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PHIDIAS GOLD Paper Toys (x30 !!! Quand je vous disais que le Phidias Gold Paper Toy Show avait donné naissance à une collection de paper toys incroyables, je n’exagérais rien… Pour preuve, voici regroupées les 30 contributions des artistes ayant participé au projet… Pour rappel, nous retrouvons ici les artistes : Alex Carlson, Allison Bamcat, Amy Rauner, Anthony Baez, Chris Piascik, Christopher DeLorenzo, Damion Silver, Dana Woulfe, Dennis Schuster, Evoker, Fish McGill, Grapheart, James Noellert, Jillian Evelyn, Keaton Henson, Maria Filar, Mario Jalbert, Mathieu Beaulieu, Matt Byle, Matt Skiff, Michael Crigler, Nathan Trapnell, Pat Falco, Pulco Mayo, Ryan Eggebrecht, Tougui, Travis Price, et Wesley Eggebrecht !!! En prime, vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement toutes ces créations en cliquant sur les previews des templates de chaque modèle ou en vous rendant sur la page Phidias Gold dédiée à l’événement. La grande classe ! Merci Phidias Gold ^^ Partager

Papercraft animal alphabet This is the official announcement for the papercraft alphabet I just finished uploading. That was quite some work, especially with two hyperactive kids climbing all over me while I am typing. By the way, if you speak German: Hätte auch auf Deutsch funktioniert. Anyway, the alphabet is now complete – a collection of 26 papercraft templates for all letters 0f the alphabet, each representing an animal, thing, or people starting with that letter: You will find the complete list of templates here. You can use them for education, as toys, or to spell out whatever message you want to get across. Here is a ZIP file containing all templates as PDFs. Have fun with these – and if you do, I wouldn’t mind if you help to spread the word… Edit: I have just uploaded numbers to go with the alphabet.

s Best Photos of model and papercraft Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database, allowing search by: tags(keywords); Flickr photography groups; Flickr users, their contacts, and favorites; free text; the Flickr Explore algorithm for interestingness.

L’invasion recommence… Allez pour ce petit retour sur Artskills : Télécharge les papertoys, monte-les et envoie les photos présentant les papertoys assemblés ou customisés à cette adresse mail. Elles seront publiées sur le blog insect-pachworks. Papertoy en téléchargement ici ou là. Paper Ponies by Kna on deviantART

Twitter Bird Have you ever wished the twitter bird could come alive… sit on your window sill and watch you as you tweet away your afternoon? lol…no? Well, how about the Twitter Birdie in 3-D perched atop your computer screen then So, no need to break out the bird seed, but you must admit, its pretty cool right? I found this Twitter Bird Paper Toy at Toy a Day. It is a printable paper toy that you put together yourself. Download the PDF file here and make your own Twitter Bird toy! Related Posts No Related Post Using Gravatars in the comments - get your own and be recognized! XHTML: These are some of the tags you can use: <a href=""><b><blockquote><code><em><i><strike><strong>

Activités manuelles, activités enfants - 3 à 6 ans Ce bricolage bateau est idéal pour accompagner vos enfants dans le bain, et ainsi transformer une corvée, en un moment de détente ludique ... Découvrez comment dessiner Dusty, le héros de Planes à travers une vidéo explicative d'un story-boardeur de Disney ! A l'occasion des vacances ou d'une fête, voila un bricolage d'éventail en papier que les enfants pourront faire facilement et offrir à leurs proches ! Vous avez toujours voulu savoir bricoler les accessoires de Fée. Nous vous livrons ici toutes les étapes pour réaliser la baguette magique et la chapeau. C'est parti pour le Carnaval ? Pour fêter Mardi Gras, il n'y a pas que les déguisements ou les masques à fabriquer. Au cours de l'année, les enfants ont souvent l'occasion de se déguiser ! Ce bricolage Saint-Valentin est une carte cadeau qui plaira à tous les Valentines en herbe ! La guirlande de Noël en papier est une activité très facile à réaliser qui pourra aussi bien convenir pour la décoration de votre sapin que de votre maison !

Chouette The first kit of the new year is this deceivingly simple looking little owl to expand the bird-population in 3EyedBear’s universe. We all know owls are one of the wisest creatures and this one certainly will be one day too. Thing is: she’s still very young and inexperienced, but she compensates that with a passion for reading thick books while you sleep. It don’t hurt to have her posted in your bedroom since owls hunt for little scary creatures by inborn instinct. She will watch over you. (click one of the images to download Howie) Collect them all! Edit: Thank you for all the lovely blog-title suggestions in the comment-box. Now let’s send some pictures of one of the owls and share how you are taking care of them. -Darla from delicious Bakingdom created 3 Harry Potter-themed owls here for downloading. TAGS: None

How to make a paper model from scratch. The way i design paper toys is to work at them in a 3d modelling program and then export to another program that breaks them down into nets that you can print off and assemble. I'm not saying this is the only way, there are people out there that design completely using pen and paper. Props to them, but you have to be precise and i'm a messy kinda guy. The program we are going to use to make the nets is called Pepakura Designer 2 - It's a japanese program and so the documentation for it is a bit squiffy. It's also shareware - you can work on a project and print it out but you can't save. For the initial modelling software, use what you are comfortable with - Pepakura designer accepts a wide range of filetypes (listed here). As well as the software ye are going to need a printer and some fair meaty paper or card- theres a lot of play in the weights but go for something that will be sturdy but isnt so thick that the peices dont fit together properly. And then another dilemma...

Papel Modelismo アサヒの森で育つさまざまな生きものたちが、ペーパークラフトになりました。 みんなで作って、かざって、アサヒの森を楽しみましょう! 分類:ブッポウソウ目、カワセミ科、ヤマショウビン属全長:約27cm 翼開長:約40cm 体重:約90g | 生息地 :戸谷山、女亀山など 夏にやってくるカワセミの仲間。 分類:フクロウ目、フクロウ科、フクロウ属全長:約50cm 翼開長:約100cm 体重:450g~1kg | 生息地:黒口山、女亀山など 夜に狩りをするフクロウの羽根は、はばたいてもほとんど音がしません。 分類:ネズミ目、リス科、モモンガ亜科、ムササビ属頭胴長:27~49cm 尾長:28~41cm 体重:700g~1,5kg | 生息地:赤松山、甲野村山など ムササビとモモンガは同じ仲間ですが、ムササビの方がずっと大きく、また飛膜の付き方も異なっています。 分類 :無尾目、カエル亜目、アオガエル科、アオガエル属 | 体長:オス4~7 cm、メス6~8 cm生息地 :甲野村山など 木の上に泡状の卵を産むのが特徴。 分類 :キツツキ目、キツツキ科、アカゲラ属 | 全長:約30cm 翼開長:約50cm 体重:約125g生息地 :女亀山など 赤い頭と胸の黒線が特徴のキツツキの仲間だよ。 分類 :サケ目、サケ科、イワナ属 | 体長:約20cm生息地 :赤松山など 絶滅のおそれのある地域個体群。 ペーパークラフトの種類はこれからも増えてゆくから、またこのページに遊びに 来てくださいね。 ペーパークラフトをお作りいただくには、Adobe® Reader® が必要です。
