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The Asteroid that Flattened Mars

Related:  Progress

«Mars-500» project 4th of November 2011 is the finish of the experiment on simulation of a manned flight to Mars (“Mars-500” project). After the exit out of the experimental facility six crewmembers will be in observation regime (without a possibility to communicate with media), during which they will pass a thorough medical examination. Completion of the experiment and the crew exit out of the facility will be transmitted on-line through the satellite. In the case of any questions, related to the technical issues and parametres of providing a signal (the signal itself is free) please, contact to senior Planning Manager of the RT channel Murat Gavasheli (tel.:+79152183354). Press-conference with the participation of crewmembers and the project management will be held on 8th of October 2011, at 12.00, in the conference-hall of Russian news and information agency “RIA-Novosti” (Moscow), and we invite media to this event. Here are phone numbers for media accreditation in “RIA-Novosti”: +7(495)637-5019.

Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking: Aliens NASA Curiosity Rover To Drill First Martian Sandstone 'Windjana' : Science By Rebekah Marcarelli | Apr 27, 2014 02:48 PM EDT "NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has driven within robotic-arm's reach of the sandstone slab at the center of this April 23 view from the rover's Mast Camera. The rover team plans to have Curiosity examine a target patch on the rock, called "Windjana," to aid a decision about whether to drill there." (Photo : NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS) NASA's Curiosity rover is set to inspect a slab of sandstone that could be a potential drilling target. The rock could be the first drilling target that is not a mudstone, a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory news release reported. The stone was dubbed "Windjana," after a gorge located in Western Australia. The rover will inspect the rock using its camera and X-ray spectrometer and will also brush dust away from a segment of it. If chosen as a drilling site the rover will collect dust samples from deep within the rock and deliver them to onboard laboratory instruments.

Planets From Hell - How the Universe Works Documentary | HD 720p Mission to Mars Mars has a reddish-orange color caused by the iron-rich minerals in its soil. A fine-grained reddish dust blankets the planet and can be lifted into the atmosphere when blown by the wind. Martian dust storms range from small " dust devils " to an occasional spectacular event that shrouds the entire planet for months. One of the most striking features of Mars is Valles Marineris , a system of canyons located along the equator. Another spectacular feature of the Red Planet is Olympus Mons , the tallest volcano in the Solar System. One of the most exciting discoveries made at Mars is that liquid water once flowed across the planet's surface. Many regions of Mars consist of low-lying plains . Like other bodies in the Solar System, Mars has many impact craters that were formed by natural objects striking the planet. The polar regions of Mars contain stacks of finely-layered deposits up to several kilometers thick.

The Universe - How Big, How far, How fast - Documentary | HD 720p Tomorrow's cities: Do you want to live in a smart city? How do you fancy living in a city with which you can interact? A city that acts more like a living organism, a city that can respond to your needs. Around the world such cities are already being built, from Masdar in Abu Dhabi to Songdo in South Korea. Now the chaotic city near you may be in line for a makeover. In the future everything in a city, from the electricity grid, to the sewer pipes to roads, buildings and cars will be connected to the network. But how do we get to this smarter future. And is it a future we even want? Technology firms such as IBM, Siemens, Microsoft, Intel and Cisco are busy selling their software to solve a range of city problems, from water leaks to air pollution to traffic congestion. In Singapore, Stockholm and California, IBM is gathering traffic data and running it via algorithms to predict where a traffic jam will occur an hour before it has happened. IBM argues that it does get citizens involved in its smart city projects. It worries Mr Townsend.

History Channel The Universe Backyard Astronomers Part 1 of 6 2050 Demographics Projections | Prediction | Future | Technology | Timeline | Trend | 2050 Space Travel | 2050 Global Warming Timeline | 2050 Climate Change | Mars Future Missions 2050 | Future Rainfall Predictions Climate Change Humanity is at a crossroads The world of 2050 is a world of contrasts and paradoxes. On the one hand, science and technology have continued to advance in response to emerging crises, challenges and opportunities. This has created radical transformations in genetics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and related fields. Some of the most cherished political, economic and social structures have been turned on their heads. As more and more wealth trickles upwards to the hyper-rich elite, there is a growing consensus that money itself – the profit motive – is a major obstacle to future progress, and a new driving force may be required for civilisation to flourish. Decades of stagflation have produced a fragmented, chaotic and perpetually sluggish global economy. In the face of economic catastrophe, international politics has faced enormous challenges. Social systems are under extraordinary stress today. Radical Islam and its resentment of the West continue to produce new Jihadists.
