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Watercolors & watercolor painting

Watercolors & watercolor painting

this is the website of Joseph Zbukvic, watercolor master painter from Melbourne, Australia David Lobenberg The Watercolors of Paul Jackson, AWS, NWS Carlos (vivan los titulos originales) Urban Impressions: David Savellano Gallery Inspired by the energy of the city, David Savellano has learned to distill a busy scene to its most essential elements. On sunny mornings, you’ll often find the artist seated at his easel, painting a scene somewhere near his Alameda, California home. “I’m in the moment,” he says, “present with all my senses and able to transfer it all from my mind to the paper. Lake Merritt Oakland Market Point Cavallo Stormy Monday Yosemite Lake Chalet * Online Seminars for Fine Artists * Instantly download fine art magazines, books & video workshops * Sign up for your Artist’s Network email newsletter & receive free fine art tips & demos You may also like these articles:


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