100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real Concept designers are also referred to as “visual futurists”. These concept designs may not be on the market yet, but they can still inspire you to create something just as futuristic and exciting online. The designs may be impractical in some cases, but the idea is to put the concept out to the world to see how it evolves and grows. Remember that these are all just conceptual, you can’t buy them yet! With that said, here you have 100 amazing futuristic design concepts that will make you crave more. 1. This is an elegant concept created by designer D.K. 2. This concept design was inspired by the curves and tapering of the Macbook Air coupled with the look of an iPod Touch. 3. iPhone 4G Concept This fantasy iPhone mimics both the look of Mac OS/X and the aluminum case of a MacBook Pro. 4. Created by designer Norio Fujikawa. 5. This watch tells time in an extraordinary way. 6. 7. Designer Balykin Pavel tells the time with digital sand in this Reddot Design Award winner for 2006. 8. 9. 10. 11.
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here...(Matrix plot hole explained) The future is brighter than you think Peter Diamandis says too much focus is placed on negative newsHe says the truth is that the world is poised for abundance through innovationDiamandis: Social changes have vastly increased wealth, reduced disease and violenceHe says smart phones put knowledge, tools in the hands of billions around the world Editor's note: Peter Diamandis is an expert on innovation, the author of "Abundance," and founder and chief executive of the X PRIZE Foundation, a nonprofit focused on creating large incentive prizes to drive breakthroughs. He spoke at the TED2012 conference in February. TED is a nonprofit dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading" which it makes available through talks posted on its website (CNN) -- I've been talking to corporate groups a lot lately about the idea that the future is going to be better than many of us think -- that we will live in a world of abundance made possible by new technology. Repeatedly, I'm thanked by the audiences for giving them a positive outlook.
Facebook Will Build Drones and Satellites to Beam Internet Around the World A still from an promotional video showing how Facebook and Internet.org will deliver internet access via aerial drone. Image: Internet.org Mark Zuckerberg is putting together a lab where a team of Facebook engineers will build flying drones, satellites, and infrared lasers capable of beaming internet connections to people down here on earth. Revealed this afternoon by the Facebook CEO and founder, it’s known as the Facebook Connectivity Lab. According to Zuckerberg, the lab’s engineering staff already spans “many of the world’s leading experts in aerospace and communications technology,” including researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, NASA’s Ames Research Center, and the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. All this may seem like a stretch for a social networking company. Hinted at in earlier press reports, Facebook’s flying-internet efforts mirror a similar project that’s underway at Google.
Hawking vs. Haraway - Transhuman Technology Abstract: Stephan Hawking and Donna Haraway are two scientists who have outspoken ideas about what the merge of technology and humans actually means to us. Hawking, who has recently joined a Cambridge University think tank that deals with issues of possible take-overs of the human species by apparatus (computers) with sufficient artificial intelligence, is concerned about the evolution of our species. For him, the Darwinian phase of evolution has ended as the human species is nearly done from a natural selection perspective.
