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Ben the Bodyguard. Protecting your data on iPhone® and iPod touch®

Ben the Bodyguard. Protecting your data on iPhone® and iPod touch®

web design - graphic design - website - logo and website design - logo design - online branding - web development - identity print - clean website - logo for website - design usability - simple website - portfolio - modern website - advertising - graphics Welcome to What is jarallax?Web based parallax scrolling and much more! Jarallax is an open-source javascript library which makes adjusting css based on interaction easy.With Jarallax it's easy to create a parallax scrolling website. What to do next Follow Jarallax Support Jarallax Sir John A Day | January 11, 2012 Happy Birthday Sir John A! Register Your Sir John A. Macdonald Day Celebration On January 11, 2012, Sir John A. As a reminder, Sir John A Day is on January 11, 2012. Registration: Registration is ONGOING and opens on November 17th, 2011. Submitting Your Entry: The deadline for contest submissions is February 6, 2012. After January 11, 2012, hard copy submissions can be sent to: Sir John A Day The Historica-Dominion Institute 43 Front St. Electronic submissions can be sent to * We accept video files from most digital cameras and camcorders, and cell phones in the .AVI, .MOV, .WMV, and .MPG file formats.** We would prefer digital photographs in the .JPG format. Please contact Sir John A Day staff at if you have any questions!

How to create jQuery Parallax Scrolling Effect with 15 Tutorials Modern templates have many parallax scrolling effect built into them for appealing user interaction and to make sure users find the real call to action sometimes. Most of the time parallax scrolling goes beyond tolerable levels as most people hate to scroll longer than normal levels. Making sure and keeping parallax effects to jaw dropping and tolerable level is what you must learn eventually. jQuery Parallax scrolling effect is achieved easily with many pre made jQuery plugins which you can find with these tutorials. Popular plugins used in these tutorials are Skrollr.js and Stellar.js which seems to be better compared to other existing plugins. By going through these tutorials you will figure out the steps to make a successful parallax scrolling effect which can be later implemented on your website. Simple parallax scrolling tutorial Demo | Tutorial How to create a parallax scrolling website Demo | Tutorial Creating a Parallax Scrolling Webpage Using Jarallax.js Demo | Tutorial Tutorial Page

Parallaxe Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Figure 1 : Un exemple simplifié de parallaxe La parallaxe est l’incidence du changement de position de l’observateur sur l’observation d’un objet. En d'autres termes, la parallaxe est l'effet du changement de position de l'observateur sur ce qu'il perçoit. Ce mot apparaît au XVIe siècle, emprunté au grec παράλλαξις, qui signifie « déplacement contigu ; parallaxe ». Métrologie[modifier | modifier le code] Ampèremètre analogique ; le miroir en arc de cercle est situé au milieu de l'échelle. L’erreur de parallaxe est l’angle entre la direction du regard d’un observateur et la perpendiculaire à la graduation d’un appareil de mesure, amenant à une erreur de lecture de la mesure effectuée. Psychologie[modifier | modifier le code] En psychologie, la parallaxe est une modification de la subjectivité, la différence de perception d’une même réalité. Photographie[modifier | modifier le code] Parallaxe entre le viseur et l’objectif Parallaxe annuelle. . .

Zing Design - We design & develop beautiful websites & mobile apps Dangers of Fracking The Bézier Game Discover Bagigia - The Bag The enscroll jQuery Plugin Easily Customize Scrollbars! Do you have overflowing boxes with scrollbars on your site? Do you wish you could style those scrollbars to offer your users a consistent look & feel across multiple browsers and platforms? Enscroll is a jQuery plugin that gives you the power to replace those scrollbars rendered by the web browser with ones that you design. Either replace the scrollbars with your own image or use custom CSS to style them anyway you desire. Overview Features Documentation Demos Try It Now! The Basics and Beyond Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet felis at sapien tempor rutrum in in nulla. Cras ac neque dui. Quisque arcu velit, tempor a ultricies consequat, posuere ac purus. Fusce at urna augue. Vestibulum lorem est, vulputate sed vulputate id, bibendum pretium dui. Pellentesque aliquet tellus ut sem placerat mattis. Integer mauris lacus, facilisis eget vehicula a, luctus ac quam. Proin ultrices mauris nunc. Nullam volutpat tempor venenatis.

CCR - 10 Anos de IPO | Grupo CCR Fique por dentro das novidades sobre o Grupo CCR: 26/01 Interesses alinhados CCR cria comitê independente e controladores Andrade Gutierrez e Camargo Correa não votam em operação de venda de ativos para evitar conflito com minoritários. (Fonte: Valor Econômico - 26/01/2012) 31/01 CCR faz captação externa para pagar aeroportos Companhia busca recursos para pagar, até março, compra de participações na Costa Rica, Curaçao e Equador, de US$ 215 milhões; se ganhar leilão no mercado brasileiro, recorre a investidores brasileiros. Em 2012, a CCR comemora 10 anos no Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA, o segmento mais exigente do mercado de capitais brasileiro. Desça a página e boa viagem! Em 1998, a CCR é constituída com o objetivo de administrar concessões de rodovias federais e estaduais, pertencentes a seus acionistas controladores. No dia 1º de fevereiro de 2002 as ações da CCR começaram a ser negociadas na BM&FBOVESPA.

UX & UE | About Interaction The field of Interaction Design is relatively new compared to other well-established fields like maths or physics. Although quantitative research in the field has made it more science-like, we can hardly say it is pure science. Experiments in science should be reproducible and theorems in science can be strictly proved, but this is hardly realised in user research. IxD – An unmatured field Another manifestation of an new or un-matured field is that people use different terms to refer to the same thing. Usability and User Experience If you were asked to give the aim of Interaction Design (or whatever you call it). Usability is an older term compared to user experience. The Goals Whenever we design a user interface by following interaction design methodologies, we must fulfil a set of usability goals and another set of user experience goals. (1)Usability Goals What are the usability goals? Jokob Nielsen, a Danish usability consultant, is a big name in usability. 1. e.g. 2. e.g. 3. e.g. e.g.
