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Russian Photographer Takes Stunning Portraits With REAL Animals

Russian Photographer Takes Stunning Portraits With REAL Animals
What you’re about to see is not Photoshop – Moscow-based Russian photographer Katerina Plotnikova created these stunning images with the help of real live animals! She is only the latest in a line of excellent surreal photographers covered by Bored Panda, but her unique choice of models brings her amazing compositions to the next level. [Read more...] While seemingly dangerous, these shots were made possible with the help of professional animal trainers. The bear, held by many as a symbol of primal strength and instinct, contrasts especially well with the elegant princess it has embraced. Even without the well-trained animals, her photos possess a rich mysticism and dream-like quality that makes them absolutely enchanting. Source: Facebook | Vkontakte | 500px

Les vétérinaires sur un fil de fer Tous les propriétaires d’animaux domestiques se sont déjà posé la question : est-ce que je paie trop cher chez le vétérinaire ? Puis-je avoir confiance ? Il faut dire que le vétérinaire se situe dans une classe à part : professionnel de la santé, il est aussi entrepreneur. Il est celui qui prescrit les médicaments et celui qui les vend. Il est propriétaire ou locataire de son équipement et doit le rentabiliser. « Chaque matin quand j’entre dans ma clinique, je sais que je suis en conflit d’intérêts, lance le D Joël Bergeron, président de l’Ordre des vétérinaires du Québec. « C’est une profession, comme les notaires ou les dentistes, qui fait appel à la vigilance et à l’intégrité face au code de déontologie. » — Le D Joël Bergeron, président de l'Ordre des vétérinaires du Québec Charles Moisan est bioéthicien diplômé en médecine vétérinaire. Au Québec, la pratique de la médecine vétérinaire est en profonde mutation. — Mathieu Doyon, chef de la direction chez Anima-Plus

These 22 Photos Will Make You Fall In Love With Foxes Owing to its beautiful coat and bushy tail, which can be fiery red, steely gray or snow-white, the fox has held a special place in our hearts since time immemorial as a beautiful and mysterious woodland creature. These 22 pictures will make you fall in love with the fox all over again. The common red woodland fox that most of us know certainly is beautiful, but this cunning creature has managed to adapt to diverse climates throughout the world – the fennec fox of the Sahara desert and kit fox in the southwest U.S. both sport larger ears that help them stay cool in the desert, while the arctic fox has a thick and snow-white insulated coat and small ears that help it retain its body heat. The fox is a member of the canidae family, which also includes dogs, wolves and other similar animals. No matter how each fox looks, however, their wide range ensures that they have become elements of local folklore around the world. Image credits: Roeselien Raimond Image credits: Kai Fagerström

25 Interesting Facts About Love | Blog 1. Husbands who are affectionate with their wives in the morning tend to live longer than men who aren’t. 2. When leaning in for the kiss, 65% of people tend to tilt their heads to the right as opposed to the left. 3. 78% of women would decline hooking up with their significant other early on in their relationship if they have not shaved their legs, underarms, etc. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 11% of women creep their lover online before they meet or go out with them, as opposed to 7% of men who do the same thing. 13. 14. 15. 16. 43% of women don’t want to hear the word “love” from their partners unless they truly mean it and are ready for commitment. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Les tiques: une super astuce pour les enlever ! | Kitkat & Co Ayant reçu une super astuce pour vous débarrasser, en toute tranquillité de ces sales bébêtes que sont les tiques, il nous semblait important de vous partager ce petit truc… Mais avant toute chose, essayons d’en savoir un peu plus. Mais avant tout, qu’est-ce qu’une tique ? Les tiques sont des acariens, des parasites externes, autrefois appelées « Tiquet » ou « Ricinus » Elles passent une partie de leur cycle au sol (éclosion, métamorphose et quête d’un hôte), et une autre partie (deux ou trois stades) ancrées sur la peau de leur hôte (mammifères, oiseaux, reptiles, …) se nourrissant de leur sang grâce à leur rostre (partie de la bouche servant à percer et aspirer). Ce sont surtout les femelles adultes nourries, ou en train de se gorger de sang qui sont les plus repérables, car bien plus grosses que les autres stades de développement. Seules les tiques adultes s’accouplent, au sol avant la quête de l’hôte ou sur l’hôte lui-même. Rédigé par Snatchy ~ Source:

Aggression between Dogs in the Same Household My home typically contains two or more dogs, and research has shown that having more than one dog is typical for nearly one third of dog owning households in North America. In a multiple dog home probably one of the most disturbing situations is when there are aggressive incidents between the dogs. These are not only disturbing for the peace and happiness of the humans living there, but it can also be quite dangerous for the dogs and for the people who try to intervene and break up the fight. A scientific report published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association* looked at this issue, specifically assessing the characteristics of the dogs involved and what can be done to help eliminate the problem of fighting among dogs living together. The first thing that might be surprising to most people is that female dogs are more often involved in such fights then are males. What tends to trigger a fight among housemates? To read more about canine aggression click here.

Dogs do not bite "out of the blue". | Yaletown Dog Training | In-Home Training and Board & TrainYaletown Dog Training | In-Home Training and Board & Train Roxy, a Great Dane has a fear of skateboarders. She is also uncomfortable around large dogs and hates to be patted on top of her head. Roxy has always growled at skateboarders, sniffed the ground when a large dog is near and ducked her head and licked her lips when patted on the head. She had never bitten and her owner felt sure that she never would. One day a man walked up to Roxy and patted her on the head. Roxy turned around and bit the man on the wrist. It is important to realize that all dogs have a bite threshold, a limit that if crossed causes them to bite. StrangersMen with beardsCyclistsChildrenSkateboardersOther dogsBeing patted on the head When the dog encounters one of his triggers he might display low levels of stress such as sniffing the ground or a tongue flick or he may show aggression such as a freeze or a growl. When multiple stressors happen at the same time or very close together they will have a cumulative effect on the dog’s bite threshold. Now back to Roxy.

