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Chilling Effects Clearinghouse

Chilling Effects Clearinghouse

American Civil Liberties Union Data Mining 101: Finding Subversives with Vast deposits of personal information sit in databases across the internet. Terms used in phone conversations have become the grounds for federal investigation. Reputable organizations like the Catholic Worker, Greenpeace, and the Vegan Community Project, have come under scrutiny by FBI "counterterrorism" agents. "Data mining" of all that information and communication is at the heart of the furor over the recent disclosure of government snooping. "Some officials described the program as a large data mining operation, the Times said, and described it as much larger than the White House has acknowledged." Combining a data mining operation with the Patriot Act's power to access information makes it all too easy for the federal government to violate the Constitution's prohibition against unreasonable search. It used to be you had to get a warrant to monitor a person or a group of people. Amazon wishlists lets anyone bookmark books for later purchase. field-name=edgar page=1 Keywords #! You.

How to Search for Assests - Part One There are clearly situations of a business or personal nature in which it is essential to check for the possibility of hidden assets. Knowledge of such assets can make a big difference in the establishment of grounds for particular types of interpersonal actions or the furthering of certain business relationships. And of course the law enforcement community needs to monitor underworld activities, a part of which is watching for laundered or hidden assets, especially those that might end up being removed to offshore accounts. Thus, an asset search is vital to full disclosure of resources in a variety of matters both civil and criminal. The primary reasons for an asset search in the private or family sector are evaluated below: If one is considering investing in a new business, bringing a new investor into an existing company or contemplating a merger between companies, it is essential to conduct a thorough background check on the individual or corporation. Collecting on a Judgment Boats

Traffic – Google Transparency Report People have been unable to access certain Google products and services at some point in more than 30 countries. Causes for these disruptions vary, and include network outages and government-mandated blocks. Review current disruptions below or browse all documented disruptions. This list is not comprehensive. YouTube June 13, 2014–Present Duration: 90 days Google Sites inaccessible. YouTube March 23, 2009–Present Duration: 1998 days Google Sites partially accessible YouTube June 13, 2009–Present Duration: 1916 days YouTube September 17, 2012–Present Duration: 724 days ACCESS to the Website named be BANNED pursuant to Article 8 of the Law no 5651 Electronic Privacy Information Center Friends of Liberty - Were All Prisoners, N / Dec. 23, 2013 09:45 KST The North Korean regime continues to purge associates of former eminence grise Jang Song-taek, who was executed in early December, but now they are being purged quietly in the provinces while Pyongyang puts on a show of solemn unity marking two years since former leader Kim Jong-il's death. The celebrations got underway in mid-December, and since then the propaganda tone has shifted from hysterical denunciations of Jang and his clique to trumpeting current leader Kim Jong-un's purported achievements. ◆ Quiet Execution "Kim Jong-un is quietly sending Jang's cronies to the provinces and executing them there," claimed Ahn Chan-il of the World Institute for North Korea Studies. Ahn said the regime is evidently going about the purge more clandestinely after Jang's trial by kangaroo court and brutal execution drew condemnation worldwide and created a climate of fear and uncertainty at home. ◆ Sole Leadership

Government Requests – Google Transparency Report Like other technology and communications companies, Google regularly receives requests from government agencies and courts around the world to remove content from our services or to review such content to determine if it should be removed for inconsistency with a product's community policies. In this report, we disclose the number of requests we receive from each government in six-month periods with certain limitations. Governments ask companies to remove or review content for many different reasons. For example, some content removals are requested due to allegations of defamation, while others are due to allegations that the content violates local laws prohibiting hate speech or adult content. By Reporting Period All Requests Court Orders Executive, Police, etc. By Reason (since July 2010) We received a phone call to remove a Google Autocomplete entry linking a politician's name with an illicit drug.

Net Neutrality Posted by Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO of Google, and Lowell McAdam, President and CEO of Verizon Wireless (Cross-posted on the Verizon PolicyBlog.) Verizon and Google might seem unlikely bedfellows in the current debate around network neutrality, or an open Internet. There are two key factors driving innovation on the web today. Second, private investment is dramatically increasing broadband capacity and the intelligence of networks, creating the infrastructure to support ever more sophisticated applications. As a result, however or wherever you access the Internet the people you want to connect with can receive your message. Transformative is an over-used word, especially in the tech sector. This kind of "innovation without permission" has changed the way we do business forever, fueling unprecedented collaboration, creativity and opportunity. Second, advanced and open networks are essential to the future development of the Web. Finally, transparency is a must.

U.S. Seeks Silence on CIA Prisons - washin The Bush administration has told a federal judge that terrorism suspects held in secret CIA prisons should not be allowed to reveal details of the "alternative interrogation methods" that their captors used to get them to talk. The government says in new court filings that those interrogation methods are now among the nation's most sensitive national security secrets and that their release -- even to the detainees' own attorneys -- "could reasonably be expected to cause extremely grave damage." Terrorists could use the information to train in counter-interrogation techniques and foil government efforts to elicit information about their methods and plots, according to government documents submitted to U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton on Oct. 26. The government, in trying to block lawyers' access to the 14 detainees, effectively asserts that the detainees' experiences are a secret that should never be shared with the public. The U.S.

FAQ – Google Transparency Report Was ist ein Ersuchen um Löschung von Inhalten? Hoheitliche Stellen reichen Ersuchen ein, um die Löschung von Inhalten aus Google-Diensten wie zum Beispiel Blogposts oder YouTube-Videos zu veranlassen. In den Daten sind auch gerichtliche Verfügungen zu Löschungsersuchen erfasst, die wir erhalten haben, unabhängig davon, ob diese Verfügungen an Google selbst gerichtet sind. Sind diese Daten umfassend? Die Aussagekraft dieser Daten ist beschränkt. Decken die Statistiken alle Kategorien von Löschungen von Inhalten ab? Nein. Wie viele dieser Ersuchen führten zur Löschung von Inhalten? Die Zahlen zu "Ersuchen um Löschung" geben an, wie viele Ersuchen wir pro Land erhalten haben, wie vielen dieser Ersuche wir vollständig oder teilweise nachgekommen sind und wie viele einzelne Inhalte es gab, um deren Löschung ersucht worden war. Wie unterscheidet sich die Löschung von Inhalten von der Blockierung von Diensten? Ja. Warum wurde nicht allen Ersuchen um Löschung nachgekommen?