NASA's Warp Drive Project: "Speeds" That Could Take a Spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in Two Weeks Even Though the System is 4.3 Light-Years Away (Before It's News) NASA’s Warp Drive Project: “Speeds” that Could Take a Spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in Two Weeks — Even Though the System is 4.3 Light-Years Away. A few months ago, physicist Harold White stunned the aeronautics world when he announced that he and his team at NASA had begun work on the development of a faster-than-light warp drive. His proposed design, an ingenious re-imagining of an Alcubierre Drive, may eventually result in an engine that can transport a spacecraft to the nearest star in a matter of weeks — and all without violating Einstein’s law of relativity. The above image of a Vulcan command ship features a warp engine similar to an Alcubierre Drive. The Alcubierre Drive The idea came to White while he was considering a rather remarkable equation formulated by physicist Miguel Alcubierre. Alcubierre suggested a mechanism by which space-time could be “warped” both in front of and behind a spacecraft. A new design io9.com Top image: CBS Studios Inc. Read more:
Why change a running system? - dieStandard.at › Antje Schrupp Als ich damals über Twitter mitbekommen habe, dass Stephan Urbach sich einen Magneten in die Fingerkuppe hat einbauen lassen, dachte ich erst, das wäre ein Witz. Wieso würde jemand so etwas freiwillig machen? Der einzige Versuch von Körpermodifikation in meinem Leben war ein gestochenes Ohrloch, das sich hinterher permanent entzündete. Dann kam ich zu der Überzeugung: Mein Körper ist völlig okay so, wie er ist, no need to improve. "No need" im doppelten Sinn des Wortes – keine äußere Notwendigkeit, weil ich keine gesellschaftlichen Normen darüber, wie ein (weiblicher) Körper auszusehen hat, akzeptiere, und keine innere Notwendigkeit, kein Bedürfnis meinerseits, weil – ja, so banal: Ich Angst vor Arztbesuchen und medizinischen Eingriffen aller Art habe. Fähigkeit zum Funktionieren Ich habe ein etwas ehrfürchtiges Verhältnis zu meinem Körper, oder, wie man früher sagte, meinem "Leib", den ich nämlich nicht "habe", sondern der ich "bin". Und deshalb las ich dem Heft "Ich, Cyborg?"
Hubble Serves Up a Holiday Snow Angel Hubble Serves Up a Holiday Snow Angel NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope presents a festive holiday greeting that’s out of this world. The bipolar star-forming region, called Sharpless 2-106, looks like a soaring, celestial snow angel. The outstretched “wings” of the nebula record the contrasting imprint of heat and motion against the backdrop of a colder medium. The bipolar star-forming region, called Sharpless 2-106, looks like a soaring, celestial snow angel. The outstretched “wings” of the nebula record the contrasting imprint of heat and motion against the backdrop of a colder medium. Sharpless 2-106, Sh2-106 or S106 for short, lies nearly 2,000 light-years from us. A massive, young star, IRS 4 (Infrared Source 4), is responsible for the furious activity we see in the nebula. A ring of dust and gas orbiting the star acts like a belt, cinching the expanding nebula into an “hourglass” shape. Dusky red veins surround the blue emission from the nebula. Related Links about S106:
I'm Dr. Michio Kaku: a physicist, co founder of string field theory and bestselling author. I can tell you about the future of your mind, AMA Dr. Kaku, I'm a 21 year old Asian-American and my hair is starting to turn silver... Do you think my hair will become as awesome as yours? The key is to choose your parents well. Hey Michio, what is the one thing that blows your mind more than anything else? The idea that excites me the most concerns the two greatest puzzles in science: the origin of the universe, and the origin of consciousness. If an alien spaceship lands in my backyard, what should my first message to them be? Chances are, the aliens will not want to land on our backyard, or even the White House lawn, with their flying saucers. If I can make it 50 more years, will we be able to slice up my brain and cram my consciousness into a machine? By midcentury, we may have Brain 2.0, a backup copy of the brain, the byproduct of the ambitious BRAIN project of Pres. Hello Dr. My question: What is your take on the theory that electrons can surpass large distances via tiny wormholes to support quantum entanglement? Hello there Dr.
