experiences A few last tips …
Make Your Own Natural Salve for Pain Relief - NaturalON
If you haven’t already heard, the health benefits of cayenne are truly amazing. Used as an herbal pain reliever, cayenne has compounds that improve the immune system, stop the bleeding from a cut, and can relieve pain like nothing else! Cayenne is found in many chilies, bell peppers, and paprika. These plants have been cultivated for at least 7,000 years. Early European explorers brought seeds from their visits to South America back to their homelands, and from there they spread quickly throughout the world. Photo credit: The active ingredient in cayenne is called capsaicin, and it’s this ingredient that works so well at reducing pain. If you go to your local drugstore you will find many different types of creams and lotions, all of which contain cayenne to one degree or another. You can use this salve on just about anything from sore muscles to stiff joints to nerve pain and bruises. Take a look at just how easy it is to make your own cayenne salve. Ingredients: Instructions:
5 Step Guide to Growing Gorgeous Garlic
Do you know where your garlic comes from? One of the most important reasons to grow your own is to avoid toxic chemicals and irradiation (that inhibit sprouting and extend shelf life).* Garlic … how safe to eat is yours? A few years back I didn’t even think about the garlic I ate … but then I became interested in the story behind the food I was eating. The majority of the world’s garlic is grown in China and is sprayed with chemicals and bleached white with chlorine during importation quarantine processes, not to mention the thousands of food miles clocked up. But if you really want to gag on your garlic, according to the CEO of the Australian Garlic Industry Association, “some garlic growers over there (China) use raw human sewage to fertilise their crops, and I don’t believe the Australian quarantine regulations are strict enough in terms of bacteria testing on imported produce” … so you might want to think again before you reach for that perfect white bulb in your supermarket! Storage