La Revue du Design ? Blog Archive ? Le design comme ?une chose qui pense? Par Stéphane Vial. Pour une philosophie du design “Le design ne cesse de penser, mais il est incapable de se penser. Il n’a encore jamais produit une théorie de lui-même, comme l’art a pu le faire.” (1) Tels sont les premiers mots du Court traité du design qui sort cette semaine en librairie. Tenter de penser le design, c’est pourtant une nécessité. Cela suppose de considérer le design non pas comme une division du champ de l’art ou du champ de l’industrie, mais comme un champ disciplinaire en soi, dont il faut désormais bâtir les fondements épistémologiques. Le design comme “une chose qui pense” Depuis quelques années, une poignée de designers américains qui disent “creuser plus loin que la surface” inscrivent leur travail dans cet effort pour penser le design. Ce qu’ils proposent, c’est précisément de penser le design comme une pensée. Soyons tout à fait clairs. Les principes du “Design Thinking” Revenons aux termes de Tim Brown et faisons rapidement le chemin avec lui. Conclusion Liens 1.
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CCR - 10 Anos de IPO | Grupo CCR Fique por dentro das novidades sobre o Grupo CCR: 26/01 Interesses alinhados CCR cria comitê independente e controladores Andrade Gutierrez e Camargo Correa não votam em operação de venda de ativos para evitar conflito com minoritários. (Fonte: Valor Econômico - 26/01/2012) 31/01 CCR faz captação externa para pagar aeroportos Companhia busca recursos para pagar, até março, compra de participações na Costa Rica, Curaçao e Equador, de US$ 215 milhões; se ganhar leilão no mercado brasileiro, recorre a investidores brasileiros. (Fonte: Brasil Econômico - 31/01/2012) Em 2012, a CCR comemora 10 anos no Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA, o segmento mais exigente do mercado de capitais brasileiro. Desça a página e boa viagem! Em 1998, a CCR é constituída com o objetivo de administrar concessões de rodovias federais e estaduais, pertencentes a seus acionistas controladores. No dia 1º de fevereiro de 2002 as ações da CCR começaram a ser negociadas na BM&FBOVESPA.
CSS3 presentation Why is it a problem? Maintenance hell Consumes more bandwidth More http requests ⇒ slower Style harder to understand Users get to see the page without them 1x1 png background images, if needed as a background background: url('/colors/black-0.75.png'); 1x1 png background images + extra markup, if needed for a solid border No known workarounds for many other cases RGBA and HSLA Can be used just like any other color, anywhere RGBA = RGB + Alpha, HSLA = HSL + Alpha Alpha = How transparent? And this is some text Firefox Fullsupport Google Chrome Opera Apple Safari Internet Explorer * Assumes latest beta 3 extra container elements 4 background images, one for each corner, or one huge image border-radius: 20px border-radius: 40px / 20px border-radius: 40px 10px border-radius: 40px 50% 0 border-radius: 40px 50% 0 10px Note: There are also individual properties for that, e.g. border-top-left-radius With-moz- From Onion Skinned Drop Shadows by Brian Williams on ALA box-shadow: 10px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.5)
BeerCamp at SXSW 2011 Social Network Icon Pack No frilly styles, gradients or lighting effects — just the basics. This set of social media icons is optimized at 32 and 64 pixels in five different shapes (over 1100 icons). All files are semi-transparent bitmap PNGs. Included in the download are these variants: CircleRounded SquareSquareSymbol (just the logo) Monochrome Simple & Styleable I kept them simple intentionally, but with a little know-how and a sprinkling of pixie dust, you can pull off some pretty sweet styles, like these: freebie icons social resource Share Volvo: Naughty Driving Techniques | Ads of the World Check out the microsite Cutters Editor Ryan McGuire and Director Scott Weintrob of Limey reunite for Volvo through Arnold Worldwide. Featured on the Volvo website, visitors take naughty to a whole new level with the new Volvo S60. Advertising Agency: Arnold London, Ltd.
italian interactive design studio CSS3 and HTML5 Toolbox Starter - Noupe Design Blog Jun 01 2011 As designers and developers we tend to always be on the look out for awesome resources to add to our virtual toolboxes. With the web design landscape moving in the direction of CSS3 and HTML5 we thought that we would help our readers find a few choice tools to start building up their toolboxes. So we went out across the web looking for some of the top offerings from the development and design community that can help get you started on using CSS3 and HTML5 today. So take a look down through the round up of available resources that you can hopefully find some tools that you have not come across before, and that can help aid both designers and developers alike. CSS3 Tools CSS3 Button Maker This intuitive tool from CSS-Tricks is labeled a “CSS3″ button maker owing to the fact that it makes use of gradients, shadows, and rounded corners which are generally not supported in older browsers. CSS3 Maker CSS3 Please How about a handy cross-browser CSS3 rule generator? Modernizr CSS3 Pie (rb)
What Your Web Design Says About You (Infographic) Font and color choices in a website say certain things about the owner of the site. Though colors and symbols may have different meanings in other cultures, this only reaffirms the notion that design choices do affect the perception of the user, which in turn affects the message attempting to be conveyed. Here is an infographic that delves into the meanings of fonts and colors in the context of web design. Click to enlarge. Related Content About the Author Facebook Integration At The Coca Cola Village If you’ve been wondering how to seamlessly integrate an experiential event with Facebook, here is how to do it, in real time! Again, the guys over in Israel are doing some amazing work, this time it was Publicis (E-dologic) and Promarket who have developed an innovative experiential event for Coca Cola Israel that synced everyone who participated, live with their friends on Facebook. The Coca Cola Village is a special summer experiential event in Israel, in 2010, they decided to run the event through Facebook, with teenagers needing to collect 10 Coca Cola caps each, gather eight friends who did the same and then register online through Facebook to gain exclusive entry. Every time you swiped, it instantly updated your status with what you were doing at the event, keeping your friends up to date in real time. Be Sociable, Share!
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