Saving Money vs. Investing Money – Finding the Right Balance Before you begin on your journey to building wealth and finding financial independence, it’s important you understand a few basics. One of the big keys is that saving and investing are two related, but independent, processes that you shouldn’t confuse. A disciplined investor could find himself with dozens of real estate rental properties but unable to pay his bills if he didn’t appreciate the balancing act between the two foundations of success. Perhaps the best place to begin for new investors is to define the difference between saving and investing. Saving is the process of putting cold, hard cash aside and parking it in extremely safe, and liquid (meaning they can be sold or accessed in a very short amount of time, at most a few days) securities or accounts. How Much Should I Save Versus How Much Should I Invest? Saving always comes first. There are two primary types of savings programs you should include in your life. More Information About Saving Money
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