Gostai What is Urbi? Urbi is a complete open source software platform to control robots, a kind of Operating System for robotics. It includes a C++ distributed components architecture called UObject, and an orchestration script language called urbiscript. The urbiscript language is innovative because it integrates new ways to handle parallel and event-based programming, which are two essential issues in robot programming. Recently, Urbi is also integrating ROS support to be able to integrate ROS nodes inside an Urbi project, and benefit from the best of both worlds. What kind of robots can it control? Any kind of robot, from Lego NXT, Bioloid and Spykee, to Aibo, Nao, or Segway RMP. Can you tell us about urbiscript and its relationship to the Gostai C++ support? urbiscript is an orchestration language, which means that its role is to coordinate various components, organize their interactions, the data they exchange, etc. What makes Urbi unique? Urbi has gone open source. What is Gostai RTC?
NAO Developer Take your NAO and Choregraphe in hand: turn your robot on, connect it to a network, make a Choregraphe behavior... I. Opening the box Remove NAO from his box and place him in a stable position. Charge NAO: plug the battery into his back before use. II. Press and hold his chest button for 2 seconds: he will boot up, then say his name and his battery level. III. Remove the hatch behind his head to allow access to the Ethernet socket. Connect NAO to your router via an Ethernet cable.Get his IP address: press his Chest button.He says his IP address (e.g. “”).Open an Internet browser, type the IP address which NAO has just spoken into the address bar and press Enter.NAO’s webpage opens. To turn NAO off, press and hold his chest button for 5 seconds. IV. On the webpage of the robot, go to Network.In the list of available networks, click the one you want to use. Its configuration page opens. Note: the router should act as a DHCP server. I. First, create a new box from scratch. Click Ok. V.
untitled ou la "Nursery des Possibles" L’interview de Frédéric TAQUETDirecteur des Ressources Humaines du Groupe HAPPYCHIC(marques JULES - BRICE - BIZZBEE) Diplômé de l’ESC Amiens et d’une Licence de Sciences Economiques et Gestion, Frédéric TAQUET débute sa carrière professionnelle en hypermarché Auchan. Il occupe successivement les fonctions de Chef de Caisse, Chef de Secteur Caisse, puis Responsable Ressources Humaines. Il rejoint ensuite Norauto comme Responsable de Développement. En 1991, il participe au développement de Camaïeu Homme - devenu Jules, en tant que Directeur Entrepôt. Géry LEBLOND – Relief RH : Vous avez Frédéric développé avec votre équipe RH le concept de management novateur de « Nursery des Possibles » ? Un contexte de forte mutation Frédéric TAQUET – DRH HAPPYCHIC : Un certain nombre de mutations ont été vécues dernièrement au sein de notre entreprise : Du déséquilibre naît l’opportunité de mobiliser Créer les conditions de la co-élaboration Le concept de Nursery des Possibles
Karotz - Chez Aldebaran NAO's specifications - NAO Developer Fully programmable, open and autonomous: make the most of a full integration of state-of-the-art hardware and software Easy to use and understand: achieve better project results and improve learning effectiveness Attractive and motivating: highly increase and catch audience attention CameraThanks to improved camera sensors, we provide higher sensitivity in VGA for better low light perception. For image processing work on the robot CPU, you can use up to 30 images/second in HD resolution. Smart StiffnessA unique feature which automatically adapts the power needed by the motors during the movements of the robot. Note : using the video stream in remote highly depends on the network and the video resolution chosen. LEDs
Blog voyage, créez votre blog de voyage sur Enroutes.com, carnet de voyage Un robot Evolta à la maison ... enfin presque ! Le petit robot Evolta est un grand sportif malgré sa petite taille. Pour promouvoir la marque de piles rechargeables éponyme de Panasonic, le robot a fait de l'escalade, a participé au 24 heures du Mans, a parcouru le Japon à pied et a terminé avec succès le triathlon Iron Man. Maintenant, ce petit robot pourra prendre place dans votre foyer ... enfin presque. En 2008, Evolta a grimpé le long d’une corde de 530 mètres en moins de 7 heures dans le Grand Canyon. Enfin en cette fin d’année, Evolta a participé au triathlon Iron Man. Avec son design manga, il a touché de nombreux fans de robotique dans le monde entier. Panasonic semble avoir entendu et s’apprête à distribuer un robot Evolta. [youtube] Malgré ses limitations, cette petite statuette ferait bien sur mon bureau. [Plastic Pals]
Roboticist sees improvisation through machine's eyes Heather Knight, who specializes in social robotics, sees the robot Data as a way of investigating her area of study. Roboticist Heather Knight has a performing robot named DataData's abilities include joke-telling and dancingData's reactive abilities highlight true human improvisation, a key creative traitHuman brain is capable of so much -- and must be kept limber to be at peak Editor's note: This is the fourth in a weekly series on characteristics of creativity. Next week's piece will focus on acting teacher Elizabeth Kemp and the role of mentors. Pittsburgh (CNN) -- The comedian, a small robot named Data, takes the stage. Rising from a crouch, as if psyching himself up for his audience, he waves. He launches right in to his routine, telling a doctor-patient joke, a Swiss army joke, old chestnuts from Fred Allen and Groucho Marx such as the line about why television is called a medium -- it's neither rare nor well done. What's Next: A gal and her robot A girl and her robot Creating space
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