6 Excellent Free Sites to Practise Reading Comprehension It’s been too long since I’ve written about improving reading skills. Last time I posted about sites to help you practise reading comprehension was in May last year. Way too long. The truth is that doing reading comprehension activities in class takes time, especially if we are talking about long texts with an amount of difficulty, and very often this is one of the tasks we give students as homework. On the other hand, I am one of those teachers who think reading aloud in class is a good exercise. Reading aloud fluently not only helps to improve the reading ability, but also oral expression.It gives students a chance to focus only on fluency, pronunciation and intonation as they don’t need to worry about grammatical accuracy.It gives teachers a nice opportunity to correct pronunciation mistakes.It helps students enhance comprehension as pauses should be made in the correct places.Reading aloud is especially good for students who don’t feel very confident speaking English in public. 1.
Audio for ESL/EFL: Listen and Read Along (Flash/MP3) YouTube Videos Science and Technology This is 4 minutes long and use the Teleprompter Player.'Caine’s Arcade' Video Brings Fame to Creative Boy Words & Their Stories These are 5 minutes long and use the Teleprompter Player. American Stories The Tell-Tale Heart - Written by Edgar Allan Poe (Teleprompter) A Pair of Silk Stockings - Written by Kate Chopin (On YouTube.com)This is a playlist with 2 videos. (13:15) The Diamond Lens - Written by Fitz-James O'Brien (On YouTube.com)This is a playlist with 6 videos. (24 minutes) The Law of Life - Written by Jack London. President Obama Barack Obama's Weekly AddressesFor advanced students, we have a set of these. About "Listen and Read Along" These are all things that I adapted from material produced by the Voice of America (VOA). Some of these are in Flash, some are MP3 files played by a Flash player and some are hosted on YouTube.com.
Audio books mp3 : listen and download - read the text 2 sensitive ads are blocked on this site AUDIO BOOKS - MP3 text . Free audio books mp3 files to download for esl. Audiobooks :play audio, read or print text, download mp3 zip files. Custom Search 100 - CLASSIC AUDIO BOOKS 2- text audiobooks 100 classic audiobooks + mp3 + text + download videobooks select your page -> page 01 / page 02 page 03 / page 04 page 05 / page 06 page 07 / page 08 page 09 icon listen to full stories / icon browse chapters / icon full version at internet archive page 02: audioboosk 14 -> 26 14- Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift web page read or print the text Download mp3 zip = 313 mb 15-Moby Dick, or, the whale Herman Melville web read or print the text download mp3 zip = 677 mb 16- Emma - Jane Austen web page read or print the text Download mp3 zip = 386 mb 17-Myths and Legends Greece and Rome web page read or print the text download mp3 zip = 313 mb 18- Dracula - Bram Stoker web page = internet archive read or print the text Download mp3 zip = 454 mb next page : books 27 -> 40
ESL Reading--Resources and Exercises ESL/EFL Teaching/Learning ResourcesReading See also links for Concordancing and Vocabulary Text-to-Speech Programs See also Hypertext Builders < -- Tom Cobb/Chris Greaves show how to link your own text to the 1-million-word Brown corpus and the online WordNet dictionary using sound. TextAloud MP3 < Reads text from email, web pages, reports and more, aloud on your PC. NaturalReader < -- reads (text-to-speech) in different accents and male or female (Text files, MS Word files, MS Internet Explorer Webpages, Adobe PDF files, Emails ReadPlease Plus 2003 < -- a fully-featured, easy-to-use, and natural sounding text-to-speech program that can read anything on your screen (as long as it can be copied onto the clipboard). Speedreading Eyercize< -- for speedreading of Extensive Reading ESOL eBooks (include 3 classic Ghost Stories) News:
Confiture de Noël + étiquettes 27 novembre 2013 Confiture de Noël Millésime 2013 ! Les petits lutins travaillent dur chez moi. Ce week-end, ils ont confectionné la traditionnelle confiture de Noël :) La maison sentait trop bon !!! Comme d'habitude, plein de bonnes choses dans cette confiture : figues, dattes, pruneaux, écorces de citron, angélique confite, abricots, raisins et au centre, écorces d'oranges confites. Le tout est cuit dans un jus de coings où ont mariné toutes la nuit, des poires séchées : trop contente cette année j'ai trouvé de l'angélique confite ! Cuisson... Et après la déco des pots...maintenant dégustation !! Et si vous voulez aussi réaliser de la Confiture de Noël, la recette est ICI est mes étiquettes sont LA prêtes à imprimer. Bonne journée et à bientôt Psss, Psss : Assurez vous bien de récupérer 1,3 kg de jus de coings, sinon votre confiture sera béton !! 30 juin 2013 Occupée... Ma première fournée ayant déja disparu...j'ai recommencé ! A bientôt 28 avril 2013 Je déclare ouverte ... 23 novembre 2011 Aie !!!
