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A Neuroscientist's Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious - Wired Science

A Neuroscientist's Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious - Wired Science
It’s a question that’s perplexed philosophers for centuries and scientists for decades: Where does consciousness come from? We know it exists, at least in ourselves. But how it arises from chemistry and electricity in our brains is an unsolved mystery. Neuroscientist Christof Koch, chief scientific officer at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, thinks he might know the answer. “The electric charge of an electron doesn’t arise out of more elemental properties. What Koch proposes is a scientifically refined version of an ancient philosophical doctrine called panpsychism — and, coming from someone else, it might sound more like spirituality than science. Koch’s insights have been detailed in dozens of scientific articles and a series of books, including last year’s Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist. WIRED: How did you come to believe in panpsychism? Christof Koch: I grew up Roman Catholic, and also grew up with a dog. 'What is the simplest explanation? Related:  `test 1022`test 1022

Free business cards templates VOL-2:: On-line Editor printable PDF, business cards designer online ---0 Accueil - Biomimétisme & Architecture > Des toitures copiées sur les toiles d'araignées - Biomimétisme & Architecture Les remarquables caractéristiques des toiles d'araignées Les araignées et leur toile sont parfois considérées avec crainte ou dégoût. Pourtant les scientifiques n'ont bien évidemment pas cette vision des choses et connaissent les particularités impressionnantes des fils produits par ces arachnides. En effet, ces toiles confectionnées pour capturer les proies, possèdent des atouts de solidité, et d'élasticité remarquables : > Elles sont très légères (une toile qui ferait le le tour de la Terre ne pèserait que 320 grammes). > Elles présentent une très grande capacité d’absorption des chocs. > Elles peuvent s’allonger de 40 % avant de se rompre. > Pour rompre une toile d’araignée il faut dix fois plus d'énergie que tout autre matériau biologique similaire. La résistance et l'énergie de rupture est calculée en fonction de la quantité d’énergie qu’une fibre peut absorber avant de se rompre et en fonction de la solidité et de l’élongation Il y a divers types de soies. Application à l'architecture ...

Growing Fruit In Pots In cooler climates or homes with no garden space, it is often preferable to plant fruit trees in pots. This is a guide about growing fruit trees in pots. Read and rate the best solutions below by giving them a "thumbs up". Article: Growing Fruit In Pots Container gardeners (and fruit lovers) rejoice! The Right Fruits There isn't really any "wrong" fruit to grow in pots. The Notable Exceptions: Blackberries and certain hybrid berries are difficult to grow in pots because they can't seem to "contain" themselves due to vigorous growth. The Right Pots The best containers for growing fruit are those only slightly larger (2-3 inches) than the existing rootball. The Right Compost Most fruit prefer a nutrient-rich growing medium. The Right Care Feeding: Like all container plants, fruit grown in pots need to be fed and watered more often than plants grown in the ground. Watering: Keep compost moist, but not wet during the active growing season. Growing Hints By Ellen Brown Hardiness Zone: 9b

Accueil Ecobat 2014 62% des français déclarent être victimes de harcèlement en ligne Depuis 2016, Microsoft présente un rapport annuel intitulé « Civilité, sécurité et interaction en ligne ». Pour réaliser celui de l’année 2019, l’entreprise américaine indique avoir recueilli les opinions de plus de 12 520 adultes (18 à 74 ans) et adolescents (13 à 17 ans) issus de 25 pays dans le monde, dont 502 personnes en France. Comment le harcèlement se manifeste-t-il en France ? Microsoft a classé les risques les plus communs en différentes catégories (en France) : Les contacts non désirés : 40%Les hoaxes, escroqueries et fraudes : 26%Les micro-agressions : 25%Les sextos non désirés : 17%Les attentions sexuelles non désirées : 13% Dans l’hexagone, plus de 62% des personnes interrogées déclarent avoir été la cible de harcèlement en 2019. Les réseaux sociaux comme Facebook, Snapchat ou Twitter sont les espaces les plus propices au harcèlement. © Microsoft Dans le monde, 37% estiment que les conséquences sont très douloureuses, là où 8% indiquent ne pas souffrir.

Welcome to the National Qigong Association (Chi Kung) An Up-To-Date Layman's Guide To Accessing The Deep Web If you binge-watched the second season of House of Cards, along with a reported 15% of Netflix's 44 million subscribers, you may be newly interested in the Deep Web. Slate has done a good job of describing what the Deep Web is and isn't, but they don't tell you how to get there. How To Access The Deep Web First: the hot sheets. To get into the Deep Web these days, you first have to download the Tor add-on for Firefox. You might also like: The Casual Bitcoin Buyer's Guide To Investing In Cryptocurrencies Multiple Redditors urge reading the Tor Project's warning page, where they discourage torrent file sharing and downloading while using Tor. The newest iteration of the Tor browser, Tor 4.0, was released in October 2014. Other precautions include placing duct tape on your webcam, enabling your computer's firewall, and turning off cookies and JavaScript. For mobile users, several browsers exist which purport to—more or less—allow Tor to be used on an Android or iOS device.

6 things I learned from riding in a Google Self-Driving Car Last week, a friend and I got a sneak peek at Google's new self-driving cars. In addition to spending an afternoon cheating on my Intergalactic SpaceBoat of Light and Wonder, I got to chat with the engineers about the project. 1. Human beings are terrible drivers. We drink. 2. The car we rode in did not strike me as dangerous. In the early versions they tested on closed courses, the vehicles were programmed to be highly aggressive. 3. Google's new fleet was intentionally designed to look adorable. By turning self-driving cars into an adorable Skynet Marshmallow Bumper Bots, Google hopes to spiritually disarm other drivers. Google's next generation of self-driving cars are your Marshmallow Overlords. 4. Some of the scenarios autonomous vehicles have the most trouble with are the scenarios human beings have the most trouble with, such as traversing four-way stops or handling a yellow light (do you brake suddenly, or floor it and run the light?). Freaky. 5. I'm biased. 6. -The Oatmeal
