Scope & Sequence Get Trained Use our professional development resources to learn best practices for teaching digital citizenship to your students. Onboard Students: Digital Passport Introduce students in grades 3-5 to Digital Passport, our award-winning suite of games that help onboard students to the foundational skills of digital citizenship and Internet safety. Teach Lessons: Unit 1 Teach Lessons: Unit 2 5 - Picture Perfect How can photos be changed on the computer, and how can that affect your feelings about the way you look? Teach Lessons: Unit 3 Extend Learning: Digital Bytes Challenge teens to take a real-world look at digital citizenship through student-directed, media-rich activities in Digital Bytes. Give Assessment Assess your students’ learning of lesson objectives and gauge their understanding and attitudes through interactive unit-level assessments. Engage Families Invite parents into the conversation with our Connecting Families program and resources.
A Treasure Trove of Digital Citizenship Resources for Teachers Via Educational Technology and Mobile Learning There is a special section here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning where I have aggregated a plethora of resources that teachers can use with their students to teach them about digital citizenship. And today I come across these wonderful resources compiled by Taryn Degnan from Common Sense Media. I thought about tweeting the link without having to share it here but I know thousands of email and RSS Feed subscribers would miss it. Below is a round-up of all the links Taryn featured in her post. Enjoy! You can also check this great page from Tech Learning that features of 20 essential resources on digital citizenship. This article originally appeared on Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, a website operated by a group of dedicated Canadian teachers.
Digital Citizenship in Schools - Netsafe: Supporting New Zealand internet users There has never been a greater need for schools to take a proactive approach towards a whole school community promotion of digital citizenship, including online safety and wellbeing, than there is now. This is why Netsafe has created its revised position on digital citizenship in education in its new white paper From literacy to fluency to citizenship: Digital Citizenship in Education. Summary Digital citizenship is a powerful enabler of inclusion in social, cultural and civil society. It is time to seek a definitive statement for digital citizenship and its relationship to ‘digital literacy’ and ‘digital fluency’. This paper is Netsafe’s initial contribution to achieving this aim. Netsafe asserts that digital citizenship combines the confident, fluent use and combination of three key elements: and then critically: Six underpinning principles for digital citizenship Netsafe advocates for the following six principles to underpin approaches to the development of digital citizenship:
Digital Citizenship Week Ask your students to create their own pledges.How can your students become super digital citizens? Ask them! Begin by encouraging your kids to write their own personal pledges about being good digital citizens in their everyday lives. 21st Century Fluencies The Essential Fluencies The Essential Fluencies of innovative learning are structured processes for developing the skills that your students need to succeed, today and in the future. Get Started Now “The Essential Fluencies have nothing to do with hardware—they are about headware, and heartware!” Solution Fluency Develop problem-solving superpowers Learn More Information Fluency Learn Sherlock-style data skills Learn More Creativity Fluency Unleash your inner Picasso Learn More Media Fluency Be the next Spielberg Learn More Collaboration Fluency Bring together unstoppable teams Learn More Global Digital Citizenship Be global, and be great Learn More Discover Wabisabi, a whole new way to love the school day. Get Started for Free Pin It on Pinterest 236 Shares Share This
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 10 Great Digital Citizenship Lessons from Google July 15, 2014 Today I want to draw your attention to these excellent resources from Google. These are 10 interactive lessons designed by the folks in Google to help students learn more about different themes related to the general topic of digital citizenship. And while all these lessons revolve around YouTube, most of the principles they include could also be projected on any other digital platform. Using these lessons, teachers and students will be able to gain useful skills and a holistic understanding about responsible digital citizenship, not only on YouTube, but in all online activity. Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. 1- What Makes YouTube Unique What Makes YouTube Unique - basic facts and figures (40 minutes) - Teacher’s Guide, Slides Lesson objective: Understand the environment and scale of YouTube 2- Detecting Lies Detecting Lies - (35 minutes) - Teacher’s Guide, Slides 4- Online Reputation and Cyberbullying 7- Privacy
How do you deal with cyber-bullying in schools? – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS Recently, I have noticed that cases of cyber-bullying are being reported more and more often in the news. As social media and technology is already a central part of children’s lives, online safety is an incredibly important issue to tackle. What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is defined as, “the act of harassing someone online by sending or posting mean messages, usually anonymously.” How does it affect schools? Studies have found that the problem of cyberbullying in schools is on the increase (DFE, 2015). I have made a graphic to help you spot the main forms of online bullying in schools: How can schools tackle the problem? Watch my video for 10 tips to prevent or deal with cyber-bullying: Educate pupils: ensure e-safety and cyber-bullying is part of the school curriculum in every age group.Introduce an e-safety and cyber-bullying policy. Have you had incidences of cyber-bullying in your school? Like this: Like Loading...