Wearable Antenna for Health Monitoring Staying in the hospital while you’re sick could be no longer necessary. The North Carolina State University is developing an antenna able to monitor recovering people conditions even if they leave their hospital bed. A wearable sensor can track the bioelectronic signals, like hydration and temperature, and send them to the doctor via a flexible antenna made of silver nano wires. Dr. Yong Zhu, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, explained that the antenna remains functional even when it is curved, twisted or stretched. “This is important for wearable applications because the wearable devices can be subject to a variety of deformation as the patients move around” he told to Live Science. Via NC State University: “To create an appropriately resilient, effective antenna, the researchers used a stencil to apply silver nanowires in a specific pattern and then poured a liquid polymer over the nanowires. Read more on NC State University
Transhumanist David Pearce will uns zu glücklicheren organischen Robotern machen Ich treffe David Pearce inmitten des überdreht-engagierten Tech- und Start-up-Festival Tech Open Air in Berlin. Vor Jungunternehmern mit ausgelatschten Chucks, teuren Uhren und einem unbändigen Glauben an eine technologisch verbesserte Zukunft hält er einen Vortrag über Transhumanismus. Den geneigten Festivalbesuchern erklärt David Pearce, wie wir die Menschheit mit der Hilfe von Biotechnologie, Drogen und der Umprogrammierung des Erbgutes unsterblich, glücklich und superintelligent machen werden. Allen über 40, die nicht mehr in den Genuss dieser Technik kommen könnten, riet er, sich einfrieren zu lassen. Glücklicherweise stehen meine persönlichen Chancen nach dieser Einschätzung auch ohne Einfrieren recht gut, und so habe ich mir von David seine Zukunftsvision zwischen Indianer-Tipis auf der Wiese vor dem Konferenzgebäude erklären lassen. Motherboard: Was sind die Prinzipien des Transhumanismus? David Pearce: Ein superlanges Leben, super glücklich und super intelligent.
The Most Terrifying Photo In Space History This is a picture of the Apollo 17 Lander that was taken while the astronauts were on an excursion in the Lunar Rover. They were about a mile away at this point, but ended up going even further (about 2.5 miles) in the Rover. This is terrifying once you realize what’s going on. They have just a little bit of air in their packs. First they have to drive or walk back to that little ship. They have to start it up. Launch it into space. Physically link up with another spaceship (the Command Module, which at that point in time could be orbiting on the other side of the Moon). Blast rockets at just the right angle to coast back to Earth. Then have enough air to last three days. Then adjust their rockets precisely as to not burn up in reentry or skip off the Earth’s atmosphere. Then parachutes must deploy correctly. Then the capsule’s hatch must open correctly. Only then can they breathe without freeze immediately and having their blood boil due to the lack of atmosphere. Via: Reddit User TrustZero
Ex Machina and sci-fi's obsession with sexy female robots | Film ‘Did you program her to flirt with me?” Domhnall Gleeson’s character asks robot inventor Oscar Isaac in Ex Machina. To which the scientific answer would be: “Well, duh!” Ex Machina is a smart, elegant thriller posing some juicy questions about artificial intelligence, consciousness and gender. Being literally objectified women, female robots have traditionally been vehicles for the worst male tendencies. But once made flesh, these fantasies have a nasty habit of biting their male creators on the … well, on the penis in the case of Eve of Destruction, a trashy sub-Terminator sci-fi in which a malfunctioning android, played by Renée Soutendijk, goes rogue. It was all there right from the start, in what must be the great-grandma of female-robot movies: Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. And of course, Metropolis’s robot is irresistibly seductive, with her sashaying hips and art deco fetish-gear bodywork. “Our machines are projections of us. Ex Machina at least moves the debate on somewhat.
Today In Dystopian War Robots That Will Harvest Us For Our Organs… In the year 2000 (well, more like 2020, at this rate), we TIDWRTWHUFOO fans will be able to ride six-wheeled robotic rovers into battle, our shorts flapping around our chicken legs, our friends hooting as we fall on our butts. But then the tides will turn and the robots will begin riding us. Their laughter, mechanical and strange, will haunt our sleepless nights as we are forced to carry them ever further into the darkness of a benighted earth. Anyway, watch Rusty of SuperDroidRobots get tossed off a drone. Festo, makers of the elephant trunk robot we featured a few weeks ago, have created this amazing little robotic kangaroo for you and yours. Finally we have the Pi Bot, a DIY kit for kids who want to learn Raspberry Pi robotics.
une présentation riche ! by omer_demiraslan Oct 19