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Yann Dall'Aglio: Love

Yann Dall'Aglio: Love

Sean Carroll: The arrow of time (Part 1 of 2) Loading … Comment on this Talk 158 total comments In Part 1 of his lecture at the University of Sydney, cosmologist Sean Carroll gives an entertaining and thought-provoking talk about the nature of time, the origin of entropy, and how what happened before the Big Bang might be responsible for the arrow of time we observe today. A physicist, cosmologist and gifted science communicator, Sean Carroll is asking himself -- and asking us to consider -- questions that get at the fundamental nature of the universe. Full bio » 13 Way, way out there Curated by TED Travel across the universe (or is it universes?) What to Watch Next Sean Carroll: The arrow of time (Part 2) 24:21 Posted: Jan 2010 Views 152,847 | Comments 94 What Your Friends are Watching Related Topics We want you to share our Talks! Just follow the guidelines outlined under our Creative Commons license.
