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Norton's 2004 security apps - CNET reviews

Norton's 2004 security apps - CNET reviews

MPC Millennia 940i Dream Machine Intro - MPC Millennia 940i Drea To measure 3D gaming performance, CNET Labs uses Epic Games' Unreal Tournament 2003, widely used as an industry-standard benchmark. We use Unreal to measure a desktop's performance with the DirectX 8.0 (DX8) interface at a 32-bit color depth and at a resolution of 1,024x768 and 1,600x1,200. Antialiasing and anisotropic filtering are disabled during our 1,024x768 tests and are set to 4X and 8X, respectively, during our 1,600x1,200 tests. At this color depth and these resolutions, Unreal provides an excellent means of comparing the performance of low-end to high-end graphics subsystems. We report the results of Unreal's Flyby-Antalus test in frames per second (fps). Far Cry Custom Demo Rebellion (in fps)(Longer bars indicate better performance) Note: * Velocity Micro ProMagix PCX CPU and graphics card are overclocked For high-end gaming PCs, we've added UbiSoft Entertainment's Far Cry to our benchmark arsenal. Find out more about how we test desktop systems. System configurations

McAfee Virus Encyclopedia Coupeurs de fichiers - beaucoup de logiciels !!!! Computer, Telephony and Electronics Glossary and Dictionary An industry abbreviation for Electronically acceptable or Electrically acceptable. The European equivalent of a T1 circuit. It is a term for a digital facility used for transmitting data over a telephone network at 2.048 Mbps. A designation for a particular kind of non-volatile memory. The European equivalent of a T3 circuit. The European equivalent of a T4 circuit. E6B Computer While called a computer, the E6B is most like a slide rule. E & M - Control (4 wire E & M), (the receive and transmit leads of the signaling system). An industry acronym for Emergency Assistance Request. Earth Ground A wire conductor that terminates in the earth for electrical purposes. EarthLink EarthLink is a major player in the national ISP struggle. Easter egg An Easter egg is a small program or message, generally humorous in nature, that programmers hide within an application such as Microsoft Word or Excel. Abbreviation of Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code. ecash ECC memory 1. Ecommerce or Icommerce