GOING VIRAL: Dog finds “fetch” too easy. Does THIS instead!!! Lately we’ve shared a lot of impressive dog trick videos. But this one blew us away! I love that it’s not just a soft toss. STRESS, ANXIETY AND AGGRESSION IN DOGS - Advanced and Professional Training I am a tracking coach, clinician and judge in Canada. I highly recommend this book and have promoted it to my friends and students. I picked up a copy last week at Chapters in Calgary. It is very current (2012) and has so many interesting ideas that I love to apply to my training and coaching. I was quite excited to see him write about the positives of tracking. I have always said that tracking promotes a sense of self-esteem in a dog, as we encourage independence and the ability to solve problems and be in control. Hallgren writes that these things are integral to a dog’s mental well-being. Regarding tracking, he writes (pp. 30-31): Positive stress occurs when a dog is excited about tracking, for example (with a photo of a dog tracking). Thank you to the author for a positive book with many suggestions that are doable, and will make sense to both dog trainers and to the average pet dog owner too.

What Kind Of Dog Are You? - BiteCharge We'll ask you 9 simple questions on this quiz. Be honest, and at the end, we'll tell you what kind of dog you are. You can also see what kind of dogs your friends are. Published on Apr 16th, 2014. Share Dogs are awesome. You're genuinely humble and that makes you stand out in a crowded room.

Avez-vous le bon réflexe? | En compagnie des chiens Dans ma série la boîte à outils, je vais débuter par ce qui devrait être notre premier réflexe lorsque l’on souhaite prévenir ou faire cesser un comportement sans avoir nécessairement à intervenir directement sur notre animal. De quoi s’agit-il exactement? Modifier l’environnement. Pour arriver à gérer l’environnement, il faut bien comprendre de quoi il s’agit. L’environnement* est l’ensemble des éléments physiques, chimiques ou biologiques, naturels et artificiels, qui entourent un être humain, un animal ou un végétal. Si nous prenons l’exemple d’une pièce, l’environnement correspond à tout ce qui s’y retrouve. Sur quoi veut-on agir à partir de l’environnement? Avant même d’avoir le réflexe de dire «non» à notre chien, il est impératif de faire en sorte que l’environnement ne lui permette pas d’exprimer un certain comportement ou encore qu’il ne lui permette pas d’avoir accès à quelque chose ou à quelqu’un. Gérer l’environnement peut aussi servir à travailler sur l’émotion d’un chien.

Cat intelligence and cognition: Are cats smarter than dogs? Photo by Astrid860/Thinkstock “We did one study on cats—and that was enough!” Those words effectively ended my quest to understand the feline mind. We are living in a golden age of canine cognition. I knew I was in trouble even before I got Miklósi on the phone. Agrillo studies something called numerical competence. To reduce the number of variables, Agrillo’s team always conducts the studies in its laboratory. Agrillo’s work didn’t break open the mystery of the feline mind, but at least it was something. But what about cats? But when Miklósi took the study a step further, he spotted an intriguing difference between cats and dogs. Now before you conclude that cats are dumber than dogs because they’re not smart enough to realize when a task is impossible, consider this: Dogs have lived with us for as many as 30,000 years—20,000 years longer than cats. Still, there may be hope. The feline mind may be a black box, but it’s a box worth exploring.

Can You Hear Me Now? | Wilde About Dogs A woman stands in the middle of a park calling her dog. The dog, oblivious, continues to play with his friends. The woman calls out again, this time more loudly. No response. Finally, in a fit of frustration, she screams at the dog, grabs his collar, and drags him away. What’s happened here? Although it might seem like it, little doggy earflaps did not snap into place, sealing the dog’s inner ear canals. Another type of seemingly “selective hearing” can happen when a dog is emotionally over threshold. While there’s not much we can do once a dog is over threshold other than getting him out of the situation as calmly as possible, conditioning can help.

«Je voudrais qu’il comprenne…!» « Légèrement sérieux, sérieusement léger Que de fois n’ai-je pas entendu cette petite phrase! Vous aussi, sans aucun doute. Peut-être vous arrive-t-il de la dire ou de la penser. Eh bien, j’ai une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle pour vous. La mauvaise nouvelle, c’est que si vous vous trouvez dans une situation où vous «voudriez qu’il ou elle comprenne», c’est pratiquement garanti qu’il ne comprendra jamais ce que vous voulez qu’il comprenne. C’est bien facile de dire «je voudrais qu’il comprenne». (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 2 a b Est-ce que tout le monde comprend ça? Tout d’abord, il faut connaître la notation algébrique. Ensuite, pour comprendre ce que a^2 signifie, il faut savoir que cela signifie «a à la puissance 2» ou «a au carré», ce qui veut dire «a fois a». Maintenant, pour comprendre l’équation, il faut connaître les règles de l’algèbre ou bien faire soi-même tout le raisonnement et le développement en utilisant la logique mathématique. Bien. Est-ce que tout le monde va comprendre en 30 secondes?

Animal Behavior Associates, Inc. - Pet Behavior Wellness Experts