Marmelade d'agrumes C'est bientôt Noël et le cadeau qui fait plaisir par exemple aux maîtresses, aux collègues ou à la famille, c'est un pot de confiture maison ! Vous allez me dire, les fruits en ce moment... et je vous réponds : marmelade ! Donc j'ai pris 4 citrons, 3 pamplemousses et 6 oranges (plutôt bio mais sinon bien les brosser). On les coupe en tranche sans garder les bouts et les pépins. On met le tout dans une cocotte, on recouvre d'eau et on laisse poser 12 heures. Ensuite, on porte à ébullition une demi heure et on laisse refroidir et poser encore 12 h ou plus ! On pèse le tout (sans la cocotte) et on ajoute le même poids de sucre (environ 4kg) puis on fait cuire dans une bassine pendant une bonne heure (voire 2 compte tenu de la quantité) Mettre en pot et faire une jolie déco si vous voulez les offrir... Je publierai une jolie photo quand j'aurai décoré les pots, là pour le moment c'est brûlant !
Recettes de base, trucs et astuces Je n'en avais jamais fait avant cette année (hormis celle d'Eglantine et celles de mon enfance) car autour de moi beaucoup de personnes m'en offraient mais c'est un fait que la nature a été généreuse et que devant l'afflux de fruits, j'ai eu envie de m'essayer à cet exercice. Le bal a commencé par la groseille. Il s'est poursuivi par la framboise que je suis moi même allée cueillir dans les bois. Ca se mérite les framboises, il nous faudra pénétrer à l'intérieur de ces buissons pour remplir nos pots Habituellement, pour ce fruit, la nature est peu généreuse mais cette fois ci, je suis tombée sur un filon. En tout cas, une occasion rêvée pour cuisiner ce fruit et le transporter en toute sécurité jusque Lille. Finalement, la confiture est d'une simplicité enfantine à réussir. Avant de commencer, un conseil : votre préparation risque fort de monter dans le récipient pendant la cuisson. Gelée de framboises, gelée de groseille ou gelée de mûres. Ensuite, ne jeter pas vos pépins. Conservation
Learning with the News! 15 Resources, Web Tools, and Apps – American TESOL Institute One way to get students to enhance their English skills is by having them read or listen to current events. Several websites report the news at a level your language learners will be able to understand. These websites also have quizzes, writing activities, listening exercises, and games to accompany the articles. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our free Friday webinars. Recommended Web Tools Newsela– News you can choose by grade level with quizzes and writing activities.Newseum– Find the headlines of the day and sign up for free to access primary resources and lesson plans.Breaking News English– Sean Banville’s news stories that are read aloud and accompanied with pdfs of activities and online games for learning vocabulary and grammar.VOA News– Stories read aloud accompanied by PDFs of activities.News in Levels– Students take a test to decide their level then do activities with news items according to the level. Other Resources
My English Blog | English Lessons and Resources for Students and Teachers. English Text To Speech Text to Voice, also known as Text-to-Speech (TTS), is a method of speech synthesis that converts a written text to an audio from the text it reads. The Text-to-Speech engine has been implemented into various online translation and text-to-speech services such as ImTranslator extensions for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge. ImTranslator Translation ImTranslator Dictionary ImTranslator Compare Online Translators ImTranslator Translate and Speak service This TTS reader service sounds like you are listening to a real person. The service gives you the opportunity to practice your listening and speaking skills or master a foreign language. If the voice is too fast for you, you can adjust the voice rate by using the Speed menu. The text can be replayed as many times as you wish. Use ImTranslator speech-enable service, and get your computer talking to you!
How British English and American English are Different | Grammarly Blog Many Americans who love tea would turn up their noses at the idea of adding milk to it. Brits, on the other hand, are known for lacing their strong tea with milk. With or without milk, tea is tea. According to the Legends of America website, inhabitants of the New World first noticed that their English was different about one hundred years after settling Jamestown. American English Words Missing from British English Along with groundhogs and woodchucks, other living things earned uniquely American monikers. British Words Missing from American English Put on your anorak. Vocabulary Differences Other words exist in both languages, but they mean different things. Spelling One man is responsible for many of the spelling differences that exist between American and British English. Grammar In British English, you have to use the present perfect for recent actions that affect the present. I’ve broken your vase. I broke your vase. You have got much better at breaking things!
Anglais et HIDA / EPI by Aurélien Cador