Nine Elements Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Respect, Educate and Protect (REPs) These elements have also been organized under the principles of respect, educate and protect. Respect Your Self/Respect Others - Etiquette - Access - Law Educate Your Self/Connect with Others - Literacy - Communication - Commerce Protect Your Self/Protect Others -Rights and Responsibility - Safety (Security) - Health and Welfare If this was to be taught beginning at the kindergarten level it would follow this pattern: Repetition 1 (kindergarten to second grade) Respect Your Self/Respect Others Digital Etiquette Educate Your Self/Connect with OthersDigital Literacy Protect Your Self/Protect Others Digital Rights and Responsibility Repetition 2 (third to fifth grade) Respect Your Self/Respect Others Digital Access Educate Your Self/Connect with OthersDigital Communication
L’educazione alla cittadinanza in Europa – Eurydice Italia Nel 2013, Anno europeo dei cittadini, non poteva mancare una pubblicazione dedicata alla cittadinanza; la rete Eurydice ha infatti predisposto già nel 2012 un rapporto dedicato a tale tematica. L’Unità italiana di Eurydice ha ‘ospitato’ la traduzione italiana di tale rapporto nell’ultimo numero della serie I Quaderni di Eurydice per contribuire alla diffusione delle politiche e delle pratiche educative europee nell’area dell’educazione alla cittadinanza. In particolare, i cinque capitoli della pubblicazione sono dedicati ad aspetti quali, ad esempio, la presenza dell’educazione alla cittadinanza nei curricoli europei, la partecipazione alla governance della scuola da parte di studenti e genitori, il coinvolgimento degli studenti nella vita civica, la valutazione dell’offerta di educazione alla cittadinanza e dei risultati degli studenti, la preparazione e il supporto offerto a insegnanti e capi di istituto in tale disciplina.
Digital Citizenship in Education and the Classroom Tomorrow, I am attending a workshop, the objective of which is to develop a curriculum focused upon digital citizenship. I have been pondering digital citizenship and social media the last few days. This evening I brought together some of the relevant articles that I have read and tagged on the topic in the past, both recently and further back in time. This process resulted in this post. Curating digital citizenship through education During the last seven years I have been teaching educators how to establish a web presence and establish blogs. If you are going to teach someone to drive a car you should learn how to drive a car as well, eh? Digital citizenship can be curated through education. Exemplary use of social media in education As I conduct social media workshops I always share examples of exemplary use of social media by educators and students. Raffles Museum Toddycats! This site blends social media with community involvement. Toddycats! The Biodiversity crew @ NUS Three exemplars
Common Sense Digital Citizenship: Certified Educator "I'm inspired to teach digital citizenship and become a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified Educator because I see the excitement, engagement, and passion from my students when using technology in a way that is safe and enhances their individual learning experiences." Nicole Swick, Common Sense Certified Educator, CICS West Belden Charter School, Ill. Being a Common Sense Certified Educator is an official stamp of recognition from Common Sense. If you give permission, Common Sense Education also will list your name and school on our website. Last, but not least, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you've helped your students develop essential skills to learn and thrive in the 21st century.
Getting Sneaky About Digital Citizenship – DigCit Institute Article reposted with permission from Dear Teachers, I met with a librarian friend of mine today to brainstorm ways to get digital citizenship embedded in lots of different areas of her school. She confided to me that she wanted to INFILTRATE her school with her digital citizenship efforts. This talk of infiltration and subversion for getting our digital citizenship point across reminded me of Kristin Ziemke‘s blog about sneaky reading – getting in extra reading minutes whenever and wherever. I love the idea about being insidious [see also: stealthy, surreptitious, sly] about working digital citizenship into what is already happening in your library or classroom. She told me that she really had four pillars of her library that were important to her, and that these were the things she plans to focus on next school year. Here’s what I thought was pretty cool about our brainstorming session. What do you think? Fondly, Nancy
Digital Citizenship Poster for Elementary Classrooms Turn wired students into great digital citizens Get all the tools you need with Common Sense Education's FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Connecting Families Program. The relevant, ready-to-use instruction helps you guide students to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions in the digital world where they live, study, and play. Download a printable PDF of this poster (en español)Order a larger print through CafePress Curriculum See our full Scope & Sequence. Poster for upper grades also available!